Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 929: 108 clones, 108 ancestors

In the hall of the elders.

Liu Xiangtian sent Qian Lixian away, rubbing his eyebrows with a headache and was exhausted.

It was not that he deliberately deducted the monthly salary of the Shadow Army, but the patriarch Liu Liuhai instructed it.

Lying on the chair, Liu Xiangtian took out a video stone with evidence he left behind.

With divine power input, the video stone immediately showed a picture in the void...

"Xiang God, the Shadow Army has a complicated composition, and they are all foreigners, while our Liu Family Scythe Army is a direct line of troops, all made up of Liu family members. The two are very different."

"The Shadow Army has grown too fast in recent years. The scale has surpassed the Scythe Army. I have discussed with the Great Elder and decided to reduce the Shadow Army's establishment. The monthly salary of the Shadow Army will be temporarily stopped..."

The picture of the video stone is very dim, and only vaguely, you can only see the feet of the patriarch Liu Liuhai and the decoration of the surrounding patriarch hall.

Obviously, this video stone was taken secretly.

"If something goes wrong one day, this video stone will be my life-saving straw!"

Liu Xiangtian groaned in his heart, his eyes shone with brilliance, and he held the video stone tightly in his palm.

He is the former Patriarch of the Sanlitun Liucheng of the Longevity Realm, and he can become the current Seventh Elder and be in charge of the family power.

He knew the contradictions within the Liu family, but didn't want to be used as a knife, so he kept his hand.

at this time.

There was another announcement from outside, saying that the shadow army's town solicitor asked to see him.

"This guy just left, why is he here again?!" Liu Xiangtian was agitated, and every time he saw Qian Lixian, his prostate hurts.

Thinking like this in his heart, but when Qian Lixian walked in, Liu Xiangtian was still full of enthusiasm and smile.

Qian Liexian bowed and said directly: "Seventh elders, the opportunity for you and me to contribute to the family is here!"

Liu Xiangtian was not pleased and surprised, and said anxiously: "What happened?"

Qian Lixian immediately submitted the latest information.

When Liu Xiangtian opened it, a line of information came into view...

"Xuantian Holy Land was attacked by the enemy into the mountain gate, unable to contact the ancestor Xuan Daozi of Holy Land, ask for help from Emperor Tiancheng!"

Liu Xiangtian was shocked and said: "The ancestor Xuan Daozi of Xuantian Holy Land, isn't he attending classes at our Tiandi Academy?!"

Qian Lixian said, "Yes, but that is the ancestor's Tiandi preschool, who dares to bother."

"For today's plan, we can only send troops to support Xuantian Holy Land. After all, their ancestor Xuan Daozi is a student of the ancestor!"

"We rescued the Xuantian Holy Land, just to give our ancestors a face. This has been done, isn't it a great achievement!"

Liu Xiangtian's heart moved.

That's right, if this matter is really done, then he will deduct the monthly salary of the Shadow Army, and if the crime of greedying the Mo family's money is exposed, he will not die without a burial place.

At least there is credit for it!

Qian Liexian followed: "Seventh Elder, I can assure you that as long as you promise to send troops to support the Holy Land of Profound Heaven, then I can intercede with my godfather and suppress all of your things, how about?!"

Liu Xiangtian was overjoyed, his eyes widened, and said: "Is this true?"

Qian Liexian patted his chest and said, "It's as true as I have a baby. There is no falsehood."

After speaking, he immediately made the ancestor's oath.

In the Liu family, the vows of heaven are not popular, everyone makes the oaths of the ancestors.

When Liu Xiangtian saw this, his eyebrows danced with joy, and he sighed, feeling that most of the shackles on his body were suddenly gone.

"The last question, Xuantian Sacred Land is an ancient sect. There are countless strong people and masters like clouds. How can it be easily breached? Where is the sacred enemy?"

Liu Xiangtian asked.

Qian Liexian replied: "There is no detailed information yet, but the Shura people participated in this operation."

"It's this Shura clan again!!!" Liu Xiangtian's eyes suddenly became deep.

He pondered for a moment, then slapped the table and said, "Then, let's divide our troops into two groups, one way to rescue the Xuantian Holy Land, and the other way to attack the Shura clan."

"Seven elders are wise!"

Qian Lie was overjoyed.

Liu Xiangtian said solemnly, "Don't be happy too early."

"I'm just an elder. I don't have the order of Liu Yangyang, the commander of the Sickle Army, and I have no right to recruit the Sickle Army to fight, and for the 108th Army of the Liu Family, I only have three cronies to mobilize.

"No matter how many people there are, it will startle others, and we can't take the credit alone."

Qian Lixian smiled and said: "It's okay, our Shadow Army can fully cooperate in combat."

Liu Xiangtian asked with some doubts: "Shadow Army? Can you go to war without your commander's warrant?"

Qian Liexian said: "Theoretically, it's not possible. If the godfather knows about it, he will kill me directly."

"However, as long as things are done, the godfather will benefit, and the godfather will naturally not blame me, and will give me a reward."

Liu Xiangtian nodded, and immediately asked: "So, how many masters and men can your Shadow Army mobilize?"

Qian Liexian smiled mysteriously and didn't answer directly, just believing himself: "Assault the Shura tribe, just leave it to us Shadow Army."

"I promise that the Asuras will not see the sun tomorrow!"

Liu Xiangtian's pupils shrank and he felt awe-inspiring.

No wonder patriarch Liu Liuhai wants to reduce the establishment of the Shadow Army, it is not unreasonable.

The Shadow Army is already so powerful!

But this is not the time to consider this matter.


Liu Xiangtian did not delay, and quickly convened a meeting with his cronies.

The Sanlitun Liu family fought tens of thousands of years in the longevity world and the ancient family Liu family, so the management system has a heavy shadow of militarized management.

One hundred and eight conventional combat corps practiced day and night without slacking off.

After the ancestors came to the world of longevity, the army of the Liu Family in Sanlitun was still 108, but the number increased again, forming a legion interest group that linked the head of the Liu family, the affiliated forces of the Liu family, and the affiliated sect.

In addition, there are the Scythe Army, the Shadow Army, and the most powerful heavenly soldiers.

However, the military horses of the Heavenly Court, directly under the command of the ancestors, have been practicing secretly behind the South Gate of Heavenly Emperor City for many years, and have never been revealed.

In the hall of the elders.

The Seventh Elders summoned some of his cronies, as well as the gods of the three cronies, spread out the map, combined with all the intelligence compiled by Qian Lixian, and immediately analyzed the war.

Soon, they determined the battle plan and route.

"This battle is a secret operation and cannot be divulged!" Liu Xiangtian shouted solemnly.

"Yes, follow the elder's order!"

The cronies responded in unison.

Liu Xiangtian stamped Liu Liuhai's patriarch's seal on the battle agreement, and the war order was issued immediately.

"The Shadow Army is attacking the Asura clan, you rescue the Xuantian Holy Land, open the family teleportation formation, cross out of the city from nothingness, don't disturb other people." Liu Xiangtian said.


All the confidants left and immediately took action.

Qian Lixian also returned to his main hall of town magistrates, avoided Yang Xiao, secretly summoned his godsons, distributed tasks, and dispatched troops.

"This operation, we must succeed in one fell swoop, otherwise the command will make the adults blame it, and we will all have to die!" Qian Lixian's voice sounded in the dim townsman's hall.

"You should know the godfather's methods!"

"However, as long as this battle is successful, we will get a splash of power and reach the sky in one step!"

In the main hall, a group of godsons knelt on one knee, and replied in unison with all anger: "Please don't worry, godfather, I will definitely finish the task!"

"Get ready, set off in an hour!" Qian Lixian said, "This operation is a secret operation. Don't let the deputy town magistrate know about it, lest he take our credit..."


Both sides are preparing.

At this time, when the lanterns are on, the night is brilliant in the Tiandi City, and the streets are forbidden to flicker, which is as gorgeous as a neon light, adding to the prosperity of the Tiandi City.

The streets are crowded with people, cries one after another, and the crowds in various teahouses and restaurants can be heard on the street when they are talking.

A sickle army lined up, neat armor shining cold light under the light, maintaining the order of the Emperor City.

In the shadows, the plainclothes of the Shadow Army appeared again, sometimes arresting some enemy spies, causing local commotion, but soon returned to calm.

Everyone is enjoying the tranquility and peace of Heavenly Emperor City, but they don't know that war has broken out.

In the secret military base, one team after another gathered in battle armor, the teleportation array was constantly lit up, and the light flickered constantly.

In the hall of the elders.

Liu Xiangtian paced in the hall, walking up and down, the light on the wall reflected his face, showing his stern and contemplative look.

"There is still a risk in this matter...I have to do something for myself..."

Liu Xiangtian muttered to himself, his eyes filled with deep light.

He clenched a fist suddenly, as if he had made some decision, he hurriedly left the hall, quietly descended into the Tiandi City, and came to the Sanlitun Liucheng on the ground.

Tiandi City is as prosperous as heaven and earth, while Liucheng is as lively as the capital of the Red Emperor.

Liu Xiangtian walked quickly, no one could see him.

Turning left and right, he came to the depths of Liucheng and knocked on an ordinary-looking courtyard gate.

"Tuk tuk..."

"Who?" A majestic voice came from the courtyard.

"Ancestor, it's me, Xiaotian!" Liu Xiangtian bowed back, his expression respectful.


The gate of the courtyard opened wide, and Liu Xiangtian stepped in with one step, but inside was a vast and boundless universe, the void was full of endless roads, the sound of the road echoed, and all kinds of terrifying divine visions were unconscious.

In the depths of the universe, there are one hundred and eight planets slowly rotating, floating in a black hole, and purple-golden heavenly gates are looming, exuding a deep and terrifying atmosphere of heaven.

One hundred and eight planets, of which one hundred and seven are black planets, behind them are the purple-gold king-class heaven gates.

And the planet in the middle is the white planet, more majestic and overwhelming.

Behind it is an ancient heavenly gate.

This heavenly gate, half purple-gold and half stone gate, exudes a powerful divine power that far exceeds the aura of a king.

This breath is impressively half-emperor's breath.

Standing in the void, Liu Xiangtian felt like a drop in the ocean or a mayfly or ant. He was very humble and knelt down involuntarily.

Shocked and surprised in his heart, the ancestors seemed to be stronger.

"The descendants of Liu Xiangtian, please greet the 108 ancestor!"

Liu Xiangtian bowed his head in salute.

After the words fell, magnificent figures of Dharma figures appeared on one hundred and eight planets in the universe.

They are the 108 ancestors who ruled Sanlitun Liucheng back then!

Also one hundred and eight divine hair clones of the ancestors.

They were pioneers who entered the world of longevity ahead of time, and made great contributions to the Liu family's foothold in the world of longevity, and they have formed their own independent personalities and fate.

Therefore, after the ancestors came to the world of longevity, they did not take them back and let them continue to exist and cultivate.


I haven't seen them for many They retreat in Liucheng. Following the great advancement of the ancestor's cultivation base, they knocked on the stone gate, and their magical hair clones also benefited greatly, and their cultivation base increased greatly.

The white-haired clone Liu Yi is already half the emperor.

The others are all masters.

"Xiao Tian, ​​why come to us?" Liu Shisan asked, his mighty voice echoing in the universe.

He is the kindest ancestor among the 108 ancestors.

When Liu Xiangtian heard the words, he cried on the spot, choked up and said, "Xiaotian is here to ask the ancestor for help!"

He cried very sadly, and his tears turned into a galloping river in the universe.

"Don't cry, with us, who would dare to hurt your life?" The majestic voice echoed.

Having said that, I added another sentence: "If the ancestor of the Emperor of Heaven wants your life, then I can't wait!"

ps: Yesterday something happened, 4D update today, please support, ask for votes, big guys.


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