Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 187: New students of square dance

"Attention, because the sweetness of this candy-heart strawberry is too sweet, we don't need to add sugar when making jam. We just pour the strawberry chunks into the pot and add a lot of lemon juice to adjust the acidity. Lemon juice can help the conversion of pectin, and play an anti-oxidant effect, making our jam brightly colored.” Ji Jia rigorously demonstrated the process of making jam step by step, and the old ladies listened very carefully later.

As the strawberries were poured into the pot, soon the strawberries in the pot began to juice. There was a slight bubble.

"At this time, we have to use a filter to remove all the bubbles, so as to ensure that the jam is clear and not turbid."

With Ji Jiayan's guidance, the jam in the hands of the old ladies began to thicken, and they made a "gurgling" sound.

At the same time, in the jam workshop of Xufeng Bakery, a large number of strawberries were converted into strawberry jam under the action of the jam machine.

Qian Lina is taking a few foreigners to visit their production workshop.

"Miss Qian, Mr. Howard would like to ask, is this strawberry jam really as you said, without adding any sugar at all?"

"I can tell you this for sure. The strawberry we use to make jam is our company's unique candy heart strawberry. Its sweetness is very high, 1.5 times the sweetness of white sugar, so it can be used to make jam directly. , And I have also taken you to see the production workshop. You can see that there is no added sugar in the raw materials."

The businessman Qian Lina brought was the American businessman Howard who had photographed the first batch of topaz before. This time he heard that Kunyang has produced a new fruit, but according to Qian Lina, the current output of sugar heart strawberries is very low. In addition, strawberries are not easy to preserve, so it seems impossible to export fresh strawberries.

But soon Qian Lina recommended another new product to Howard, which was Kunyang strawberry jam.

At present, Kunyang does not launch a whole jar of strawberry jam. The previous frustration of topaz lemon sales gave Qian Lina a reminder that their fruit reputation in Kunyang Fruit Industry is not so big that everyone can recognize it. Many fruit wholesalers surround them, just because the black jade and floral grapefruit were too good before. Once their company can't produce good products, even if they can produce ordinary high-quality fruits on the market, they will not Recognized by the industry.

Because many people have a deep-rooted idea that imported fruit is better than domestically produced fruit, if strawberry jam is launched immediately, I am afraid that everyone will still choose expensive imported jam.

The appearance of Howard gave Qian Lina a chance. If it works well, I believe they will soon become famous for Kunyang strawberry jam.

Howard said a lot, and then the translation said: "Mr. Howard said that he has tasted your company's jam before and the production environment is very satisfied, but I don't know whether the raw materials of your company's jam meet the standards of organic ingredients?"

This Qian Lina seemed to be prepared. She took out a bunch of documents from her hand and said: “All plant management in our entire ecological garden meets the standards of organic ingredients. This is the quality inspection report of our company’s strawberries. You can Translate for Mr. Howard."

While listening to the interpreter to explain to him, Howard kept flipping through the piles of reports Qian Lina gave him. After reading it, he nodded in satisfaction.

Qian Lina breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this.

After that, Howard successfully signed the overseas agency rights of jam, and according to Qian Lina's intention, although the jam was shipped abroad and then filled in a unified manner, the packaging design must be in Chinese.

Since this candy heart strawberry is currently only grown in Kunyang Ecological Park, this unique place of origin makes Qian Lina's request very reasonable in Howard's view.

After all, in order to highlight the value of jam, the origin and preciousness of this thing are also one of the selling points. Howard seemed very excited, and he found such a sweet strawberry.

At present, foreign countries pay more and more attention to the addition of refined sugar. Although the taste of Americans is sweeter, more and more people in the upper class are beginning to get rid of the dependence on refined sugar. The strawberry jam of Kunyang Company has no added sugar. It also conforms to organic crops, all of which are external conditions for price increases.

As long as it works well, this strawberry jam can become the new favorite of the American ladies circle.

A large number of sugar-hearted strawberries in the ecological garden were made into jam. This matter soon became no secret in the industry, but with the previous oolong, many fruit industry bosses still took detours and focused On the body of Jinlan Flower.

However, it is difficult for outsiders to enter the high-end community like Jinlan Mingju, so the bosses changed their tricks and came up with a loss.

When the old ladies dance the square dance every day, the side gates of the community will open to let in a large number of residents from the neighbouring community, in order to facilitate the flowers of the orchids to dance the square the bosses connect their wives Coaxing and shouting over: "You should help, and dance square dance with these aunts in this community. After you get acquainted with them, the strawberry thing is half done."

"Bah, whoever came up with an idea, find a group of old ladies to work, you want to be even more nasty, and let your wife dance with a group of old ladies."

"What did I do my best to socialize outside? It wasn't for our little family. You also sacrificed one time now. What's the point of going to the square dance? If it wasn't for me to be too eye-catching inside as a man Go by yourself."

This shows that for the whereabouts of this candy heart strawberry, the bosses took great pains, and the people who can come up with this idea to accompany the square dance have to be said to be personal talents.

There are actually more than one such talents. Tonight, three new faces appeared in the square dance team of Jinlanzhihua.

"Are you from our community? You face it?"

"I came from the neighborhood next door. I heard that there are so many songs dancing here, and I often change it, so I came to see it."

"I think you are not old and young people are very adaptable. I guess you can keep up in two days with you."

"Really? Who is the leader? Is there a fixed position for dancing?"

"Here, the leader is called Huang Fang, and you can just jump behind the team later."

Soon the music sounded, and the three new "young people" began to dance behind the square dance team. After half an hour, their young advantages gradually emerged. They learned quickly and were in good shape. Everyone felt that the square dance was pretty good.

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