After a few breaths, Queen Diana summoned several delicate wooden brocade boxes out of thin air.

Inside the brocade box lay holy stones similar to Phyllis’s, which Jon called ‘keystone fragments’.

“There are four sacred stones here, plus Phyllis’s piece, for a total of five.” Queen Diana said.

“Five pieces? You wind elves only have five pieces? Jon was a little disappointed.

Queen Diana explained: “Our Wind Elves have only migrated here for thousands of years, and these sacred stones are very precious, so the number is very small.

These five pieces are already all the savings of our wind elf race. ”

Jon didn’t interrogate again, and the elf’s arrogance would not allow them to lie.

And the main thing is that they do not dare to lie, after witnessing Jon’s terrifying strength.

“Okay, I’ll take it.” Jon put away the four sacred stones.

Jon looked at the ring on Queen Diana’s finger, from which she had summoned the four sacred stones.

“Queen Diana, is this ring a storage prop?” Jon asked.

Queen Diana nodded: “Yes, this is a storage prop, and it can also be regarded as a token inherited by our wind elf race, and only every elf king or elf queen can have it.”

Inside, there were treasures stored by the Wind Elf Clan, which was almost thirty square meters in size. ”

Jon nodded, this thing he heard Ma Tengyun mention, this thing is very precious, it is a rare storage prop on this continent.

Not to mention the area of thirty square meters, even if it is a storage prop of one square space, the market value is several million gold coins.

“Okay. Let’s talk about this first, we have to get down to business later, Queen Diana also wants to retake the territory of the Wind Elves as soon as possible, right? Jon smiled and looked at Queen Diana.

Queen Diana nodded, of course she hoped that she could return to her original homeland with her people as soon as possible.

For nearly a month, she was displaced with her people, who had been driven to the edge of the redwood forest after repeated defeats.

“Take an hour off. In an hour, Queen Diana prepares five teams, and my summoned beasts will follow them into the redwood forest to clean up the black elves little by little. Jon said.

“No problem!” Diana looked straight, and then walked out of the treehouse to do what Jon had ordered.

At this time, only Jon and Phyllis were left in the sub-treehouse.

Phyllis looked at Jon and ruffled her hair slightly: “Your Highness Jon, thank you.” My people are so rude to you, and you are willing to help. ”

“Don’t thank me, it’s just a deal. I help you, you give me the holy stone, it’s that simple. Jon said lightly.

Phyllis smiled, and she blinked at Jon: “But you said before that you can easily snatch it from our corpses, or from the dark elves after the war is over.”

You see the children of our clan, right? Your Highness, you are so kind. ”

“Ahem… Princess Phyllis, I have some things to do. So can I bother you to go out first? Jon said with a wandering look in his eyes.

Phyllis covered her mouth and chuckled: “Okay, then I’ll go out first.” Rest assured, no one will disturb His Highness Jon outside with me. ”

After that, Phyllis deliberately pulled up the hem of her skirt and saluted Jon elegantly before turning away.

“This little nizi now has less and less respect for me, am I not majestic enough?”

Jon muttered softly.

He took out the four sacred stones that Queen Diana had given him again, as well as the one that Phyllis had given him earlier.

“System, how does this fuse into a keystone?” Jon asked.

[If you detect a keystone fragment, please ask if you fuse it]

A beep came from the system.

“Yes.” Jon replied.

Then a white aura circled all five keystone fragments and floated.

[Keystone fragments fused… Expect it to take five minutes… Please wait…]

This fusion will take another five minutes.

Taking advantage of this, Jon asked a question that had been ignored before.

“System, Guraton has a form that is an ancient return. So what conditions are needed for this ancient return? Jon asked.

In the anime, the ancient return of Guraton is the ability to activate what orb or boulder is needed.

[Guraton original regression form, which can be triggered by keystones]

The answer given by the system made Jon ecstatic.

I didn’t expect that the system actually changed this setting, and if you use a keystone, it will just allow Guraton to return to the original form.

It takes a full billion experience points to upgrade from the ninth order of Guraton to the tenth order, and Jon does not have the ability to accumulate so many experience points now, so he can only let Guraton have the ability to return to the original first.

Jon thought about the form of Guraton’s ancient return, which made him a little excited.


Ten minutes later, Jon came out of the treehouse.

Order in the camp has been restored and the wounded have been placed in tree houses for treatment.

“Your Highness Jon.” Phyllis looked at Jon who came out.

“Those members of your clan are injured, shouldn’t you elves have very good healing abilities?” Jon asked suspiciously, wasn’t this the case in his previous life impression of elves.

“Your Highness Jon, you are talking about the moon elves and water elves, they do have good healing abilities, the most rare moon elves, which can treat most injuries. And we wind elves don’t have such abilities.

We are biased towards fighting, and our shooters are the most superb of all the elves. Phyllis said.

It turns out that the elves still have this saying, Jon looked at the elves who were tormented by the pain, and he summoned three auspicious eggs.

“Gili egg, go and treat those wounded.”

“Oh…” Gili Egg walked slowly towards the wounded.

At first, those wind elves still looked at these round and strange guys with curious eyes, but when they saw that they used strange light waves to heal their own people, they were all very excited.

Some female elves couldn’t even resist going up to get oil.

“Your Highness Jon…” Phyllis looked at Jon in surprise.

Jon put his hands in his pockets, turned and walked to the side: “In a good mood…”

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