The nobility engaged in prostitution, and most of the nobility did it throughout the Roman Republic.

Even some high-ranking noblewomen raised some lovers.

Of course, no one will say this kind of thing on the table.

However, it is not without that people like Brian who prostitute with the legion have not happened.

It’s just that Brian is tougher.

“Chief Bashar, you have to decide for me!”

Grande was almost about to cry, only to find that Bashar, who he was the savior, actually had injuries in the palm and tibia.

With just a glance, Grande recognized the wound, which was inflicted on the cross.

God, who had the audacity to crucify the sheriff.

“Chief Bashar, what’s wrong with you? Who hurt you! ”

When asked by Grand, Bashar’s face was the same.

“It’s the Brian you call it!”

Bashar said indignantly.

And Grand’s face was the same, Brian just kicked him just now, compared with Bashar’s experience, it was obviously much more tolerant.

Who is Bashar?

He was a nobleman of the Cato family and a magistrate in the city of Barcelona.

How to say that it is also a nouveau riche, almost the kind that no one provokes.

And it was such an upstart who was nailed to the cross by Brian in his mouth.


Grand’s face turned green at the moment.

He had planned to find a sheriff to support him, but it was clear that Brian would not have birded Bashar at all.

And if it is not done well, it will be crucified again.

“Miserly Ge Lang, you go back first, and report to me immediately if there is any movement!”

Bashar said bitterly.

Neither Bryan’s identity nor the army in his hands can be shaken by a small Bashar.

So he was ready to turn to the lord of Barcelona – Galgoda.

Galgoda, but a great nobleman here, also had a good relationship with the governor of the Iberian province.

“The villain retreats!”

At this point, Grande realized that the next conflict was not something his little slave (prostitute) master could mix.

The first priority now is to run to the Duta family to prevent the arrival of its eldest young master.

Grand, almost insane, fled in general.

Bashar, on the other hand, said to the group of soldiers next to him.

“Come, carry me to the City Lord’s Mansion!”

At this time, a young girl was taken to Brian’s room.

I saw that she was wearing a Middle Eastern skirt, and the small skirt perfectly outlined her figure.

Especially her water-snake-like waist, giving people a feeling of irresistibility.

In addition, her face is hidden under a black veil, which adds a bit of mystery.

Brian clicked on her attributes with interest.

Name: Benani

Age: 18 years old

Occupation: Hassan Killer

Power: 71

Physique: 79

Speed: 85

Ability: Hand-to-hand combat

These three attributes are too high for a woman.

And she is already faster than the vast majority of elite soldiers.

Not even inferior to the dead men in the gladiatorial arena.

Hassan killer, isn’t that a professional killer produced in that part of Parthia?

Parthia is the Middle East, and it is not surprising that it is rich in killers.

It’s just that Brian just arrived here today and met the killer, which seems a little strange.

“Duterte, die!”

While Brian was pondering, the woman took out a short blade and stabbed at Brian.

Want to take advantage of his unpreparedness to sneak up on Brian.

Although she was very fast, Brian was faster.

One dodged the opponent’s fatal blow while grabbing her right hand holding the short blade.

Whether it is a three-dimensional attribute or a martial art, the two are above each other.

Although Brian has explosive three-dimensional attributes, Brian’s martial arts are fused with thousands of years of Chinese crystallization.

Ordinary people can’t walk a few rounds on their hands, and they will be easily killed by them.

And this woman is no exception.

Brian kicked her directly on the abdomen, knocking her to the ground.

He stepped forward and stepped on his right hand, snatching the short blade from his hand.

The sound of fighting soon attracted two soldiers.

The two soldiers grabbed the woman directly and pressed her to the ground.

Brian, on the other hand, picked up the short blade with interest.

There was a hint of green light shining on the short blade, which was obviously quenched and poisoned.

“Quenched poisoned short sword!”

Brian picked up the dagger and gently swiped it across the woman’s cheek.

It didn’t scratch her skin, though.

“You called Duterte before you came in! Who is he? ”

Brian seriously suspected that he was blocking the gun for someone else.

The killer is supposed to be heading for Duterte’s people.

“You’re not, Duterte?”

At this time, the woman showed a look of surprise.

At this moment, she finally realized that she had killed the wrong person, Duterte, the young master of the Duta family, was relatively thin.

Although he looks a little similar to the officer in front of him, he will definitely not have such domineering martial arts.

“General Ben is certainly not Duterte! Go get that Grand


However, at this moment, the system sent multiple choice questions again.

“Ding-dong, please choose!”

“1, directly kill the female killer and get a reward of 100 points.”

“2. Train the female killer into the lowliest female slave and reward 1 attribute point!”

“3. Take the female killer for your own use, become a blade in your hand, and reward 500 points.”

Killers are the most difficult profession to teach, and they only have tasks and kills in their minds, so Brian did not choose immediately, but said to the soldiers next to him.

One of the soldiers nodded and took orders.

Not long after, Grand, who had just returned, was caught in front of Brian.

See the woman in uniform and the short blade in Brian’s hand.

Fools also know what’s going on.

“Lord General, I have been wronged!”

Grande immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

“Did I say you were guilty? You start begging for mercy! ”


“This woman doesn’t seem to be from your place, right?”

And the veil of the female killer has long been torn off, if you put aside her killer identity, coupled with her delicate face and perfect figure, it is definitely a beauty billet.

At this time, Grande sweated coldly.

If he admitted that the woman was his person, then the crime of assassinating a senior military general was not light.

Immediately lost his mouth and denied it.

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