After a simple disposal of the loot, otherwise the legions were ordered to camp on the spot.

Since he gained 3 free attribute points, Brian did not hesitate to add them to his own attributes, speed.

Host: Brian

Age: 23

Position: Deputy Commander of the 13th Legion of Rome.

Power: 96

Physique: 98

Speed: 101

Points: 0

Free attribute points: 0

Strength, physique, speed, a normal person is around 70.

And the well-trained Roman elite soldiers could reach 80.

Spartan warriors crawling from the brink of death can reach 90.

And Brian’s three-dimensional nature can definitely be described as an explosion.

Regardless of strength, physique and speed, it has crushed the vast majority of people.

Under the premise that the strength has crushed the other party, it is not difficult to find that increasing the speed can best improve the strength.

As the so-called martial arts in the world can only be broken quickly.

In this battle of short swords and shields, speed is also particularly important.

Up to 101 speeds, often the opponent has just raised the short sword, and Brian’s sword has already broken the opponent’s chest.

“Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host, a single body attribute reaches 100, start the exchange function! 100 points are given to the host free of charge. ”

In the following missions, the host can earn a certain amount of points, which can be exchanged for the corresponding ability or equipment.

Brian has always wanted to get this redemption feature out.

However, the rewards he received each time were limited, and Brian had to divide the three attributes equally.

Great Qin crossbow design drawing: 100,000 points

Zhuge crossbow design drawing: 100,000 points

Great Song ballista design drawing: 100,000 points

Design drawing of the flintlock gun: 500,000 points

Seeing these clear prices, Brian couldn’t help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

“Are you mistaken? Even the design drawing of a broken gun costs 500,000 points! ”

“Host! The design drawing of the Suishou gun contains the manufacturing process of black powder, which is equivalent to buying 1 for 2, and making a steady profit. ”

The system recommends redemption items without restraint.

Brian cursed secretly, and then disconnected from the system.

Knowing that he only had 100 points, he also recommended him the design of the flintlock gun with 500,000 points.

This is clearly to let him do more tasks.

Of course, flintlock guns are not necessary now.

Now Brian, as the deputy commander of the legion, has a large number of soldiers, the fiercest soldiers of this era.

“Lord Brian! The transcript of the interrogation is out! ”

Rex walked in.

Previously, Brian ordered Rex to interrogate the Gauls, their purpose for coming here, and their identities.

“Tell me, this group of Gauls digging gold under our noses…”

“Brianfa, they are Gauls from the tribe of Tarago!”

“Their leader is the woman you captured today, named Antabela! The eldest daughter of the chieftain of the Tarago tribe came here in search of the gold used for the sacrifice. ”

That woman, Brian remembered that her martial arts skills were not bad.

Women who practice martial arts in this world are very rare.

A tribal woman who is looking for gold and can use martial arts.

If you look at it from Brian’s eyes, how do you look like a strong woman.

“Ding-dong! Release Antabela and reward 10 points. ”

“Ding-dong! Sell Antabella to slave owners and reward 20 points. ”

“Ding-dong! Accept Antabella as a slave girl and reward 2 free attribute points. ”


This damn system.

Brian twisted the bridge of his nose with his fingers in annoyance.

What can these 10~20 points be used for? It is obviously not as real as the 2-point attribute point.

The system was for Brian to take Antabella as a slave girl.

Watching Brian pinch the bridge of his nose with a headache, Rex thought that Brian was afraid of the other party’s identity.

The Tarago Tribe is a large tribe with a large number of people.

Together with some small tribes around it, it is very easy to put together 100,000 Gallic warriors.

On the Roman side, there was only one legion.

Now that Brian has captured the daughter of the opposing chief, it is bound to cause a big war.

“Lord Brian, it’s better that at night, I sent someone to release that woman in private!”

Rex said worriedly on the side, his rigid thinking was rigid, and he could think of the best solution.

“Bring Antabella to my room at night!”

Brian patted Rex on the shoulder and gave a completely different answer.

“Shouldn’t you let each other go?”

“My dear tribune, are you stupid?”

Rex immediately froze there, then remembered something about Brian before.

Brian, from the famous Kota family in Rome.

Before coming to the 13th Legion, it can be said that he was an all-powerful nobleman who ate, drank, gambled and smoked, abducted and stolen, and 10 items.

Although it converged a lot after coming to the legion, it still made the entire legion a miasma.

However, he had great prestige in the legion, often leading a large group of soldiers out to fight the autumn breeze.

Each time, several centurions fought for the right to follow Brian.

The 13th Legion has such a saying, if you want to make money quickly, then please follow the deputy corps commander.

Just two hours earlier, each soldier had been given two gold coins.

As a tribune, Rex also received three gold coins.

“But! This may well lead to a war between us and Gaul? ”

“Isn’t war very good, you can make a big profit!”

At the mention of war, Brian thought of a lot of gold.

“Send people back to the legion and let them transfer two more brigades over.”

Now Brian has a brigade of 560 people here.

If two more brigades were transferred, then there would be 1,500 people.

“Why are so many people transferred?”

Rex was a little dumbfounded.

After all, privately mobilizing the strength of a brigade is already considered to be exceeding his authority, but only the commander of the entire corps has such rights.

Now Brian has to move the other two brigades.

“Rex, as a qualified soldier, cannot question the commander’s orders!”

“Yes! Deputy Commander! ”

Brian coldly reminded that this subordinate’s words were too much.

Brian made up his mind that if this guy talked more, he would let him go back to escorting the slaves.

Late at night

After washing, the Gallic woman was sent to Bryan’s tent.

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