Another World’s Free and Easy Cultivator

Chapter 256: Forcibly grab the water allure?

"Young man, Han Chuang has been studying hard for ten years just for an official character, why is it a hundred years of practice? Just for that ethereal super-god-level cultivation base? In the end, it's just for a 'benefit'. ." The thin old man also drank a glass of water and said, and his words were a little melancholy.

As the saying goes: money can communicate with ghosts and spirits. What about the holy level and the **** level? As long as you have money, you can still ask for it.

"Hehe, since the old man has seen through everything, why should you be nostalgic for this secular land, the land of high mountains and flowing water is your blessed land." Ye Shengtian and the thin old man asked and answered, which was quite meaningful. The thin old man seemed to be complaining, melancholy, and sighing, but Ye Shengtian kept persuading the thin old man to go back to the mountains.

"No matter how high the mountain is, there will be a time when it collapses, and no matter how clear the water is, there will be a day when the water is dirty. There is no place for my old man to live in the world, haha." After the thin old man finished speaking, he laughed. A little desolate, a little bitter.

"When you sing about wine, what is life like? For example, the dew in the morning, there are many hardships in the past. You should be generous and unforgettable. How can you solve your worries, only Du Kang. Lu Ming, the apple of the wild. I have guests, and I encourage and play the sheng. It is bright like the moon, when can I sing. Worry comes from it, and it cannot be cut off. It is a waste of time to live in vain. The moon and stars are rare, and the magpies fly south. Around the tree three times, what branches can you rely on? The mountains are not tired of being high, and the sea is not tired of being deep. , raised his head and drank, and then sang leisurely.

This poem is Cao Cao's "Dan Ge Xing". The poem expresses generous and intense feelings in a form of mutual use of high singing and low singing. Sometimes he hits the festival and sings, "the kindness should be generous"; sometimes he ponders silently, "worrying and thinking is unforgettable"; sometimes he is worried because the virtuous talents are not available; The twists and turns, the worry and the joy, the sudden and sudden urgency, all of which are meant to be pity and think of the virtuous.

Ye Shengtian is singing now, of course, to listen to the thin old man. Needless to say, Ye Shengtian has a love for talent.

"Haha..." After Ye Shengtian finished singing, he went downstairs with a big laugh. Upstairs, only the thin old man was left with his lips pursed, and he was chanting "Dan Ge Xing".

Ye Shengtian came to the crossing, and saw that the aisle was full of people watching the excitement, and standing on the corridor, he could directly see the situation below. I saw more than a dozen men besieging a man and a woman below, and a young man in Chinese clothes was clapping his hands and cheering, and he kept shouting. There was a wretched middle-aged man standing beside Mr. Huafu. I saw that the man was wearing a sackcloth and bent over. There were only two words on his face, I was "slave".

"You must take down this little lady, but don't accidentally hurt my little lady, haha, good fight."

The man in Chinese clothes was rather gentle in appearance, with a little white face, but his face was very pale. He should be overindulgence. From Ye Shengtian's point of view, seeing this person can live to 40 years old, it is God's eyes.

Not far behind the man in Huafu, the old shopkeeper was paralyzed and crying, and he didn't stop calling "stop" for a moment, but both parties were already angry, how could it be so easy to stop. The old owner of the restaurant is a big noble in the imperial capital, and there is a distance from the emperor, even if you want to ask for help.

There were more than a dozen people in the fight who were the subordinates of Mr. Huafu, and the man and the woman were both Longlou and Shui Qingcheng.

It turned out that shortly after Ye Shengtian entered the restaurant, Longlou and Shui Qingcheng also came in to eat. Longlou originally came to watch the Shui Qingcheng game, but he did not leave in time after the game, but stayed for a few more days to accompany Shui Qingcheng. As for the reason for staying, it was the hand-in-hand test, knowing that there was still a gap between him and Shui Qingcheng, so Longlou changed the original itinerary.

The Dragon Tower is going to leave tomorrow, so today I came here to accompany Shui Qingcheng for a walk, and unknowingly came to Xilai Town. It was noon and the two were hungry and thirsty, so they walked into this restaurant. .

Longlou originally thought of the elegant seat upstairs, but Shui Qingcheng didn't agree, he only said that the seat below was fine. Naturally, Longlou would not refute the meaning of the beauty, so the two sat downstairs.

Longlou and Shui Qingcheng were eating sweetly, but there were unforeseen circumstances. Who would have thought that a group of people would come in at this time, and they would surround the table in Longlou without any explanation.

It turned out that when Longlou and Shui Qingcheng entered Xilai Town, they were seen by the wretched middle-aged man beside Huafu Young Master. Doing things like stealing chickens and dogs is hated by these ten-mile villagers.

The wretched middle-aged man's name is Hu San, and the townspeople here call him the "Little Sanzi", Hu Sanfeizi.

Today, Hu San is still hanging out in Xilai Town as before, and by the way, he finds some fat sheep to start with. Since the residents of the town are familiar with Hu San, they all avoid him from afar. Therefore, Hu San specially finds outside passers-by to start. There are some gains in the sun, but they are all lost by him, Hu Tianhu.

Hu San is squatting at the intersection of the market and looking for someone to lead the sheep, but all he sees are some civilians, and some people with guards are not easy to start with. Just when he lamented that there was no gain today, in a glance, he saw Longlou and Shui Qingcheng were chatting and talking.

When Hu San saw the beauty of Shui Qingcheng, his head suddenly froze, and he was shocked, so after sobering up, he followed Longlou and Shui Qingcheng to the restaurant. Afterwards, after confirming that they had entered, Hu San hurried to the mayor's house and reported the news to the mayor's son.

Mr. Huafu is the son of the mayor of Xilai Town. He is also a bully here. He often bullies men and women. He is notorious here. When the locals mention Mr. Huafu, they all hate him.

After listening to Hu San's, Mr. Huafu said to himself, "There are many beautiful women in Xilai Town, but they are all students of the Mowu Academy. The students of the martial arts academy are not easy to mess with."

Although Mr. Huafu is lustful, he doesn't go up to **** when he sees a beautiful woman. First of all, he has to find out whether they are students of the academy and then start. Therefore, Mr. Huafu is on the one side, and he did not offend anyone who should not be offended. Young Master Huafu is very proud whenever he talks about this.

As soon as Hu San sees a beautiful woman, he will report the news to the young master Huafu, and he will get a reward. When the young man sees a beautiful woman, he will give more, and the average beauty will give less. No matter how much or how little, Hu San is happy to take it every time. After all, he can go to eat and drink.

PS: Ask for a gold medal! Ask for a recommendation! Ask for collection! Ask for a red envelope! Ask for gifts! Hey, ask for a red envelope reward!

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