Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 860: Old monk, 6 ring Buddha

Liu Fan is not allowed to think carefully, and there is a terrible attack.

Looking across the chaos, there are stalwart and terrifying figures everywhere, with various scales on his body shining with metallic light, and his bright and sharp eyes are full of fighting spirit and madness.

All staring at Liu Fan, one after another launched fierce attacks.

They are the heavenly powerhouses who have fallen countless years ago. Their flesh and blood and souls have nourished an eternally unique ten-color divine fruit.

Now, the ten-color divine fruit has been swallowed by Liu Fan's Heavenly Gate, they are awakened by the Heavenly Gate power, and their imprints are reappeared.

All of them were covered with scales, all of them were super masters of scales all over, not partial scales.

Some of them are bronze heavenly gates, some are silver heavenly gates, some are platinum heavenly gates, and even diamond heavenly gates and Xingyao heavenly gates.

In theory, the higher the level of the Tianmen, the stronger the strength of the Tianmen and the more terrifying the strength.


A master of the golden heavenly gate, however, used the power of the diamond-level heavenly gate, causing Liu Fan to shake his whole body, trampled on him, and turned into a stone sculpture and stood behind.

A master of the silver rank heavenly gate, forcibly fought a terrifying star-level power, causing Liu Fan to stumble and kill him with all his strength, turning it into a stone sculpture.

There are so many incredible existences.

The height of Tianmen seems to be completely subverted in front of these ancient powerhouses.

"Why is this?!"

"The low-level heavenly gate, why can the high-level heavenly gate emit the powerful force?"

Liu Fan thought, while fighting these ancient gods and demons.

He didn't dare to be careless, his eyes were vigilant, and he shot with all his strength, for fear of capsize in the gutter.


At this moment, a blue light fist struck over, and the entire chaos exploded with one punch, penetrating the chaos boundary wall.

Liu Fan screamed and flew out.

This chaotic space is the inside of his physical body, and the chaotic boundary is his flesh.

At this moment, the chaotic boundary was broken, that is, his physical body was broken.

From the outside, a terrifying fist came out from Liu Fan's stomach, like an open stomach, with gleaming blue scales, fierce and terrifying.

In the physical body, in the chaotic space, Liu Fan got up and stared at it vigilantly.

"Bronze Grade Tianmen?!"

On the opposite side, an old monk from the Bronze-level Tianmen, covered in bronze scales, filled with the power of the Bronze-level Tianmen, stared at Liu Fan with deep and fierce eyes.

However, his vitality was exceptionally majestic, shaking the chaotic space, and the terrifying aura seeped from the gaps in the scales, which was countless times more terrifying than the Starlight Grade Heaven Gate.

"This is really a bronze Tianmen?! How do you feel like a king!?"

Liu Fan was surprised.


The old monk of the bronze Tianmen moved, but he saw an explosion that hit his body with a "boom" in the void, and the chaos was torn apart. Liu Fan raised his fist to fight back, but the hit bone broke and flew out.

"Really a king!!"

"I thought it was bronze, but I didn't expect to reach the power of the king-level heavenly gate!"

Liu Fan was shocked, and before he could adjust his breath, a fierce foot fell off his head.

He dodges in a hurry, and the ground is suddenly slammed by the soles of his feet, and the chaotic earth cracks and sinks into a great abyss.

Liu Fan's expression changed.

He really felt that the strength of this old monk was stronger than him.

His strength at the moment, with the opening of the heavenly gate, can already suppress the masters of the star-level heavenly gate, but he is even worse than the masters of the king-level heavenly gate.

But this old monk is stronger than him, not what a king is.

The old monk of the bronze-level Tianmen continued to attack, fierce moves, terrifying attacks, and powerful physical bodies drove terrible forces, setting off an entire chaotic explosion.

Liu Fan roared and fought fiercely with him.

He used all the magical powers and secrets he had learned throughout his life, but he was still crushed and beaten.

The old monk's eyes were like a Buddha lamp, and he was covered with bronze scales, but from the gaps in the scales, a golden light was gradually emitted, like an invincible King Kong resurrected.

This is a weird scene.

However, he blasted everything, crushed everything, attacked Liu Fan frantically, and his strength soared.


Liu Fan screamed, and for the first time half of his body was blown up.

To tell the truth, it feels good to blow up the enemy, but it can be blown by the enemy, and the sourness is really uncomfortable.

It was unimaginable that Liu Fan was blown up for the first time.

The old monk with bronze scales, a bronze, abruptly blasted out the terrifying power of the king class and crushed Liu Fan.

Liu Fan was seriously injured.

"The word secret!"

Liu Fan roared, his injuries healed instantly.

This is the secret of the word "zhe" on the monument of longevity, the healing sacred skill, can instantly restore blood, it is the supreme magic method of battle life.

"Cracking supernatural powers!"

"Snap your fingers!"

"Da Ri Shen Fist!"

"Prime God Demon Skin!"

Liu Fan yelled, and in the end he even used the Heavenly Gate's magical powers. He was surrounded by countless phantoms of ancient gods and demons, and his defensive power was greatly increased.

Then, his eyes were like a magic lamp, staring at the body of the old monk, looking for and exploring why he could use a bronze-level heavenly gate to beat the power of the king?

What's the secret? !

Why is he so strong?

I have to figure it out!

Liu Fan was crazy, his eyeballs shot out from his eye sockets, and he looked around the old monk’s body. As a result, one eyeball was blown out by the old monk’s palm, and the other eyeball fell into the old monk’s crotch after seeing a bad situation. ...

As long as the old monk's secret can be found out, Liu Fan doesn't care about his face.

Anyway, the children and grandchildren are not here, it doesn't matter if you don't lose it!

No one knew that my ancestor would be so wretched...

But at this moment, the old monk rushed over again.

His moves are sharp and simple, but they are all primitive killing and cutting techniques, without the slightest waste of moves, all of them fell on Liu Fan's chest.

Liu Fan retreated wildly, his body flew upside down in the void, hissing loudly: "Bulldozer Secret Art——!"

The voice fell, and his figure suddenly rose up and became billions of feet. Like the ancient gods in the Primordial Period, the blood, strength, and physical strength soared in an all-round way, and the combat power increased greatly.

Opposite, the old monk stopped, his eyes brightened.

A majestic and majestic voice came from the old monk's mouth...

"Buddha Sovereign!"

"Dawei Tianlong!"

"Mummy, mummy boom boom!"

This was the first time he spoke.

Liu Fan was taken aback, thinking that the old monk had been resurrected, but realizing that he was indeed soulless and lifeless, he was relieved, and sighed in his heart that the king was a cow and he could still speak.

As soon as the old monk's words fell, a vajra palm print came out.


It was a "swastika" symbol, golden, with mighty Buddha power, rapidly magnifying in the void, covering the sky, and suppressing the huge figure of Liu Fan.

The old monk is too strong. The physical power, the power of the Buddha, the power of the heavens, can be changed at will, blessed, and it is extremely terrifying.

Liu Fan raised his hand, and the palm print of the same "swastika" character was bombarded.

With this blow, the two of them retreated three thousand miles each.

Liu Fan was very excited.

Fighting around, my own bulldozer secret technique is strong!

"I am the ancestor of the bulldozer!"

With a long scream, he took the initiative and rushed forward, fighting fiercely with the old monk.


The heavenly gate in the depths of his body was constantly opening, and it had already opened 80%. The surging mysterious energy nourished the body, and Liu Fan became stronger and stronger.

Finally, he finally suppressed the monk, imprisoned him, detained him, and studied it from the inside out...

"Why does bronze have the power of a king?!"

"Where is your secret?"

Liu Fan's eyes turned into a scanner, shooting out two rays, studying every part of the old monk's body inch by inch.


Liu Fan didn't notice anything.

This old monk is just a bronze!

"How can bronze have the strength of a king?!"

"Could it be that he opened the trumpet?!"

Liu Fan was an agitated spirit, thinking of some shameless players on Earth, who were obviously ancient king-level players, but pretended to be a bronze rookie.

"This old monk, wouldn't it be the same?!"

Liu Fan's eyes flickered, and he found a way to deduce the old monk's past.

The long river of time and space appeared in Liu Fan's eyes, rising and falling, and the light of the years passed through his pupils.

But time is too long, it is a very old past.

Liu Fan deduced, gradually shaking his body, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, but still did not see the old monk in the time and space.

He gritted his teeth, did not give up, and continued to deduce, going back to the source of time and space.


Suddenly, he vomited a mouthful of blood and suffered a strong backlash.

But at this moment, Liu Fan saw it.

In that vast land, countless temples are as big as stars, standing in the void, incense flourishing, and Buddhism flourishing.

The old monk is covered with bronze scales, sitting alone on the top of nine days, reciting ancient scriptures, countless monks and nuns and disciples are listening in front of the seat, looking at them.

One can imagine how prosperous Buddhism was at that time!

"Go ahead~"

The long river of time and space continues to flow upstream.

Liu Fan vomited another blood.

The eternal life is not easy to deduct, let alone the old monk, but Liu Fan's strength has soared, and the old monk has already fallen for countless years, Liu Fan can deduct it.

Rao was so, Liu Fan also vomited blood again and again.

As the years went on, Liu Fan really saw the figure of this old monk again, but at that time, he was a Taoist priest covered in scales.

Liu Fan's heart moved, and he continued to deduct, and the years advanced, this old monk was a scaly swordsman.

"It seems that this old monk really has lived for several lifetimes!"

"Speaking of which, he was indeed the king once, and the king is practicing bronze!"

Liu Fan sighed and solved the doubts in his heart.

"However, since this old monk is so powerful, is it really completely wiped out?! There is no back-up?"

Liu Fan smacked his eyes, his eyes filled with light.

"Follow the long river of time and space, go back to the source!"

Liu Fan allocated the long river of time and space to use the mark of this old monk as an introduction to deduced where he went.

However, there was nothing in sight.

"Absolutely ghost!"

Liu Fan smiled when he saw this.

Because he himself is the escaped One, and just in case, he also erased all his past and future imprints. If he is deduced by the enemy, even if the escaped One is broken, the deduction will turn out to be a dead person.

Liu Fan licked his lips, mobilized his whole body, and fully deduced.

"Puff puff"

There was a backlash that was as strong as a lightning strike, and he was shaking all over, vomiting three mouthfuls of blood.

At this time, he finally saw a picture.

But this picture made Liu Fan stunned for a while.

In the picture, it is the Tiandi City impressively, and the specific place is to welcome guests to the restaurant.

There, in a corner, sits a lonely young monk. Looks like that, isn't it just the monk of the six precepts back then, the Buddha of the Nine Heavens Universe Buddha!

"This son is actually the reincarnation of that old monk?!"

Liu Fan was dumbfounded.

Immediately, he cut off the picture, and wanted to get Liu Erhai to have a beating.

"Such a baby bump, I didn't even get in the door backwards, what Erhai always does this month, I should slap my ass!"

Liu Fan gritted his teeth and gave Liu Erhai a note.

Yue Lao Temple.

Liu Erhai was talking to his son-in-law Liu, and suddenly he sneezed "Aqi". He couldn't help but wonder: "Weird, weird, this is which turtle grandson is saying bad things about this elder..."

"Huh! Wait for this elder to deduct it, and when you find you, you must beat your ass!..."

ps: The plot needs to be sent together, please ask for tickets, ask for support, the monthly pass is shameful, ask for votes, big guys


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