
Chapter 103 Meow Meow’s Dignity Chapter 103 Meow Meow’s Dignity

Chapter 103: Meow Meow’s Dignity

Chapter 91

: In less than a second, the leader suddenly fell to the ground.

Betty was also a little confused by this sudden scene. At the same time, she noticed Felicia’s strange behavior,

“What’s going on, Felicia?” she asked.

“Actually, I have a helper, Betty.”

Felicia was very happy even though she was still tied up.

The battle to defend her dignity seemed to be successful. She no longer had to be a pet. The tail extending from the tailbone was raised very high.

“She and I made a plan. I would sneak in first, ostensibly to save Banner.” Giving away heads is actually to destroy the equipment.”

“The leader’s physical fitness is not much better than that of ordinary people.

While I attract everyone’s attention, my helpers will also place bombs in the new equipment.

As long as the leader starts operating They, the bomb will explode with a wave of precise blasts, enough to stun them.”

“A very simple strategy, but very effective.” Betty sighed and said to the door:

“If I guessed correctly, Is she your helper?”

Felicia also quickly looked out the door and saw Natasha rushing in after hearing the explosion.

“Natasha!” Felicia shouted.

Natasha nodded and saw the leader lying on the ground. Knowing that their plan was successful, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly released Felicia and Betty and rescued them.

“Thank you very much, Natasha.” Betty said to Natasha.

She didn’t know that in another time and space, the beautiful red-haired girl in front of her would become the next Banner after she disappeared.

“You’re welcome, I just carried out the task smoothly.”

Natasha replied, and then she was hugged tightly by the happy Felicia and experienced a feline bear hug.

“We succeeded!” Felicia said tightly.

“Uh… yes.”

Natasha didn’t understand why Felicia was so happy, and subconsciously wanted to break away from Felicia’s embrace.

After all, Felicia was still much taller than her, and she was being held like this. I feel like a sister.

She could lose to anyone, but she didn’t want to be inferior to the cat-eared girl in front of her, especially if she became a younger sister or something.

But she tried hard and found that she couldn’t break free.

Hey! This girl is so powerful.

Fortunately, Felicia let go quickly, because Betty said worriedly,

“How is Banner, let’s go and see!”

It was so pitiful that he finally had someone who cared about him, and the distance just exploded The closest one, besides the leader, was Banner,

and he was also affected.

Several people hurried over to take a look. Fortunately, although they were slightly injured, they were not serious.

Several people rescued Banner from the experimental table again,

“Sorry, Dr. Banner, in order to subdue the leader, we have to do this. Are you okay?” Felicia apologized.

“It’s not a big problem.” Banner was supported by his girlfriend and said,

“But we still have to solve a problem.”

“What problem?” Felicia was stunned.

“The leader has passed out, what about these green giants?”

Several people looked around. The green-skinned men controlled by the leader temporarily lost control due to the leader’s sudden coma and stood there blankly.

But don’t think this is a good thing.

The leader’s Hulk transformation experiment was not pleasant, it could even be said to be extremely painful.

The transformed Hulks are also in a state similar to the Hulk, uncontrolled and crazy.

It’s thanks to the leader’s telepathic power that he can control them and make them obedient.

But now, the leader was suddenly knocked unconscious, and the Hulks suddenly surrendered control. After the initial confusion, everyone became irritable and crazy.


As one Hulk shouted, as if all the Hulks were activated, they all beat their chests and stamped their feet.

Although they are all just degraded versions of the Hulk, the sight of dozens of Hulks roaring and shouting in unison is enough to scare everyone.

“What’s going on?” Betty was just an ordinary person after all, hugging Banner’s arm in panic and asked.

“Maybe it’s caused by the leader’s coma.” Banner said.

It’s really hard to say whether this was a deliberate back-up by the leader to prevent him from suddenly losing consciousness, encountering an accident, and causing chaos.

“Whether it is or not, I think we’re in big trouble now,” Natasha said.

She also felt a little numb. One Hulk was enough for her to eat a pot, and now, there were dozens of them surrounding them.

But what’s even more troublesome is that once these dozens of guys are allowed to disperse…the consequences will be truly unimaginable, in various aspects.

At this last moment, she also turned her attention to Banner,

“I remember that you can also turn into a big green guy, but now I can only rely on you.” ”

(Go to read the novel on the site: Novels Knights)


Banner hesitated to speak.

It happened that tonight, her girlfriend and two consecutive beauties needed his big dick, but he didn’t have the ability.


He called Hulk a few more times in his mind, but there was also no response.

“Dr. Banner may not be able to turn into the Hulk for the time being.” Felicia helped Banner out in time, but it still made him feel embarrassed.

The newly liberated Hulks also looked at the different people at this time.

“Roar!” As one Hulk roared and rushed forward, all the Hulks also moved.

“Run!” Natasha could only shout and ran away.

Fortunately, they were indoors now, and with their petite bodies, they could still maneuver around.

Especially Natasha, I don’t know why, but she is quite good at avoiding the attacks of these Hulks.

Not to mention Felicia.

From being chased by the Sandman until she started meowing, to being trained in various terrifying ways by the Black Superman, it was quite easy for her and the Hulks to hide from the cats.

In an instant, the entire manor turned into a sea of green.

Only Banner and Betty were ordinary people at this time, especially Banner who often stayed in the laboratory and lacked exercise.

They have no other possibility except being caught.

At this critical moment, Betty sacrificed herself and pushed Banner away, while she herself was caught in the hands of the Hulk.

“No, Betty!” Banner shouted desperately.

He kept urging Hulk in his body,

“Come out! Come out quickly!”

“Please, Hulk, I can’t live without you!”

The strong emotions finally caused Hulk to react, and Banner was overjoyed. mad.

It was almost, if only he tried harder…


Betty was treated like a ball by the Hulk, smashed the window, and was thrown into the sky.

It’s a home run.

Banner’s eyes instantly lost their luster and he knelt on the ground blankly.

The Hulk who threw Betty saw that he had done a good job and actually laughed.

Felicia and Natasha also noticed this scene and looked over.

The next moment, a bigger and thicker green hand grabbed the smiling face of the Hulk, and then smashed it to the ground, creating a huge deep pit. At the

same time, the ground also moved towards The surroundings collapsed, and the whole house was shaken heavily. Everyone could feel the power of the blow.

The Hulk’s head was instantly exploded into plasma.

Hulk stepped on the Hulk’s body with one foot and roared angrily towards the sky and everything around him.

At this moment, he is the Hulk, but not completely.

If in the MCU, it was Hulk who gave up everything to help Banner, then at this moment, it is Banner who gave up everything to help Hulk.

Theirs blended together.

From the beginning, Banner’s anger because he couldn’t go any further,

Betty’s anger after being caught,

the various insults he encountered after being unable to transform, and

the various difficulties faced by his friends around him all turned into firewood at this moment and ignited his anger. With Hulk’s strength rising all the way.

Felicia could completely feel Hulk’s rage that wanted to burn everything to death, which was completely different from the Hulk she had faced before.

She felt like she couldn’t last ten seconds under this Hulk.


As Hulk roared, the other Hulks felt something was wrong with their remaining will and wanted to escape, but it was too late.

There’s no way Hulk would let them go.

A bloody massacre unfolded in front of Felicia and Natasha. Those pirated Hulks had no power to fight back in front of the Hulk at this moment.

You must know that even if these Hulks are inferior quality production versions, their speed and strength are enough to easily defeat the original Lizardmen.

“Black Cat, I don’t think this is good,” Natasha said.

“But we can’t stop him now. He’s gone completely crazy.”

“Why do I feel like you don’t seem very scared? When that big guy kills all the Hulks, it might be our turn.”

Natasha While they were talking, a broken limb of a Hulk was flung towards the two of them, splattering blood all over the floor.

Felicia swallowed and said, “Maybe we can live in peace, but I will lose my dignity, Natasha.”

“What? What dignity?”

“No, it’s nothing…”

The Hulk was already about to die. After everyone was killed, Natasha was a little anxious and said:

“Use whatever trump card you have! Felicia!”


“But what? Felicia, there is no life like dignity.” Important!” Natasha shouted anxiously.

Finally, the last mass-produced Hulk was torn in half by Hulk, with a large amount of blood splattered on his green skin, making him look like an evil ghost from hell.

He also looked at the two people arguing at the side.

In an instant, both Felicia and Natasha felt a chill rising from their buttocks.

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