“Don’t worry, Brian here I will press the formation for you”

“Rex, in my absence, you are all under the command of General Malleus!”


Gaius Malleus had a very high popularity and prestige, both in the Senate of the Roman Republic and in the army.

As long as he makes a stop there, he is specialized in treating all kinds of disobedience.

It’s densely forested.

Brian led a brigade of troops and prepared to quietly outflank the opposite rear.

“Do not hesitate, the brave Gallic warriors continue to attack! There are only 3,000 of them, and we can become famous in one battle if we defeat them! ”

Kerst was dreaming of defeating the Roman legions and becoming famous in battle.

Unbeknownst to them, in the attack just now, they had nearly 1,000 Gallic warriors killed.

The Roman legionnaires on the opposite side died very little.

This kind of fueling tactic has been a taboo for soldiers since ancient times.

More importantly, the front could not break through the Roman legions.

“Kill! Just defeat the Romans on the other side, you are all warriors of our tribe! ”

Telster was the last inspiration.

Under his encouragement, many Gallic warriors still rushed forward excitedly.

Countless sharp axes and large shields collided together.

More often, however, was the sound of Roman short swords piercing their bodies.

The battle lasted another almost an hour.

Nearly 3,000 people have died on this side of the Gallic tribes.

There were few corpses of Roman soldiers on the ground, and no more than 200 casualties.

Kirster was still urging his men to attack.

But all the Gauls under him were afraid, and none of them advanced again.

On the Roman side, a road was divided, and an old general slowly rode out of it.

“Gauls, you can surrender, stop making senseless resistance!”

Gaiusmalio said lightly on the side.

He knew that at this moment the Gauls were already at the end of the crossbow.

The fact that people who lost more than 30% did not collapse is already their limit.

Now Brian could attack at any time behind them.

Once Brian attacked, they didn’t stand any chance.

“Who are you?”

Kirst looked at the elderly general in front of him with some reluctance.

He was so old that even his beard was gray.

“I, Gaiusmalio, have served as consul of the Roman Republic 5 times, and you surrendered to me, and did not insult your courage!”

Gaiusma raised his head slightly and said proudly.

At the same time, it also gave the other party one last chance.

If Brian was here, it was very likely that he would have already rushed forward.

The morale of both sides diminished, although the Roman legions were still not superior in numbers.

But at the moment, the momentum is like a rainbow, and it is only a matter of time before eating the other party.

“Gaius Malleus !!!”

Hearing the name, Kirster couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of spit.

Gaiusmalio was one of the veterans of the Roman Republic and served as consul of the Republic on several occasions.

Even Kirst, who was a Gaul, knew that there was such a general in Rome, but today he was a little unlucky and let him run into it.

Throughout his life, Gaiusmallo won almost all of his battles in Gaul.

Yet at the moment

Kerst did not think of surrender.

If he could catch Gaiusmalio, he would definitely be famous in history, and even use it as a starting point to unite the whole of Gaul.

Thinking of this, Kirster once again drew the Gallic longsword at his waist.

“Great Gallic warriors, do you know who that Roman general in front is?”

“He is the former consul of Rome, Gaius Malleus, and whoever can kill him, I will make him a knighted warrior and reward him with 100 pounds of gold!”

If you make a miracle, there will be a brave man under the heavy reward.

The Gauls, who had already passively avoided the war, roared again.

Perhaps a Gaul did not know about other generals or consuls of Rome, but they definitely knew Gaiusmalio.

It was this legendary Roman consul who crushed Gaul and led his legions to defeat the Gallic tribes south of the Alps.

“Stupid and crazy Gauls!”

Gaiusmali snorted softly and backed back.

The road ahead of him was instantly blocked by 10 Roman soldiers.

“Soldiers of the Thirteenth Legion! Block them and don’t give them any chance! ”

Gaiusmalio knew that he only had to stick to the other party here.

At the same time, it took Brian almost an hour to finally complete the outflanking and return to the rear of the Gauls.

Seeing that the battle, which had been silent, entered the white heat again.

The Gauls fearlessly rushed to death, for the sake of Gaiusmalio’s head.

“Soldiers of the Thirteenth Legion! Let the group of Gallic barbarians in front know the end of joining our legion! ”

Brian shouted in row 1 with a large shield and a Roman short sword.

Because he was young and powerful, he preferred to be on the first line rather than in the back and command.


Brian ordered.

A large Roman army of nearly 600 men pierced the rear of the Gauls like a sharp sword.

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