Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 309 Successful Launch

Ding Zhaotong's speed in doing things is obvious to all, especially for major matters related to the life and death of human civilization, so naturally he does not dare to delay at all.

All members of the Human Security Alliance are also fully cooperating in this regard.

After discussing the specific weather satellite transportation time with Niu Geng, the higher authorities directly transferred many large transport aircraft to park at Jingzhou International Airport.

Then, special heavy-duty vehicles will be sent to Longfor Park to load and transport these meteorological satellites to the airport.

These transport aircraft will then fly to other capable overseas launch sites.

Ensure that all meteorological satellites can be launched at the same time to form a complete meteorological system network.

Although Niu Geng has stated that the quality of the weather satellite is sufficient to cope with minor collisions, it will not affect its own effect.

However, for safety reasons, Ding Zhaotong still formulated a detailed transportation plan.

Just for the road from Longfor Park to the airport, special personnel were dispatched to block the entire route.

Just to avoid any surprises.

The main thing is that they don't have the opportunity to try and make mistakes this time. If anything goes wrong, it will lead to the extinction of human civilization, so they must be foolproof, otherwise they will be irresponsible to the global human race.

However, due to caution, this transportation operation was still reported.

And in a very short period of time, it has occupied the popularity list of major online platforms at home and abroad. Everyone is paying attention to this action, and it can be said that their hearts are hanging in their throats.

I'm afraid there might be any mistakes in the process.

Mainly, they all know that this matter is related to everyone's life safety. Whether they can live happily with their families as they do now depends on this transportation and subsequent launch missions.

But since they were unable to make their own contribution in this matter and cheer for the execution team of the entire plan, they could only express their wishes online.

"Xingyuan Technology really did not disappoint us."

"Although the surface temperature of the Earth's planet will soon reach the limit where humans cannot survive normally, fortunately, Xingyuan Technology has completed the manufacturing of special weather satellites in time."

"I believe that we humans will be able to survive this disaster unscathed."

"Don't worry, everyone. Now that the weather satellite has been manufactured, it will be officially launched. At that time, it will give us at least two years, enough time to build an underground safety base."

"I hope everything goes smoothly. Human civilization really can't stand the trouble."

"In the final analysis, it is still to blame for the overseas forces' rash use of meteorological weapons on a large scale. Otherwise, three years would have been enough for us to reach the underground safety base."

"Speaking of it, I haven't used my virtual helmet for a long time since I joined the construction of the underground security base. I guess the surface is covered with dust."

"Don't worry, when humans officially move into the underground safe base, they will only be able to rely on virtual games to meet the needs of the spiritual world."

"Yes, there are many domestic companies now focusing on the virtual game industry."

"That is to say, Mr. Niu made the virtual gaming helmet into a virtual platform. Otherwise, where would other companies come from with this technology?"

It turns out.

Ding Zhaotong's arrangements were indeed very thoughtful. Just when everyone on the Internet was praying and worrying about this, relying on the speed of the transport plane, they quickly landed smoothly at major launch sites.

Safely deliver the special weather satellite manufactured by Xingyuan Technology.

In fact, under normal circumstances, aircraft are not allowed to land at the launch site.

However, in order to minimize the transportation distance, through coordination in all aspects, such a special precedent was finally achieved.

In addition, colleague Ding Zhao first assigned outstanding personnel from NASA to all overseas launch sites, allowing them to assist in the launch of special weather satellites and subsequent activation and establishment work.

If it were in the past, the launch of satellites and rockets would definitely require suitable weather.

In particular, this launch mission requires several launch sites to be carried out at the same time, which imposes stricter requirements on early weather conditions.

However, the overall environment of the Earth and the planet is now in a cold state, and it is almost difficult to see the hot sun. Therefore, in this case, all satellites must be launched under severe weather conditions.

Although this has high requirements on the rocket and the satellite itself, there is currently no solution.

No one can guarantee whether the weather will be slightly better in the future.

Under normal circumstances, it would be perfectly fine to postpone it for a month or two in order to wait for the weather, but now humans only have four months left in total, and there is no room for a day's delay.

Therefore, after detailed research and judgment, it was finally decided to launch the weather satellite on September 1.

To implement the second plan proposed by Xingyuan Technology.

However, in order to ensure the success rate of the mission, Xingling was invited to participate in the real-time monitoring of the rocket and satellite status.

This will facilitate timely adjustments when problems are discovered.

Both Ding Zhaotong and the space agency naturally welcomed this warmly.

I even wish Xing Ling could join in.

Mainly, they all know very well what this mission represents. If it fails in their hands, no matter what changes occur, it will be a shame and crime that is difficult to wash away.

Therefore, as long as the success rate of this task can be improved, let alone adding an advanced artificial intelligence, even if Niu Geng personally goes into battle, there will be no problem.

Also worth mentioning.

After a unanimous vote at the Human Security Alliance virtual meeting, the final decision was made to broadcast the launch mission globally.

Everyone will be able to watch online via the platform’s network terminal.

The reason why we chose to do this is actually very easy to understand, because everyone understands what this launch mission represents.

If everything goes well, everyone is happy.

Buying enough time for mankind.

But if something unexpected happens along the way, we will have to face the extreme weather that will come in four months.

A global live broadcast can give everyone a sense of being fighting against fate. In this way, even if they fail in the end, at least they won't be too unwilling.

The most terrifying thing is the kind of unknown death.

So after the news of a global live broadcast was announced. There was also an instant huge response online, with most people expressing support and promising to watch this unprecedented launch mission on time.

After all, from a certain perspective, this launch mission can be regarded as a great operation to save human civilization.

Wednesday, September 1st.

It's about ten o'clock in the morning.

All major launch sites carrying special meteorological mission satellite launches are ready.

The majestic rocket is erected on the launch pad and will escort these special weather satellites into space at any time.

They are directly connected in series with each other on the predetermined orbit to form a real meteorological system network.

In addition, because the launch site is really limited, all launches this time adopt the method of multiple satellites with one rocket, which means that one rocket needs to carry multiple weather satellites.

and transport them to designated tracks.

The complexity and difficulty are definitely much higher than that of a single satellite.

But in order to implement this plan as soon as possible, even if there are certain risks, we must fight boldly.

Otherwise, you can only wait for death.

at the same time.

Netizens from all over the world in the global live broadcast room were also quickly posting comments to express their support for this mission.

"Must succeed."

"The launch must be successful."

"It can be said that the weather has been getting colder and colder recently. If the weather network system proposed by Xingyuan Technology cannot be successfully established, I am afraid that the number of humans who can survive will definitely be a very small number."

"At this moment, personal power can no longer change anything. The only thing everyone can do now is to believe in Xingyuan Technology. Anyway, I support Mr. Niu unconditionally."

"No matter what, Xingyuan Technology has created miracles so many times, and I believe it will be the same this time."

"Who is not praying for the successful completion of the launch mission at this time, otherwise mankind will really be doomed."

"Yes, the security bases in major cities are still in the semi-finished state at the moment, and there is no way to meet people's normal lives. If this solution from Xingyuan Technology cannot buy us one or two years, I'm afraid the situation will get worse. It gets worse."

At the same time, Niu Geng in Jingzhou City was also watching the launch mission in Longhu Park.

Logically speaking, as the designer and manufacturer of this kind of weather satellite, Niu Geng should stand at the scene and watch. However, since there are really many launch sites this time, he didn’t know which one to go to, so Niu Geng simply passed through Watch online.

Anyway, this is not worth mentioning to Xing Ling, and it will not affect her monitoring of the real-time status of rocket satellites.

It can be said to be extremely powerful.

But for some reason, as the launch time was getting closer and closer, Niu Geng couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Although it is true that the meteorological satellite is a technology that he created using optimization points, there is no way to determine in advance whether it can be formed into a complete system network and exert its due strength.

After arriving in space, problems may occur at any time, so Niu Geng is also worried.

At this time, Xing Ling next to him also obviously noticed that Niu Geng's state was not quite right, so he quickly asked: "Master, are you too nervous?"

Niu Geng was not surprised at all that Xing Ling knew what he was thinking.

After all, Xing Ling's body is equipped with too many technological products, even reaching the highest limit that humans can achieve. Naturally, he can capture his current mental state with the help of human's subtle expressions and emotional changes.

It was precisely because of this that Xing Ling took the initiative to talk about this to Niu Geng.

So Niu Geng had nothing to hide, so he answered directly: "You are right, I am indeed a little nervous now, knowing whether this collective satellite launch will be completed smoothly."

"You have to know that this is related to the safety of the entire human civilization. If something happens, I really can't bear the responsibility."

Niu Geng's words can be said to be very reasonable, and he did not hide his emotions at all.

Xing Ling explained this slightly softly:

"Don't worry, Master."

"I have conducted detailed calculations before the launch. According to the data model, this occurrence should be a complete success."

"And all meteorological satellites can be connected in series with each other to form a real meteorological network system, which will then be able to change the earth's climate temperature and bring it up to a stable range."

After listening to Xing Ling's words, Niu Geng was naturally overjoyed, and most of his melancholy mood disappeared instantly.

Although he had not asked Xingling to calculate the success rate of this launch mission before, since Xingling dared to say so, it proved that there was indeed a certain truth.

No matter whether Xing Ling calculated the success rate of this launch mission or not, at least what she said made Niu Geng relax, which was the most worthwhile thing.

Just after Niu Geng figured out the key issues, the scene in the live broadcast room suddenly changed.

It was transformed from a launch pad outside the venue to a control center inside the venue.

Seeing this, Niu Geng immediately understood that the rocket was about to enter the launch countdown.

But what many people don't know is that at this time, the astronauts in the Yuegong space station who were far away in space were also tensed up.

Because the space station also needs to perform a very important task during this launch, which is to connect all these special weather satellites to activate the system network.

If this step is not completed, even if the weather satellite is transported to the predetermined orbit, it will eventually become an ordinary weather satellite.

There is no way to form a system network.

It can be said that the Tiangong has been hailed as the safest existence in the world.

Although this is indeed the case, the astronauts on the Tiangong are worried about the safety of their hometowns and relatives, and they certainly dare not slack off in the slightest.

Just like this, along with the ten countdown numbers in the live broadcast room screen, a huge roar of wind was heard, and the rockets were successfully ignited and launched from various launch sites at home and abroad.

Like sharp swords piercing the sky.

What makes Niu Geng even more delighted is that this launch mission was a complete success, thanks to the efforts of all parties. All rocket forces reached the predetermined orbit with special weather satellites and completed their missions.

When everyone was united and waiting for the final activation result to appear, they even subconsciously held their breath in that atmosphere.

Afraid of missing the most critical and important picture.

At this time, the role of Xing Ling was also reflected.

If other scientific research experts within the space agency were to perform the final connection activation work, a large number of adjustments might be made, which would be a waste of time.

But if it is handed over to Xing Ling immediately, it can be connected directly.

In just a few minutes, multiple special weather satellites all over the world are connected.

This also means that during transportation. Didn't suffer the slightest damage.

So in the end, under the expectation of everyone in the live broadcast room, Xingling officially issued the activation order.

If all goes well, these special weather satellites will automatically activate and enter working status.

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