Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 893: Returning to the world of longevity, taking Master Huang to visit our ancestors (...

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"How are you thinking about it, Great Sage, Second Sage, do you want to go with the old man?!" Master Huang turned his head.

The vicissitudes and deep eyes looked at Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai, with a majesty that could not be rebutted and disobedient.

Liu Wuhai shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, but I can't agree with it for the time being."

Liu Liuhai said, "Yes, Goudao is not for us."

Lord Huang's expression suddenly became fierce, and a powerful aura appeared all over his body, and the void that affected the hall was annihilated.

"Shame on your face!" Master Huang shouted sharply.

"Today you are not obediently following the old man, then the old man can only suppress you!"

Talking, waved, the universe moved, the sun and the moon turned upside down.

Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai had been moved into the void outside by him.

And he also appeared in the void instantly, raising his hand to suppress Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai, and the huge palm prints formed the five-finger sacred mountain.

When this palm fell, the void was completely annihilated into a black hole.

In the black hole, only this palm was left, the palm prints with brilliant golden light, and the vision of the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom and countless ancient monks chanting in the palm of the palm appeared.

There is also the surging of the supreme Buddha power, such as golden clouds, making the entire desolate mountain instantly become a Buddhist holy land.

The entrance of the main hall below.

A group of giant kings looked at the empty Lord Huang and his Buddha power, and couldn't help being surprised.

"Master Huang, even practicing Buddhism!!"

"It's not a simple Dharma, there is a method of transcendence, no wonder so many people in Huangshenshan are willing to follow Master Huang to practice Gou Dao, it turns out that he was transcended!"

"It seems that the two great sages and the second sages of the Jinlin tribe are going to be saved, ha ha, I really look forward to them cultivating Goudao together!!!"

"No! Don't underestimate the great sage and the second sage, and don't forget the weird magical powers of the ‘old ancestor’s upper body’..."

After a word, the faces of all the kings and giants changed slightly.

Liu Wuhai used that magical power to sweep the nine great kings that day, and some of them were beaten to dust.

"Don't worry, Lord Huang is the one who has fought against Liu Changsheng, the ancestor of the people. He can definitely suppress the two."

The old silver ghost of the Yinlin tribe smiled confidently.

At this moment.

Lord Huang's golden Buddha palm covered the sky and covered the sun, pressed down, and his five fingers were like a mountain without a Buddhist monastery.

"The old man was reborn as a great Buddha countless years ago, and he cultivated a palm called the five-finger sacred mountain palm, and he suppressed a generation of monster monkeys with this magical power."

"Unfortunately, that demon monkey called himself the Great Sage of Heaven!"

Master Huang looked confident, and his coercive voice stirred in the void, with purple scales glowing all over.

In the void, Liu Wuhai hurriedly spoke to Liu Liuhai, "Liu Hai, how big are you?! Don't tell me that I'm out of blue!"

"Hurry up and summon the upper body of the old ancestor!"

Liu Liuhai yelled: "Is anxious like a law, the old ancestor is alive in the sky, the old ancestor will soon come on me!"

Outside the hall below.

A group of kings shrank in their hearts, their pupils shrank, and secretly said, here it is! This is the magical power!

Someone even shouted to Master Huang in the void: "Master Huang, be careful, this trick is very strange and powerful!"

Lord Huang heard the reminder from the people below, and he was alert.

And at this moment.

Suddenly a strange and terrifying aura appeared on Liu Liuhai in the void.

The moment this breath appeared, it drove a terrifying aura to raging, and strange lightning and thunder light appeared, and Liu Liuhai's eyes suddenly became extremely majestic and sacred, bursting out two pupils.


He soared into the sky, facing the golden palm that was shot down by the void, he shot out with a palm, and at the same time roared: "Ten thousand Buddha palms!"

The voice fell, and an equally golden palm print appeared, which quickly magnified in the void and moved up into the sky.

In this palm print, countless ancient Buddhas were chanting, knocking on the wooden fish, and the void became quiet.

However, the horrible atmosphere of killing is permeating.

In the palm of the palm, the golden light exploded, and countless ancient Buddhas turned into "swastika" symbols, constantly rotating, and endless Buddhist principles are intertwined, and there is a general tendency to block the world as a cage.

Lord Huang saw this palm and the "swastika" symbol, and exclaimed.

"This is the lost palm of the Ten Thousand Buddhas. How can you do this trick?!"

Master Huang was a little surprised, but didn't panic, and urged his palms to continue the bombardment.


There was a big explosion in the void, the power of the Buddha was mighty, and the golden Buddha energy was surging, breaking through the prohibition of the desolate mountain and permeating the endless mountains.

Some fierce animals and animals were submerged by the Buddha's energy, and their fierce eyes instantly became docile. Looking at the direction of the desolate mountain, he roared, then knelt down as a pilgrimage and crawled down.

Obviously, they are all reduced.

And the void above the Wild God Mountain.

Liu Liuhai backed three thousand miles, and Master Huang also backed three thousand miles, the two of them turned out to be half-hearted.

Master Huang was a little surprised.

"The old man thinks that Gou is old enough to be invincible. I didn't expect that he would meet opponents. Is it possible that the old man will go for another era?!"

Liu Liuhai, who was possessed by the ancestor, shot again in an instant, with violent palm prints and supernatural powers one after another.

"Dawei Tianlong, Blessed Earth-Zang, Prajna Buddhas, Mummy Boom!"

"Lightning five whips, one whip, two whips, three or four whips, and then take my fifth whip!"

"Bulldozer Secret Technique, Transformation, Suppression by Da Ri Shenquan!"

At this moment, Liu Liuhai was too violent, a series of big moves, the void above the desolate mountain completely turned into a black hole and returned to the primitive.

And when the bulldozer secretly operated, he transformed into an ancient **** of hundreds of millions of meters, picked up the stars and took the moon, and grabbed the entire sacred mountain as a brick.

On the Wild God Mountain, countless disciples who practiced Goudao were so scared that they yelled, crying and yelling not to googou again.

The kings and giants of the nine tribes, the masters they brought, and the powerhouses of several other big tribes hurriedly escaped from the wild mountain.

However, facing Liu Liuhai, who was possessed by his ancestors, Lord Huang was still undefeated and still fighting.

His moves are very old and powerful.

He is ugly, does not mean he is weak!

Can someone who dared to challenge Liu Changsheng in the Primordial Age be a good crop? !

"Take Gou as the way, draw heaven and earth, kill!"

"Jumping off the cliff to survive the soul shocked, wiped out!"

"God's ring comes to the world, grandfather is in despair!"

Master Huang yelled, and his purple scales burned into a raging purple flame.

And his moves are even more strange and terrifying.

The soul of jumping off the cliff to survive, once the move was performed, Liu Liuhai instantly thought of jumping off the cliff to seek death, and his soul was shaking.

As soon as the great move of the God Ring came to the world, there was an extra ring on Liu Liuhai's finger, and an old and seductive voice came from inside...

"Sao Nian, do you want to become stronger? Do you want to reach the pinnacle of life? Come, enter the ring, and grandpa will take you to pretend than take you to fly..."

Liu Liuhai's soul seemed to be asleep, and he was going into the ring in a daze.

At the critical moment, the ancestor who was leaning over pinched his finger, the ring exploded, and there was a terrifying murderous air rushing out, turning the sky into a black sky.

Liu Liuhai was horrified.

Had it not been for the possession of the ancestor, he would have died early.

In the distance, Liu Wuhai activated the concealment function of the ancestor Shenfa to become a battle robe, hiding in the void.

He looked at Liu Liuhai who was possessed by his ancestors in the distance, and his envious eyes fell to the ground.

He gritted his teeth and swore: "Wow, my intestines are twisted, my eyes are red when I am envious, and my chicken is also purple when I am jealous!"

"When I return to the realm of longevity, I must ask my ancestor to bind me an unlimited amount of ancestor's upper body magical powers! Ah!"


Master Huang began to be more and more frightened, his eyes were deep, with pupils shining out like two infrared rays, staring up and down Liu Liuhai's whole body.

Obviously, this is a powerful pupil technique magical power.

After a while, a startled color flashed in his eyes, and he lost his voice: "It's not the deity fighting, it's the puppet manipulating!"

"Which giant are you? You even possessed and manipulated others to fight the old man!"

In this sentence, it is clear that Liu Liuhai's body has been interfered by outsiders.

From this point, it can be seen that Master Huang's cultivation base and strength far surpass other great masters.

far away.

The nine tribe kings who were watching the battle, as well as other masters, were shocked to hear this sentence.

"What, the second sage of the heavens is not fighting by himself, but someone leaning over to control him?!"

"How is this possible?! Controlling combat operations in the air can even sweep the nine kings!! What kind of cultivation strength does this require?!"

"Could it be that Liu Changsheng returned from rebirth?!"

As soon as this word fell, everyone was horrified.

Because most of them were Liu Changsheng’s veteran soldiers, and they were proficient in collecting corpses because of the battle in the Primordial Age, proving Dao kings.

Everyone's eyes widened, their pupils flickered, and various pupil techniques were used, and some even used secret methods to explore the traces of another person in Liu Liuhai at the expense of essence.

However, they did not find anything. During their investigation, it was indeed Liu Liuhai, the Great Sage Qitian himself, who was fighting.

"Hey! Lord Huang's cultivation base is really too strong. His old man can insight into the secret of this Monkey King, and we can't even detect the clues!"

"Gou Dao, Gou Dao, is Gou Dao really, like Master Huang said, is the real invincible Dao?"

"Stop talking, besides, I have to practice Gou Dao."

Void in the distance.

Master Huang realized that Liu Liuhai was being controlled by a "super giant" to fight, and immediately retreated three thousand miles, stopped the fight, and shouted: "Friends, you go, this kind of battle is meaningless!"

If you win, you will win a puppet, if you lose, it will be even more embarrassing.

Master Huang saw it thoroughly, and at the same time he threw out a storage ring and fell into Liu Liuhai's arms.

As soon as Liu Liuhai felt it, his excited soul shook.

In that ring, the magic medicine of the town clan was piled up like a mountain, more than the magic medicine of the town clan in the Jinlin tribe's treasury.

The ancestor, who was leaned over by Liu Liuhai, seemed to have detected this scene, and immediately laughed, then dissipated.

The desolate mountain, tumbling to the ground, stood on the ground again.

Liu Liuhai and Liu Wuhai flew down from the sky and landed in the hall.

The kings of the nine tribes and other masters frowned. They did not expect that the powerful and majestic Lord Huang would actually compromise and give in.

Everyone walked into the hall one after another.

Lord Huang was already sitting on the top, facing the salute from the crowd, he waved his hand weakly, then glanced at the crowd, sighed: "From today on, the old man is going to retreat! Keep going!"


In the hall, a group of people were surprised and their eyes fell to the ground.

The old silver ghost of the Yinlin tribe bowed and asked, "Excuse me, Lord Huang, it's good, you are not injured, why did you suddenly retreat?!"

"You are invincible in the world, why do you still want to go?!"

Master Huang smiled bitterly, shook his head with a look of loss, and sighed: "The old man practices Gou Dao. Gou Dao's purpose is to not believe in jumping off the cliff to survive, not believing in a Jedi comeback, let alone being Grandpa."

"What Gou Dao believes is that you will be invincible as soon as you leave the customs!"

"In the Primordial Age, the old man and Liu Changsheng fought. It is expected that Liu Changsheng must not live as long as the old man. Sure enough, Liu Changsheng has fallen. The old man thought the world was invincible, so he left the pass!"

"Unexpectedly, today, the old man sensed a terrible master again, the old man is not sure..."

While speaking, he glanced at Liu Liuhai bitterly.

The other kings also watched, and the old silver ghost said loudly: "Tongtian two saints, don't pretend, let's showdown!"

"Who is the person behind you?!"

Liu Liuhai turned his head, glanced at Liu Wuhai, and said with a dull look: "It's Monkey King!"


The old silver ghost lifted the table with anger.

Master Huang waved his hand and said, "It's meaningless to say this."

"The old man has made his mind. Starting today, continue to fight, unless the super giant behind the Second Saint Tongtian dies, the old man will never leave!"

When this word fell, everyone was shocked and hurriedly discouraged.

Finally, the Tong Lao Dao of the Tong Lin tribe rolled his eyes and said, "Master Huang, before you see the mysterious master behind the two sages, you give up. This is a loss of your majesty!"

"There are too many secret methods in this world, maybe the mysterious master behind the two sages of the sky has a mediocre level of cultivation, but just borrowed some weird magical secret method?!"

"So, the younger generation thinks that you should meet the mysterious master behind Tongtian Second Sage in person, train him, and make a decision!"

As soon as the words fell, there was harmony in the hall.

The Lord Huang above the hall was also startled, his eyes glowing with dazzling light, and the corners of his mouth were full of smiles.

Yes, I was too careful.

For many years, Gou has made his Dao Heart become wretched.

This is not okay, you have to see is believable, and only know after personally training.


He turned his head to look at Liu Liuhai, and asked with a smile: "Second Saint, I don't know if I can recommend the old man, the old man wants to personally educate... Oh no, see the expert behind you!"

Liu Liuhai was about to refuse, but Liu Wuhai behind him stabbed him. The rhythm of threefold and two lightness hinted that Liu Liuhai agreed.

Liu Liuhai hesitated.

Master Huang has a strong cultivation base and high combat power. Is it appropriate to take him to meet the ancestors without a word? !

However, behind him, Liu Wuhai continued to stab him with heavier force, suggesting that it was okay, so he should come down quickly.

Liu Liuhai gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I can help you recommend it, but it needs double the magical medicine of the town clan."

He raised the ring that Master Huang sent just now.

The corner of Master Huang's mouth twitched, this is to empty his wild mountain.

But then I thought, if I could suppress the person behind Liu, then, the town clan-level magical medicine sent out, it would be better to ask for it back.

So he readily agreed.

In the hall.

Yin Laogui and other nine kings, as well as a group of masters from other tribes, looked at each other, and then said in unison: "Lord Huang, please allow me to follow along and testify for you!"

Master Huang laughed and said, "You are all of Dahuang's leading giants. You are willing to follow the old man. The old man can't ask for it, but I don't know if it is convenient for the second sage?"

Liu Liuhai smiled and scanned a group of masters in the main hall, and said, "It's nothing inconvenient. Everyone, 1,000 strains of the town's clan-level magical medicine."

"Friends of the King and Daoist, add another crystal of the willow."

When everyone heard the words, they were furious and about to speak, but Liu Liuhai slapped the table and shouted first, "Is the expert behind me that Xiaoyu Xiaoxia can see if he wants to?"

"Don't beep, just give things if you want to go, don't get out!"

Everyone glared, gritted their teeth with hatred.

Master Huang looked at him with a smile, but was quietly transmitting his voice to everyone...

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, give him something first, wait until the place, the old man suppressed the person, and then let him vomit all the things he ate..."

"Senior wise!"

A group of kings and the masters of other big tribes all laughed.

The matter has been set, and everyone will no longer delay. The master of the tribe quickly sent the things Liu Liuhai requested. Liu Liuhai and Liu Wuhai immediately set off after their saliva was clear and correct.

"Open the door of time and space, everyone, follow me!"

Liu Liuhai laughed loudly. With a wave of his hand, a door of time and space opened, and he stepped in.

"I'm so excited, I'm finally going back to see the ancestors."

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