Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 890: Law Shenjing (five thousand five hundred words, two

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"In the dark, in the invisible darkness, I always feel a pair of eyes looking at me!"

The ancestor Liu Fan's tone was quiet, echoing in the hall.

In the main hall, all the kings and the masters of the later stage of the Star Yao-class Tianmen all looked terrified, the tea cups in their hands were unstable, and their eyes could not help but stare into the vast void.

Can't help but they are not afraid.

The existence that can be sensed by this powerful emperor but can't be found makes people feel heart trembling thinking about it.

Such an existence, the lowest level is also the emperor!

"Is this person Liu Changsheng?!" Master Huang asked, breaking the silence in the hall.

Everyone looked at Liu Fan.

Liu Fan pondered slightly: "I can't tell you, maybe it is, maybe it's not."

"Or when I completely open the stone gate and enter the immortal realm behind the stone gate, maybe I can know who is spying on me."

In Liu Fan's eyes, a terrifying spirit burst into the hall.

Lord Huang, Old Silver Ghost, Old Copper Dao and other kingly giants, as well as the masters of the Star Yao class, all moved in their hearts, and their eyes flashed.

The sentence just now revealed the cultivation base information of the emperor in front of him.

That is, he has not completely opened the stone gate!

In other words, he is not yet a great emperor, but can only be regarded as an intermediate emperor.

However, a middle-ranking emperor is so terrible. When he completely opens the stone gate leading to the immortal realm and promotes to the Dacheng emperor, how can he be so invincible and invincible.

Liu Changsheng, the ancestor of that year, was nothing more than that!

Everyone's hearts trembled, looking at Liu Fan's eyes, becoming more in awe, their bodies involuntarily bowed slightly, and their buttocks under the cushion moved forward.

The old silver ghost asked suddenly: "Respected emperor, some time ago, the boundary wall in the depths of the Great Wilderness shook and cracks appeared. Ten colored lights emerged from the cracks. That is..."

Liu Fan was taken aback when he heard it, then he laughed and said, "It's really ashamed to say it!"

"In order to completely open the heavenly gate of my flesh, I bombarded the heavenly gate with my fists. I think that's why!"

Old Silver Ghost was so shocked that his eyes protruded.

Master Huang was drinking tea, almost bit his tongue, admiringly gave his ancestor a thumbs up, and praised: "Friends, you are really a heifer standing upside down, so awesome!"

"Can Tianmen be opened with a fist?! Don't beat yourself up yet!"

Liu Fan smiled slightly and said nothing.

In fact, he bombarded his stone gate with his fist. Although the effect was minimal and difficult, it did make the opening degree of the Tianmen completely 90% from 8.90% before.

The Tianmen opened to 90%, and his strength reached a new level, and a new kind of Tianmen magical power was also added-Yin and Yang transforming Tongtian power.

Liu Fan didn't want to use this magical power, because once he used it, although his combat power soared and he possessed heavenly power, he would instantly become a woman.

Liu Fan's face was kind. Although he was majestic, he didn't have a big air. Everyone chatted with Liu Fan and gradually became less restrained, but there was still awe.

When the atmosphere was getting better, Master Huang asked Liu Fan about the experience of being promoted to the emperor. Liu Fan casually made a point or two. The openings were full of great notes, very obscure and mysterious.

Tao cannot be spread lightly, it all depends on understanding.

Let alone the supreme "Emperor" Tao.

If Master Huang has obtained the most precious treasure, he can only understand a few words, frowning and thinking hard.

The old silver ghost and other giants of kings heard them in a daze, but they also took it seriously in their hearts and saved them for later digestion.

Several big tribes of star-level Tianmen late masters also wanted to write down these Dao notes, but they were helpless to discover that with their cultivation base and strength, they could not memorize these Dao notes at all. Forcing the memory to make their souls suffer.

Liu Fan smiled and said, "Don't force it. If you have a chance in the future, just come and find me to preach."

A group of star-level masters in the late stage of Tianmen, their faces flushed with excitement, got up and bowed to Liu Fan earnestly and respectfully, saying: "The heart and courage of the seniors are admired by the juniors."


Everyone evolved their own magical powers in the hall, and asked Liu Fan for guidance.

This is not their magical power at the bottom of the box, but they are all commonly used tactics.

Even many supernatural powers are well-known tactics of Megatron.

Liu Fan watched their magical powers, while pointing and comprehending, and at the same time allowing the ancestor system to perform deduction and integration. In the end, he deduced several powerful magical powers, which can be regarded as gaining each.

In the hall, there was a beam of joy.

But the outside world was shaking.

Countless creatures in the longevity world, countless great forces, all said that their eyes were cast on the Sanlitun Liu Family, and many spies were acting to find out what happened in the Heavenly Emperor City.

Because in the sky above the Temple of Heaven, a terrifying battle broke out.

Suddenly, without warning.

Moreover, the end of the war is fast, but there is still a horrible aura that permeates the entire Sanlitun, even into the wild outside the border fortress.

Before that.

The terrifying aura was vast, and countless creatures stared in horror, but could not see anything. All they saw was the hazy sky above the Emperor City, and the divine light of law and order continued to explode.

And the cultivation base reached the existence of the longevity realm, and only vaguely saw a few groups of divine light burning, violently colliding, and every time they collided, Tianyu collapsed.

Can't see the figure at all.

They wanted to see more clearly, exhausted their eyesight, but suddenly their eyes burst and blood spattered.

"Don't snoop! Who is sacred?"

"In those groups of divine light, is it that the Emperor Liu Family of Sanlitun is fighting with other creatures again?!"

The longevity days are horrified.

They thought they had reached the top of the gods and could overlook sentient beings, but at this moment, they were all trembling, feeling that there was still great terror in the world.

The battle in the depths of the sky above the Emperor Tiancheng made them look up, and they couldn't look directly at each group of divine light.

They can't understand what kind of existence has such terrible combat power.

Only in the great powers of some ancient families, ancient sects, Great Xia Divine Kingdom, Temples, and Eternal Life Hall with profound background, a few ancient existences that had been sleeping for countless years saw through the clues.

"That is the power of Tianmen, and it's not an ordinary Tianmen!"

"Where did these terrifying masters come from?!"

"Tiandi City, it's not easy. What is the origin of this ancestor of the Liu Family? Could it be the rebirth of an ancient Taoist friend..."

The ancient existences of several major forces muttered to themselves with deep and vicissitudes of life.

When the ancestors used the power of the heavenly gate, the emperor's breath filled, and these people almost jumped out of the ground in shock.

"Check! Go and check! Who is the emperor..."

A team of masters were dispatched to go secretly to the Emperor City to investigate what happened and who was the emperor.

And in the ancient family Liu family.

Liu Changshou and a group of Liu elders stood on the star-gazing pavilion of the Liu family, staring at the divine light vision in the sky above the Heavenly Emperor City, feeling the imperial power of the ancestors, and their hearts trembled.

"The ancestor of the Liuliu in Sanlitun, have you beaten chicken blood?! Since the last retreat, the strength has improved!"

"His cultivation level has improved too quickly. If this continues, unless our ancestor Liu Changsheng returns, even if all the Primordial ancestors in the ancestral land are dug out, he may not be able to suppress him!"

"Liu Changsheng’s ancestor passed down the secret method. Although the ancestors in the ancestral land are all half-step longevity, once they are dug out and awakened, the foundation they have accumulated for countless years will directly allow them to break into the realm of heaven, but it is not a last resort. At that time, these hole cards cannot be used!"

The last sentence was said by Liu Changshou, with a certain worry in his eyes.

It has been a million years, and the ancestor Liu Changsheng has not returned yet. He is worried that something has happened to the ancestor.


According to the information given by Zhan Rukuang, there are humanoid monsters with scales in that monster world, which is very similar to the place where the ancestor Liu Changsheng went.

"Don't worry about the thief willow, and prepare quickly. When the ancestor of Chonglou returns from the Kingdom of Great Xia, we will enter that monster world as soon as possible."

Liu Changshou said, his face serious.

The Chonglou ancestor in his mouth was the Primordial ancestor Liu Chonglou who had been dug out in order to fight the King of the Great Xia Kingdom.

When he was not digging, Liu Zhonglou was half-step longevity, but as soon as he awakened from the digging, the countless years of accumulation he had accumulated using the secret method passed down by Liu Changsheng back then broke out immediately, causing him to metamorphose physically and directly open the physical heaven.

And it is a very advanced star-level heaven gate.

This is one of the greatest secrets of the ancient family Liu family, and it is also one of Liu Changsheng's successors arranged for his descendants.

Everyone seems to be half-step longevity, and they also abide by the rule of one family name and one longevity, but if an enemy comes to the door, it's a different matter.

At this moment, Liu Changshou and a group of Liu elders were standing on the high star picking pavilion, watching the battle in the sky above the Heavenly Emperor Hall, they were all leisurely and fascinated, and worried that the thief willow would come to the door.

"We must find our ancestor Liu Changsheng as soon as possible!" Liu Changshou sighed.

"I suspect that there are traces of ancestor Liu Changsheng in that monster world."

"We only need to find the old ancestors, the Great Xia Kingdom, the Temple, the Hall of Eternal Life, and the thief willow, all must be surrendered!"

A group of elders lifted their spirits upon hearing this.

In the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven.

A few days later.

Master Huang and others said goodbye and warmly invited Liu Fan to visit Dahuang as a guest.

Naturally, Liu Fan wanted to go to Dahuang to take a look. Perhaps he could be sure that Liu Changsheng was the true answer to death or alive, but every time he deduced it, he found it to be a big evil omen.

Liu Fan was very cautious before he fully opened the stone gate and was promoted to Dacheng Emperor.

"Thank you for your kindness, if there is a chance in the future, it will not be too late. There will be some distinguished guests coming to the door in the near future, so I really can't leave!" Liu Fan smiled and declined.

It's a pity that Lord Huang and the others are secretly guessing at the same time that the existence of Lord Huang that can be called "a distinguished guest" is probably not a leisurely generation.

"Well, if the emperor comes to the Great Wilderness, you must come to my Wild God Mountain as a guest, and I will welcome you more than sweeping the couch!" Master Huang clasped his fist.

Yin Laogui and others also hurriedly preserved their promises.

At the same time, goodwill came to Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai, and he smiled and said: "Good luck for the Jinlin tribe, the great sage and the second sage are both seniors, and the future is unlimited. The Jinlin tribe has your sister, so why not Strong, Megatron and Wilderness will happen sooner or later."

Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai were praised in front of their ancestors, and their blushes instantly became extremely proud.

Liu Fan heard what everyone said with a smile, and said with a smile: "The Jinling tribe is just a place where I let these two ineffective offsprings experience. Even if the Jinlin tribe rises, it will not dominate the wilderness."

"Of course, we don't rule out the possibility of unifying the Great Wilderness. After all, we don't fight against the world of the cage, but the enemies outside the cage are not sure! So if there is an abnormality, you have to prepare."

Lord Huang, nine king giants, and a group of masters in the late stage of the star-level Tianmen were all in awe.

Everyone stopped delaying, opened the door of time and space, and left.

In the wild.

In the sky above the Desolate Mountain, a luminous passage broke open, Lord Huang and the crowd returned, but stopped in the void one after another, silent.

Master Huang glanced at the crowd and said, "Just now, the last words of the emperor with a cultivation base to the sky are very meaningful!"

The old silver ghost nodded and said: "Yes, listening to the emperor's overtones, it seems that there will be trouble in the future, and it is about the enemy outside the cage world."

"It's not good. The ancestor Liu Changsheng smashed out of the world of prisons and severely damaged the enemy outside. After so many years of calm, no one can guarantee what the future will be like."

"And once the immortal domain is opened, who knows whether it will attract the attention of enemies outside the cage world."

The topic became serious and heavy.

Old Tong said: "I suggest that we hold an emergency meeting and study everything the emperor said just now!"

"Just like Master Huang said, the cultivation base has reached the emperor's realm, every word, every move, I am afraid it will have a lot of meaning!"

This sentence made a flattery of Lord Huang and compared him with his ancestors.

Sure enough, Master Huang was dark and cool, and gave Tong Lao Dao a look that I looked good to you.

Naturally, the others had no objection, and went to the Wild God Mountain Hall of Lord Huang...

In the longevity world, in the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven.

Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai stayed with their ancestors and reported their experiences during this time.

Liu Fan listened carefully, and when he heard that Yang Shou'an had become a big wild bull monster, and also transformed into a prehistoric bull demon, he was promoted to the platinum level Tianmen, Liu Fan was relieved.

"Yang Shouan, it's a blessing in disguise!" Liu Fan sighed.

Liu Liuhai echoed: "Yes, he is very grateful for the bronze pea magic given by his ancestors, and he has been missing you."

When Liu Fan heard the words, he smiled with satisfaction, and said, "Although Yang Shouan is not a descendant of our Liu family, he has such a loyal and filial heart, it is really rare!"

Liu Wuhai took the opportunity to say: "Old ancestor, Yang Shouan asked me to help him plead for Liu Tao, wanting Liu Tao to reduce his sentence and come to the longevity world sooner."

As soon as the words fell, Liu Liuhai couldn't help but raised his brows and felt uncomfortable.

How could Wuhai mention this topic to the ancestors? !

If Liu Tao returns, will he be a patriarch or an elder, what should he do? !

Liu Fan didn't notice the change in Liu Liuhai's expression. He smiled slightly and said, "Yang Shouan is interested!"

As he spoke, there was a divine light in his eyes, and a moment later he said: "In the family, Liu Tao is indeed needed, but he is currently in retreat and cannot leave."

"However, the decree can be passed down, and after he leaves the customs, he can return to the longevity world."

Liu Wuhai was overjoyed and said, "If Yang Shouan and Dongdong learn about this news, they will definitely be very happy."

Liu Liuhai pursed his lips, did not speak, and did not want to continue discussing this topic.

Worrying about going on, the ancestors will hold him accountable for not recognizing Yang Shouan in the monster world for the first time and almost causing a big mistake.

So, he hurriedly changed the subject and said: "Old ancestors, when the descendants were rescuing Wuhai and them, they found a crystal of the law at the bottom of a cliff, and it was also a crystal of the law of wind."

Liu Fan was pleasantly surprised, and said: "Law God Crystal?! Good baby!"

"If I can get this thing, my ancestors can deduce the mystery of the law crystals, and mass-produce all kinds of law crystals. When that happens, I can greatly increase the cultivation speed of the people."

"At least, the prophetic realm of the four indescribable realms can be quickly developed, and it can also lay a solid foundation for the Taixu realm."

Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai heard the words and said in unison: "Old ancestors, children and grandchildren are willing to go to the monster world to help your old man obtain this crystal of law."

Liu Fan was not in a hurry to assign a task, but instead asked about the location of the law **** crystal and what other formation restrictions were there around.

He is very cautious.

Liu Liuhai recalled, waved his hand in the void, and drew a picture of the cliff...In the depths of the abyss, there was a huge pitch-black altar with a diameter of ten thousand meters, slowly rotating... ..

In the middle of the altar, there is a round table-like protrusion on which is placed a blue and white crystal...

Around the black altar, there are four carved statues of gods, wearing armors, their mighty appearances are lifelike, standing with halberds in their hands.

The moment Liu Fan's pupils shrank when he saw these four statues carved.

"Four masters!"

Liu Wuhai was taken aback when he heard this.

Liu Fan said with a faint gaze: "Yes, once you touch the law **** crystal and the restriction is activated, the four **** statue carvings will be awakened. They must all be masters."

"Think about it, this should be the enemy's method of the cage world."

Liu Liuhai said with lingering fears: "Fortunately, I didn't have the urge to directly move this law crystal, otherwise it would be troublesome."

Even though he had the magic of the upper body of the ancestors, he could not guarantee the safety of Liu Dahai and others, not to mention that once he alarmed the opponent, who knew if the opponent had other powerful methods.

Liu Fan praised: "No matter what, this matter will remember you."

Liu Liuhai was overjoyed and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Liu Wuhai envied and said anxiously: "Old ancestor, please reward me with an unlimited use of the ancestor upper body magic, let me help you get this law crystal!"

"Unlimited use of the upper body magic of the ancestors?!"

Liu Liuhai's eyes widened staring at Liu Wuhai, and shouted: "Wuhai, are you thinking about eating ass?! How dare you make such a request to your ancestors!"

Liu Fan smiled slightly, glanced at Liu Wuhai, and said: "It is impossible to give you the ancestor's upper body magic arts that can be used infinitely, but I can give you three opportunities to experience it first."

Liu Wuhai's eyes lit up, and he glanced at Liu Liuhai triumphantly, saying: You can experience it, ancestors give it to me! ""

Liu Fan smiled and said: "Let’s talk about it first. The four gods who guard the law of the crystal are all great kings, so it is very dangerous for you to go here."

Liu Wuhai grinned and said, "My ancestors loved me and loved me, and the children and grandchildren were doing things for you, and they were also filial piety. No matter how dangerous it is, even if it is risking his life, he will not hesitate!"

Liu Fan shuddered at him and reprimanded: "Live well, you can't die, you are my ancestor's favorite cub!"

Liu Wuhai squinted happily.

Liu Liuhai watched the interaction and affection between the ancestor and Liu Wuhai, his envied eyes were red and the chicken was purple.

At this moment.

Liu Fan looked at Liu Wuhai, stretched out his hand to help him straighten his collar, and said with a long and earnest voice: "This is dangerous, you must take care, safety first!"

"If you can help my ancestor to get this crystal of law, the ancestor will give you unlimited use of the ancestor's upper body technique!"

"If you can't get the Law of God Crystal..."

Liu Fan wanted to say that it’s okay, but before he could speak, Liu Wuhai promised loudly: "The descendants will definitely get the law **** crystal. Three hundred ass!"

The old ancestor stayed, why this descendant was so stubborn!

Liu Liuhai rolled his eyes and hurriedly smiled and said, "Hahaha, I will testify!"

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