Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 173: Fragrant flowers bloom in the wall

"Zhou Kun, I contacted a local plant laboratory. Tomorrow they will come to our eco-park to inspect the situation of Liuli persimmons. If there is nothing wrong with you tomorrow, please go together."

Qian Lina's movements were very fast, and he contacted a related laboratory in almost two days.

"Okay, I see."

This mutated Liuli persimmon can be said to be Zhou Kun's attempt. After all, there are too many special fruits in the alien world, and there is no way to take them out. Liuli persimmon is the best example. If a batch of Liuli persimmons can be cultivated through this method, then Zhou Kun's follow-up plan will be It's easier to develop a lot.

And he also has some other plans. He is going to buy some high-quality fruit varieties from the market, and then by sojourning the elves inside, see if he can improve some high-quality fruits like the previous pomegranates.

The fruit was grown here before the improvement. Although the cultivated varieties are better, they are still within a controllable range. In this world, apart from oneself, no one knows the existence of plant elves, and naturally there is no exposure. This is the second way Zhou Kun thought of.

On the second day, when Zhou Kun came to the ecological park at the agreed time, he saw a group of people surrounding the Liuli persimmons he had brought back, starting to ponder from top to bottom.

The staff in these laboratories first determined the authenticity of Liuli persimmons. After checking that this peculiar persimmon really grew out of the tree, even the well-informed laboratory personnel were amazed.

"Special, it's so special. I have never seen such a persimmon." Professor Li held a Liuli persimmon and carefully observed its shell, and couldn't help but say.

The plant laboratory Qian Lina found was attached to the Agricultural College of Copper City University, and the professor of the laboratory was named Li.

"Professor Li, I call the staff of your laboratory to come. In addition to studying the causes of the persimmon mutation, I also want to cultivate this persimmon through your laboratory." Qian Lina said to Professor Li.

"Miss Qian, you have to know that the variation of plants is very contingent, and this contingency often means many uncertain factors. It is difficult to say whether this mutated persimmon is heritable. I want to study this persimmon tree. It is not possible to solve it in a short while, and it is difficult to find a way to nurture him. It is possible that Miss Qian will take years of energy, time and money to do it, and our laboratory has to pay every month. The cost may be as high as several hundred thousand. If this is the case, is Miss Qian going to continue to study this persimmon tree?"

Qian Lina didn't expect that she just wanted to cultivate a persimmon tree, and it would take such a lot of energy, and listening to Professor Li's opinion, there was a great risk of failure in it, so she would hesitate a bit, just in case. If the development is not successful by that time, wouldn't it be that my own funds of millions or even tens of millions have been lost.

Suddenly Professor Li continued to speak: "If Ms. Qian allows, we can also talk about the purchase of this persimmon tree. I can help Ms. Qian contact the buyer. Merchants interested in this persimmon tree may spend several hundred dollars. To buy these three persimmon trees for an amount of 10,000 yuan, compared to Miss Qian’s investment in the next few years and uncertain factors, this may be a relatively cost-effective business."

In fact, in what Professor Li just said, there are some factors that scare Qian Lina. After all, Qian Lina's request is only to cultivate a group of glazed persimmons, not to crack the secret of his mutation. The difference is very big. , And the difference in funding is huge,

The reason why Professor Li said this just now is actually his selfishness. If he can help a few big gold masters behind him and buy these three brand new persimmon trees from the hands of Lina, he will You can also study the persimmon tree, and even the funding from the powerful boss may be several times that of Qian Lina.

"No need to think about it. Even if I give up research and let the persimmon trees fend for themselves, I will not consider selling them." Zhou Kun on the side showed his determination.

Qian Lina looked at him a little unexpectedly. After all, Qian Lina is a qualified businessman. She only cares about benefits. The remarks made by Professor Li just now actually touched him a little bit. In Qian Lina’s view, these three persimmon trees may It's a genetic mutation, so when I was researching it, the funds I invested in it ended up in vain. The risks involved are really too great.

Only Zhou Kun understood that this so-called mutation was simply an excuse he had just found, and these persimmon trees came from a different world, mass reproduction was not a problem at all, and Professor Li's statement was simply not valid.

"Miss Qian, who is this?" Professor Li did not expect that the young man next to him would suddenly interject, listening to his tone as if he was the one who had the right to make the decision.

"This is our Kunyang boss Zhou Li, since our boss Zhou has already decided, then let's do as he said."

Professor Li was obviously disappointed when he heard it. He didn't expect that the young man in front of him was so decisive, and he didn't even give him a chance to take advantage of it.

After that, Qian Lina signed a follow-up contract with the laboratory. Zhou Kun watched as the laboratory staff took away the branches, fruits, roots, and even the soil of the persimmon. He also had some expectations. What will the final experimental report of Jie Shizi look like?

After sending away the laboratory staff, Qian Lina suddenly changed the topic to topaz lemons.

"It seems that topaz lemons have really opened up sales overseas. Today I received calls from several merchants to inquire about the overseas sales of topaz lemons."

"Oh, that's a good thing, but listening to you seems to be more than businessmen from your own country contacting you, who else is from another country?"

"There is also a group of businessmen from the United States. It is said that they learned about our lemons through Ji Jiayan."

Zhou Kun just remembered that Ji Jiayan had indeed brought a foreigner here to buy a batch of lemons. He didn't expect this batch of lemons flowing overseas would have such a big response.

"At present, one of the problems facing our lemons is that the flowers bloom inside the walls and the fragrance outside the walls. Few people in China know topaz lemons, and they don't even believe that this lemon belongs to our company. It is true that both the home country and the United States have thrown olive branches. Now how can I make Topaz’s reputation and maximize the benefits of this batch of lemons is something I have been considering."

"Auction, just call everyone to auction for a public auction of topaz lemons."

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