
Chapter 107 Absolute Plot Point Chapter 107 Absolute Plot Point

Chapter 107 Absolute Plot Point

Chapter 95

Felicia’s words left several people present speechless.

You’ve talked so much about feelings before, but in the end you still spoke out of integrity?

The way several people looked at her suddenly changed.

This made Felicia a little unbearable, “Hey! What are you looking at!”

“What are you looking at?” Tony’s voice suddenly came from the door, attracting everyone’s attention.


He seemed a little embarrassed, as if he was running away from something in a hurry, which was rare for Tony.

However, he quickly regained his dignity in front of everyone,

“Huo, it seems that today is very lively. Everyone is here. Are you having a party? You didn’t even call me.”

He said as he walked away naturally He sat down among the crowd and said,

“Banner, you look pretty good. It seems that Black Superman has taken good care of you.”

Banner smiled bitterly and said, “Stop teasing me.”

Tony spread his hands. “So, what are you talking about?”

“Nothing, just a little bit about Black Superman…” Banner explained his confusion.

After hearing this, Tony frowned deeply, “So, you are complaining that he didn’t rescue you earlier?” ”

No, I didn’t mean that…”

“That’s what you meant.” Tony was rare and serious. ,

“Listen, Banner, he has no obligation to save you. You might as well think about it, if there is no Black Superman and only you, what will you become?” ”

I…” Banner was a little shocked. Speechless.

If there was no Black Superman, maybe he would have run away to avoid reality, and how could he have everything he has now.

“I don’t deny that Black Superman does sometimes…” Even Tony couldn’t help but clicked his tongue,

“He does mess with people sometimes, but he does make everything better, isn’t it? ”

If it weren’t for him, I would have died in that cave I don’t know where, and Ethan wouldn’t have been saved!”

“I understand, Tony. I just… can’t get over it, that’s all, Betty is in front of me Got hit by a home run! I almost got smashed into a pulp.”

“Banner, can you stop talking about the home run?”

“Uh… I’m sorry, Betty.” Banner hesitated and continued: “And , I’m really curious now, what does Black Superman look like in your eyes.”

“What else can I do, if I can’t beat him…” Tony shrugged, did not continue, and continued. :

“Banner, before you want him to do better, you should do better first.”

“Are you doing better yourself?” Banner murmured.

Tony’s arrival completely ended the discussion. Felicia said curiously:

“You said, you are a little curious about the image of Black Superman in everyone’s mind. Who is next?”

“Well, I plan to find Spider-Woman and Spider-Man. Talk to Peter, I think they might be able to give me some new inspiration.” Banner replied.

Connors: →_→

After holding it in for a long time, he could only say: “Good luck to you, Banner.”

Banner could not understand the meaning of Connors’s mouth, and replied easily: “I Yes.”

At this moment, another voice suddenly came from outside the door,

“Tony? Tony! I know you are here, you must explain to me why you are still safe and sound, and the physical examination report is still very healthy. !”

It was Pepper’s voice, and everyone looked at Tony.

“Damn it, it seems I can’t stay here any longer.” Tony’s expression suddenly changed.

After all, paper can’t cover up the fire. As time went by, Pepper got his physical examination report through some means and found that he was in extremely good health, so he came to hunt him down.

“Guys, I have to take the first step. Please hold Pepper back for a moment. Um…she is angry now. I’m afraid she will do something irrational. Do you understand?” Tony said.

“Tony? Tony! Come out!” Pepper’s voice got closer and closer.

“No, I have to go!” Tony stopped delaying and turned around and left in the other direction.


I don’t know who couldn’t help laughing, and suddenly everyone started laughing.

Pepper walked in and was a little confused when he saw everyone laughing, but still asked: “Did Tony come here just now?”

Connors and Banner also relied on Tony’s funding for research, so it was not suitable to expose them. boss.

But Felicia is different. She has no employment relationship with Tony.

The most important thing is that she is just a pet now. What bad intentions can a kitten have?

“Mr. Stark said, don’t let us tell you that he went in that direction.” Felicia pointed to the direction in which Tony escaped.

Pepper sneered, “Thank you, Felicia, if you need anything in the future, just come to me.”

Then she followed in Tony’s direction.

Manhattan, Upper East Side.

Peter, Gwen, George and Uncle Ben arrived here together today.

As we all know, Manhattan is the wealthy area of New York, and the Upper East Side is the wealthy area of Manhattan.

Central Park is located here, as well as various cultures, shopping malls, and some of the wealthiest residents in New York.

After George was promoted to police chief, his financial resources and power were actually enough to afford him a better apartment on the Upper East Side.

He had already had this plan, but it was shelved due to various reasons.

Until recently, his neighbor’s kid, his daughter’s boyfriend, Peter Parker, actually mentioned that he also intended to change his residence.

And he actually set his sights on the Upper East Side.

George’s first reaction was that Peter was talking arrogantly, but he calmed down and thought about it, and quickly rejected the idea.

Peter is not usually the kind of person who likes to talk big.

But this gave George even more of an urge to fuck the dog.

He had worked hard for most of his life and finally got the position of police chief, so he could move into the richest area in New York.

But now Peter is lucky, he has caught up with him at such a young age?

Has he spent most of his life living like a dog?

Of course, it was impossible for George to believe Peter as soon as he said it. It was not until Peter fluttered the two flags of Osborne and Stark that everything became extremely convincing.

Even if George still didn’t believe it, this was far beyond common sense,

but when Gwen appeared in front of him and testified for Peter, George had to accept the reality.

“Well, my daughter is Spider-Woman. I originally thought this was magical enough, but now it seems that you kid seems to be even more shocking.” However,

as an older man, George couldn’t help it. Reminding Peter:

“I know that you and Gwen are both special, so I don’t care why you can do all this in such a short time.” ”

But I must tell you, Peter, you Now that you are young and successful, everything may seem easy to you.” ”

But rather than moving there now, you might as well make good use of the money and purchase some effective assets, which can help you go further. .”

“I understand.” Peter just said: “But Uncle George, you have already planned to move away, haven’t you? Gwen and I don’t want to separate.”

George frowned, “Just because we move away, it doesn’t mean that you and Gwen We can’t date each other.”

But Gwen hugged Peter happily, “Peter, you are so good.”

George: (_)

Although he still felt something was wrong, his own daughter was like this, so what else could he say ?

So, here comes today’s business, and

their target is a high-end apartment located on Fifth Avenue.

Taking the elevator all the way up, George’s requirements were higher. The house must be able to accommodate their large family,

(Go to read the novel on the site: Novels Knights)

but Peter and Uncle Ben were much more relaxed. Two bedrooms and two bathrooms were enough to meet their basic living needs.

But not only that,

the decoration, facilities and property of the apartment itself are all without faults.

Especially the decoration, which is much more refined and luxurious than the original apartment, at least it jumped up several levels at once, which made Uncle Ben a little uncomfortable.

The view outside the window is also very good, and you can see the most prosperous and beautiful urban areas in Manhattan.

Not to mention the surrounding communities, they have complete functions, convenient transportation, and good public security.

For some things, their only drawback is that they are expensive.

For two middle-aged couples who are about to enter old age, this is simply the best choice for retirement in the next few decades.

“Peter, this is unbelievable.” Uncle Ben sighed.

Over the past six months, Peter has been getting along day and night, and naturally he has not forgotten to share some of his recent developments with his two relatives from time to time.

For example, some connections with Osborn and Stark.

Therefore, he can understand the matter of changing his house, but it is not easy to accept it all at once.

Uncle Ben in this world still has a stable job with a good salary, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to live in Manhattan for so many years.

But he was just good. He was still an ordinary citizen. The only special thing was that the neighbor detective he had been friends with for many years became the police chief one day.

He had never thought that one day he would be able to live in a house like this, and he was even a little scared because of it.

“Peter, maybe we don’t need to change to a house like this all at once. Mei and I are fine living in the old house.”

“But here. More comfortable, isn’t it?”

“I mean, isn’t it a little… too fast?”

“That’s a little bit of my opinion, Uncle Ben. Besides, you don’t want me and Gwen to separate, do you?” Peter said There was a reason that Uncle Ben couldn’t refuse.

In fact, if Peter contacted Osborn or Stark, or found a way to do it himself, he could even get a better one easily.

But it’s not necessary.

For Uncle Ben and Aunt Mei, this kind of house is already the limit.

Peter once said that he did not want to rashly change the lives of Uncle Ben and Aunt May, which has already touched the bottom line.

In the final analysis, it was Gu Yi’s original words that gave Peter some sense of urgency.

He is not invincible, nor does he have no enemies. This enemy is even more powerful than ever before.

Peter has been thinking about it since he talked with Gu Yi, what is the absolute point in time?

What causes this phenomenon. His underlying rules, logic, and why they exist…

He tried to use various time, space, and causal quantum theories to explain it, but the final results were all nonsense.

The existence of an absolute point in time is extremely unscientific.

You must know that in Marvel, the so-called magic is essentially just another kind of science.

It just requires more advanced sensory organs and more idealism.

Until Peter remembered his past life.

He looked at it with a detached view of the world, and finally realized and had the answer.

It is impossible to come up with an answer using the rules and theories of this world to explain.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for an existence of the level of Strange after his blackening to have any ideas or solutions.

The so-called absolute time point is the absolute plot point. It is the knife in the hands of Marvel writers.

It is recognized by the majority of fans and readers as the plot of each hero’s life, story, and comics that cannot be changed.

Even if people don’t like these plots themselves.

Trying to change these “absolute plot points” is tantamount to going against the creators of the entire world, the writers, or even the owners.

It can be regarded as going against the underlying rules of the higher dimensions of this world.

Maybe in other worlds, the so-called screenwriters and authors are very high-minded, but essentially they can’t interfere with each other, and it’s okay to ignore anyone.

But in Marvel, there is a supreme god, OAA.

In terms of setting, he is the almighty creator, the origin of everything, and the most top-notch existence in the Marvel universe.

But in essence, he is actually a screenwriter and the embodiment of the author’s concept.

He may not be hostile, but what his existence represents is enough to destroy all deviance.

Everything that goes against him will naturally be cleared up by the self-correction mechanism of this world.

“Peter, how are you doing here?”

Gwen suddenly came over and held Peter’s hand.

“Everything goes well, dear. Where’s Uncle George?” Peter looked at Gwen and asked with a smile.

“Dad, he is a little hesitant. You know, we have a lot of people in our family.” Gwen said to Peter,

“Dad, mom, me, and my two younger brothers, we all need rooms. , but it is difficult for an average apartment to have so many rooms, unless it is a single-family villa.”

“But even dad would find it difficult to afford a house of this level, unless that person is a billionaire!”

Uncle Ben saw two young lovers. They were chatting happily and said very philosophically: “I’m going to see George.”

Suddenly Peter and Gwen were left in the room.

“Actually, if he had been corrupt for two more years, there would be no chance…” Peter held Gwen in his arms, picked a sofa and sat down and said.

“Hey! Peter, what are you talking about! Dad wouldn’t do such a thing.” Gwen didn’t resist, but pressed close to her.

It’s hard to say… Peter looked at the innocent and silly girlfriend in his arms.

How could he achieve this position if he was not properly complicit. Of course, generally speaking, George still belonged to the group of good people.

The kind that is worthy of one’s heart.

So, Peter just said: “So, what do you think?”

“What else can you think of? I can only squeeze it in temporarily and let my two brothers live in one room. When they grow up…”

Gwen glanced at Peter and smiled foolishly.

“When they grow up, you will marry me, right?” Peter answered knowingly.

“That’s what I mean.” Gwen hugged Peter’s neck happily and said,

“I love you to death, Peter.”

“That’s it?”

“Okay, okay, mua!”

“Actually,” Peter leaned in Gwen whispered in her ear: “You can give your room to your brother now, or you can move in with me.”

“Hehe…” Gwen seemed to be very moved, but still said: “Dad will go crazy.”

Peter hugged Gwen, gently stroked her back, and said:

“You also need an independent laboratory, there is always It’s a bit inconvenient to move around my bedroom.”

“That won’t work, I want you…” Gwen said lazily.

She screamed out from the comfort of Peter’s touch.

“Of course I’ll be there too.”

“That’s okay…”

In the end, Gwen couldn’t bear it anymore and looked at Peter with watery eyes.

She took the initiative to kiss him, as passionately as usual.

Until a “cough” cough sounded behind her, Gwen instantly shivered.

Spider-Man’s quick reflexes were put into full play at this moment.

She exited the state in an instant, quickly got up from Peter, turned around, and suddenly felt a chill in her heart.


I saw Uncle Ben clenching his fist and covering his mouth in embarrassment. The cough just now was made by him.

And George was standing next to Uncle Ben, with a dark face and an extremely stiff expression.

He glared at Gwen, then directed his extremely angry eyes at Peter.

Happy New Year babies.

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