Diamat took his sister Ameria to the Red River Valley.

“Brother! Look at the fact that there are troops stationed here! ”

The young American looked curiously at the Roman soldiers around her assistants.

Although she was also a Roman, she was only a commoner.

Only menial jobs can be done.

However, his brother was a well-known slave trainer in Lhasa, but because the number of slaves was not very large recently, his business was relatively cold.

However, three days ago, the two brothers and sisters were found.

It is said that the Roman legions in the north need excellent talents who train hard, and as for the price, it has been opened to 5 gold coins per month.

5 gold coins is enough for the two brothers and sisters to survive for 3 months, and they can also buy a few new clothes.

Moreover, the Roman Republic placed great emphasis on democracy, justice, and credibility.

Even those who are hostile can go to Rome to justify their actions.

So the Roman legions were extremely reputable among ordinary Romans.

Many people also liked to do business with the Roman legions.

“My silly sister, this is the station of the Roman legions, of course there are Roman soldiers!”

Ameria looked at her brother with wide eyes.

“What is the Legion looking for us for?”

“Your brother is a slave trainer, he must have asked me to train slaves!”

Ameria nodded understandingly.

Diamat glanced again at the heavily guarded Roman camp.

Since the founding of Rome, the slaves captured by the Roman legions have not been unsurprisingly sold.

And they hired professional slave trainers, clearly training slaves.

Was this Roman legion going to use an army of slaves?

While Diamat was meditating, a pair of Roman soldiers came up and woke him up.

“This is a barracks, what are you doing here?”

The Roman soldier at the head looked coldly at Diamat and his sister.

“That’s right, this is a letter of introduction from the city lord of Barça, and he asked me to report here!”

And the soldier took the precious papyrus and looked at it.

“Slave trainer, Diamat ?”


The soldier looked, Americana.

“She’s your slave?”

“No, she’s my sister!”

Diamat said quickly.

“Hmm! But in the barracks, tell your sister not to run around! ”

The soldier nodded and then said.

“Let’s stay here first, and the Legion Master will lecture in the afternoon!”

Soon, Diamat and his sister entered the barracks.

It’s not so much a barracks as a checkpoint.

When they entered the barracks, they found countless slaves at work.

Something seemed to be being dug while the surrounding Roman soldiers were supervising them.

Soon Diamat was discovered, and it turned out that the slaves were mining.

Still inside the big tent, Brian was listening to Rex’s report.

“Lord Brian, this time we have recruited a new group of citizens to join the Legion, and now we have restored the number of Legion to 9 brigades, and it will be full in some time.”

Rex reported meticulously.

As a result of the previous battle, the Roman legions lost almost 4 brigades of troops.

Now three brigades have been replenished one after another.

“Hmm! Be sure to strengthen the training of recruits! In the last battle with the Gauls, more than 60% of the soldiers killed were young soldiers! ”

“Yes! Legion Grown! ”

A soldier ran in.

“Report Legionnaire! A slave claiming to be from the Kota family asks for a meeting! ”


Brian couldn’t help but wonder.

The slave pressure from the Kota family, could it be that the old guy has any instructions?

“Let him in!”

Soon, an old man in his 50s walked in, it was none other than Rogers, the chief slave of the Kota family.

Rogers has been with the Kota family for over 30 years.

It is like the chief butler of the Kota family.

“Rogers has seen the Second Young Master!”

Seeing Brian, Rogers immediately bowed and saluted.

As a person who watched Brian grow up, he knew that Brian was broken to the bone, so he was always respectful in front of Brian.

“Old Rogers, you actually came here, is there something wrong with the old man?”

Rogers looked at the soldiers around him, as a confidant of the Kota family, he didn’t want something to get out.

“Don’t worry, these are soldiers loyal to me!”

“Young Master! That is true! You took over the matter of the 13th legion, Master Lucius said, very good ability! ”

Rogers showed a look that I understand, and every time Brian secretly kills someone, Rogers always looks like this.

“Old stuff! Don’t look at me like that, Kateus wasn’t killed by me! ”

Brian lowered his voice and said.

Originally, he planned to kill Kateus and then seize the position of Legionnaire.

But now is not the time, at least until the outbreak of the Confederate War.

“The old master also said that you should control the entire legion as soon as possible, and he mediated for you in the Senate, trying to let you enter the Senate and become the commander of the legion in good standing.”

Rogers said in a low voice.

“This is also to use him to say, I have now mastered the entire legion!”

After the death of Cateus, many tribunes, centurions were not very supportive.

People are always greedy, under Brian’s sugar-coated cannonballs.

The middle level of these legions gradually fell to Brian.

“The old master wants to ask, have you avenged Kateus?”

“Of course! I have killed his enemies, cut off his head, embalmed, and when I turn back I will bring it back to Rome and present it to the Senate!” ”

In the face of this old slave, Brian showed rare patience.

It seems to be showing off.

“That’s wonderful! One more thing, the Senate sent an elder to inspect the situation here! ”

“I wipe, who is it?”

“Gaius Marius!”

Hearing this name, Brian had a headache.

Malleus was not a mediocrity like Cateus, but one of the best statesmen and military strategists of the late Roman Republic.

His reforms had a profound impact on the Roman Republic.

The Confederate War subsided only when Malleus and Sulla joined forces.

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