Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 862: Power of Meteorite

Children and grandchildren are very respectful,

The ancestors are too difficult!

"No matter, it's the old way. Let's make a divination and see which descendant is most destined for this inheritance."

Liu Fan immediately decided, grabbed a handful of Chaos Soil, "hei~tui" spit, and formed nine clay figures, each looking like nine descendants.

As for the other descendants, Liu Fan didn't consider it for the time being, and even Liu Xiangtian, the descendant, ignored him.

Because Liu Dahai waited for these nine descendants, it was Liu Fan who watched as he grew up and grew old, struck by lightning all the way.

They have a solid foundation in martial arts. He sees their mind and temperament. He feels most at ease, and they have contributed greatly to the family. It is good for the ancestors to miss them and think of other people?

Nine clay figurines represent nine descendants. The clay figurines danced in the void, driving the mysterious laws of order, and finally collided and exploded one after another. Only one clay figurine remained.

"Go! It's you!"

Liu Fan waved his hand, and the only remaining clay figure fell into his hands.

Looking at the clay figure, it was Liu Tao!

"Liu Tao?!...Um! Then let him!"

Liu Fan made a decision immediately, and later he will give Liu Tao a dream to his descendants and tell him this ancient **** inheritance.

And this time.

The vibrating roar of Liu Fan's physical body Tianmen became less violent than before, and the speed of opening began to decrease, and there were no longer any ancient powerhouses coming out of the Tianmen.

"It looks like the power of the Ten Colored Fruit is almost exhausted!"

"And the Tianmen, opened 90%...No, it's 80%!"

It was a pity that Liu Fan came to a precise conclusion.

But he also understands that the opening of the heavenly gate will become more difficult in the later stage.

Liu Fan returned to his normal figure, sat cross-legged facing Tianmen, closed his eyes and practiced, feeling what he had gained.

The Tianmen continued to open, but the speed was very, very slow. In the Tianmen, mysterious and mysterious energy rushed out, continuing to temper his body and strengthen his bones.

This situation is like boiled medicine and stewed pork ribs.

First, the fire is simmered violently, and after it boils, it is slowly simmered on a low fire to achieve perfection.

At this moment, Liu Fan started a long practice of "simmering slowly".

There was a strange energy circulating in his body, glowing with strange red glow.

This energy was the kind of weird energy that made the flesh and blood unable to regenerate, and it was also something Liu Fan dreamed of.

It comes from that ten-color divine fruit.

Liu Fan is like twisting beads and rubbing fine sand, carefully analyzing it, decomposing it, analyzing it and studying it.

In the end, it was discovered that this energy was the accumulation of chaotic energies, such as the grievances, beliefs, fighting will, evil intentions, and death will of countless ancient powerful men who fell in the battle countless years ago, using the ten-color divine fruit as the medium. , Evolved.

Those ancient powerhouses were the strongest people who opened the heavenly gates, and even the king-level heavenly gate masters were not in the minority, and there were even more people who lived like old monks for a few lives.

Such a group of existences, their chaos, resentment, belief, and war intent are gathered together, how terrifying it is unimaginable.

Not to mention that the spirit fruit of heaven and earth like the ten-color **** fruit is used as a medium to evolve and become an unprecedented mysterious energy.

This kind of energy is attached to the ten-color divine fruit. The ancestor of the mutant monster swallowed the ten-color divine fruit. Because of the slight breath of this energy, it killed the longevity monsters in the great wilderness and fell. Countless disabled people.


Liu Fan swallowed and digested this ten-color divine fruit, completely obtaining this mysterious energy, which is fundamentally different from the ancestor contamination of the mutant monster.

This kind of energy, in Liu Fan's hands, really bloomed its terrifying appearance.

The original face!


Liu Fan stretched out his hand, and there was a strange red light flashing in his palm, without any divine power fluctuation, but it made him feel palpitation.

"This kind of energy... name it Meteor Power!"

Liu Fan squinted, and there was a light flashing between his eyes.

The power of Meteorite has greatly increased the lethality of his every move, and the enemy he will confront in the future will be either dead or maimed, and will never allow the opponent to rebirth.

The power of the Meteorite uses Liu Fan's body meridians as channels, and flesh and blood as the foundation, circulating endlessly, and every inch of his flesh and blood has this energy substance.

At this moment, if someone eats Liu Fan's flesh and blood, they will control this power for a short time.

Of course, the premise is that Liu Fan is willing.

The blood and feces of the ancestor of the mutant monster contained the power of the Meteorite, but it was involuntarily possessed, and very thin, just contaminated power.

After the Qinglin monster stole food, he mastered the power of this meteorite.

But Liu Fan later discovered that the power of the Blue Lin monster's meteorite was gradually declining and would eventually disappear completely.

In other words, after eating the flesh and blood of the mutant monster, you can grasp the meagre power of the Meteorite for a short time instead of holding it permanently.

"Under the whole world, I alone control the power of the Meteorite God, it is so wonderful!"

Liu Fan smiled.

If you have me or he has it, that's normal.

Nobody, only I have it, that would be great!

"System, can you deduce the power of Meteorite?" Liu Fan suddenly asked.

The panel of the ancestor system flickered and said, "I thought the host had forgotten me!"

What a bitter words!

Then he went back to: "The power of Meteorite, that is a unique power that cannot be deduced!"

Liu Fan was very satisfied after hearing this.

What he wants is this result.

The old ancestor system can't be deduced, it is definitely stable.

"By the way, can the "Ancient Cultivator's Magical Skills" that I created be deduced?" Liu Fan asked, "I remember asking you once many years ago, and you said you couldn't deduct it."

The ancestor systematically said: "Now, it can be deduced, but it will take a while."

"How long does it take?" Liu Fan was overjoyed.

The ancient monks practiced the magical skills of the body, and they could definitely open the heavenly gate quickly.

His current Heavenly Gate opened eighty-nine percent, and there was 10% left. He didn't know how to open it. If the system could deduced and complete this exercise, he could definitely open the Tianmen quickly.

The old ancestor system was silent for a moment before whispering: "Probably...maybe...maybe...maybe...I'm afraid at will take...well, it will take 800,000 years..."


Liu Fan spewed out old blood.

"Is I too strong, or you are getting more and more useless!? It takes so long as expected" Liu Fan soul tortured.

The old ancestor system suffocated and said: "Old Tie, these words hurt your heart!"

"If you practice the longevity qi honestly, and then gradually grow scales and open the heavenly gates, this system will definitely take you flying!"

"But, who let you go on the road of ancient cultivators' body refining? Before you reached the eternal life, you opened the heavenly gate first, and then the perfect sacred body. With so many unexpected changes, isn't it difficult for me?!"

"Look at the ones that open the gate, which one doesn't have scales?! You said, why don't you grow scales!?"


The ancestor's system was hysterical, and he blamed Liu Fan for not growing scales.

The panel current crackled, and there was even a sign of a short circuit.

Liu Fan's heart trembled when he saw it.

"Come on, don't burn it out again!" Liu Fan warmly reminded.

The ancestor system ignored it and continued to make a sound of suffocating fire...

"I think that when this system was resuscitating you back then, it would resuscitate a little finger of your girl today, and a thumb of your girl tomorrow. It took thousands of years to resuscitate your entire physical body, and this system was only tired. Now it hosts you. It’s hard to complain about this system!"

"Look at other systems, sending tasks to the host every day, just like that little Dezi, who makes people chirp three inches short at every turn, but for me, the conscience system, I haven't released a task to you once, it's all up to you. !"

"Today, the host actually dislikes my weak chicken?!"

"In a word, the host's conscience is greatly broken."

"Eat by a dog!"

Liu Fan was dumbfounded.

How much resentment does my ancestor system have towards my host!

Hearing this, I'm almost depressed.

At the same time, Liu Fan also keenly noticed something from its complaint.

That is, this ancestor system is proficient in making people with long scales stronger.

In other words, if it grows scales, it will continue to shine and serve.

As soon as he thought of this, Liu Fan felt thoughtful, with a wise and profound light in his eyes.

"Could it be that this system is also a strong man with scales?!"

"Maybe, it's a king!!"

Today, Liu Fan looks down on the world, and his cultivation is astounding. He is no longer a noob. If he gets a system, he regards the system as "dad".

From his point of view at the moment, the system is probably also an extremely profound cultivation base, and the laws and order have realized the extremely powerful existence.

But now, his own cultivation base has become stronger and stronger, not far from this "system power", perhaps stronger than him, so the system can't deduce his current cultivation technique.

Liu Fan has an intuition that if he derives the system at the expense of his vitality, he will most likely find its heels.

But Liu Fan thought for a long time and gave up this plan to avoid misunderstanding.

But in the cultivation of some key supernatural powers and exercises, Liu Fan has already begun to shield the system, and even his thoughts have already been shielded from the system.

If the system wants to see, it will only see a string of "404".

Liu Fan did not speak any more, patiently waiting for the ancestor system to calm down.

Seeing that its panel current is normal, I smiled and asked: "My good system, my ancestor has something, I want to consult you, can I serve it?"

The old ancestor system seemed to recall the sense of existence and dignity, and made a cold metallic tone: "Tell me, what service is it?"

"Immortal service, this system will not do it."

Liu Fan ignored the "skin" of the system and continued to ask: "I want to consult, how did you make a high-end system like yours?"

"To be honest, my ancestors flew too fast, but my children and grandchildren were too wasteful and dragged me down seriously!"

"So, I want to create a few systems to let my children and grandchildren grow up quickly."

The panel current of the ancestor system flickered.

Obviously, Liu Fan got this "consultation", which made it a little uneasy.

"Why, can't it?" Liu Fan asked, "My strength is not too bad now, right? It should be possible to create a system?!"

The ancestor system was silent for a moment before saying: "Yes, but it needs to be exchanged."

"The method of system production involves the order of the avenue, the law of cause and effect, and the secret method is not spread, and..."

Liu Fan interrupted: "Speaking of people!"

The old ancestor systematically said: "Okay, then I have a showdown, I want to host your magical power!"

"What supernatural power makes you greedy?"

"Your Heavenly Gate magical power, five lightning strikes!"

Liu Fan: "..."

ps: There is one more update before 6 pm.

Thanks to the big guys who gave rewards yesterday, thank you all for your care and support, the ancestors bless you.


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