“That’s all I know, don’t kill me!”

Seeing that Brian was lost in thought, Katos said with fear on the side.

For fear that Brian would directly kill him with a sword.

Brian ignored him and looked at Lucius, the Legionnaire on the side.

“How’s the Lucius Gold Mine arranged?”

After killing Tars three days earlier, Brian ordered Lucius to bring the 1,000 slaves and mining equipment.

And the situation is exactly as Brian guessed.

Although Brian slaughtered a whole bunch of Gauls.

And killed the son of the chief.

However, due to internal problems of the tribe, it was impossible for them to take the initiative to attack the Roman legions in a short time.

And Brian did not have enough strength to push down this large tribe with a population of up to 200,000.

It is better to mine your own industry than to face off here.

“Lord Brian! All the equipment has been installed and is now up and running! ”

Brian said as he turned to Katos.

“Congratulations, I don’t have to kill you, from now on, you are my slave, mine me, dig until you die!”

Soon Katos along with the remaining one, the Gauls, was taken down.

Their fate is only different mining, digging until death.

“Rex! What do we do next? ”

Brian’s habit is to let Polo do everything.

But ask Rex when you have some doubts.

“Lord Brian! According to the information provided by the Gaul just now, now the Tarago tribe has split into multiple forces! ”

“If we attack rashly, the other party will twist into a force!”

Brian nodded and motioned for the other party to continue learning.

“The tribe on the opposite side must have at least 50,000 or 60,000 people to use! 10 times the number of our legions! ”

Rexton paused, and Brian knew that often at this time he had to tell the truth, and these truths were not heard.

“Now we only have 7 brigades of troops, I think it is difficult to defeat this group of Gauls with the current strength, even if we successfully defeat them, it will be a crushing victory!”

Brian nodded, although he was now the nominal acting Legion Commander.

But to become a true Legion Commander, you must also have a nod from the Senate.

If the 13th Legion suffered too many casualties under his command, Brian would not be able to deal with the Legion Commander.

“That Gaul just now provided a very important piece of information, that is, the leader of the other side is dying!”

“After the death of the leader of the other side, the Tarago tribe is bound to fall apart, and then it will be our chance.”

“The most important thing for us right now is to hold the Red River Valley and try to grab the wealth here!”


Brian stretched out his hands and patted them lightly.

For now, what Rex said was indeed the safest way, but it couldn’t be said by Brian first.

“Worthy of the wise Rex, the analysis is very in place!”

“For now, let’s stay here first, and then mine with peace of mind, and everyone present will have a share!”




Of course, the last sentence carries weight.

Brian has always adhered to the theory of sexual evil, believing that human nature is greedy.

Even the well-documented Roman legions were the same.

All along, Brian took a small part of Lu’s wealth and distributed it to his subordinates.

So Brian had great prestige in the army, and after Katius’s death, he naturally took over the entire legion.

Late at night!

An emaciated figure rushed to the post where the Roman legions were stationed.

“What people?”

The sentries immediately spotted each other.

Then a pretty female voice came.

“I am a messenger from the Gallic tribes to see your generals…”

Upon hearing that the other side came, the sentries did not dare to snub.

Soon the woman was taken to Brian’s tent.

“Antabella is actually you!”

Brian was surprised to find that the Gallic woman in front of him turned out to be Antabella, who had a one-night stand with him.

“Of course it’s me!”

Antabella, taking off her hat pocket, sat down unceremoniously across Brian’s table and began to eat the food on the table.

“Did you miss me when you came late at night?”

Brian snorted softly and looked at the woman in front of him.

This extremely ambitious woman must have his purpose in visiting late at night.

“I haven’t seen you for many days, and I miss General Brian very much!”

Antabella picked up the King’s Sword on Brian’s table by the way and said with a happy face.

“General Ben also happens to have a lot of things he wants to ask you.”

Brian came to Antabella and gently lifted her chin with his index finger.

“Tell me quickly, what news did you bring me?!”

Antabella’s flowing gaze stared at Brian deadly

“Then tell me, is it you who is the supreme commander of the legion now?”

Antabella did not answer, but asked instead.

“To your Hongfu, your eldest brother, shot my top boss, the commander of the 13th Legion, with an arrow, and now I have the final say in the entire legion!”

Brian sat back down again and poured himself a glass of water.

A pair of eagle-like eyes looked at Antabella.

Antabella wore a coarse linen coat on the outside and a gauze robe on the inside, which perfectly outlined her figure.

“Say quickly, what good news did you bring me today!”

“Want to know? I don’t know General Brian, do you have chips in your hands that satisfy me?! ”

Antabella looked at Brian with great admiration, and the Roman general in front of him was essentially different from their tribal Gallic warriors.

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