Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 221: Red dates return

When Pillux came back, he twitched and told Zhou Kun and Quinn that he and Dai Lisi were officially together.

"When we get together, Kuhn, you must come."

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back to drink your wedding wine."

"Wedding wine?"

"It's just to celebrate that you and Dairis are together. This is our human custom."

"Our Dragons are not so troublesome, but I still hope you can be there. After all, you are a witness of my love with Dai Lisi."

Zhou Kun didn't expect Pillux to regard himself so importantly, so he nodded and promised that he would be there by then.

After solving Pillux's single problem, Zhou Kun finally breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from this trend, his father's potion for awakening should soon be available.

"Zhou Kun, don't forget to attend this afternoon's regular meeting. At that time, we will discuss the latest fruits of the next season." Qian Lina's call reminded Zhou Kun of a headache. After Liuxiang oranges were contracted by Walter Supermarket, I am going to run a new fruit.

But it has been a long time since George went to serve in the military and Winnie returned to the Iron Empire.

"Aunt Huang, are you free now? I have something I want to consult with you." In desperation, Zhou Kun could only hold up the golden thigh, after all, no one has Huang Fang's mouth spirit.

"Xiao Zhou, why are you free to call me today?" Huang Fang was learning to fry bean paste with Lao Jin in the baking classroom. At this time, he had to stop the steps.

"It's mainly because I'm going out to sell goods in the past few days, so I want to ask Auntie, do you have any fruits you want to eat?"

"Running? Xiao Zhou, the red dates you brought us last time, don’t know if there are any more?" Since learning to fry the fillings, the importance of these red dates has been highlighted again. It's finished, but Lao Jin is now teaching all kinds of fillings. The old red jujube mud made the old ladies in the community remember.

"Red dates? Do you want to eat other fruits?" He has red dates in his manor, so I don't worry, but new varieties of fruits have to rely on Aunt Huang.

"Only red dates, there are red dates. The more red dates, the better. Xiao Zhou, I won't tell you. I'm frying red bean paste. If you don't look at it, it will be burnt." Hang up the phone. The Flowery Flowers of Online Games

"Aunt Huang--" A busy tone came on the other end of the phone and told Zhou Kun that his plan seemed to have failed.

When Zhou Kun arrived in the conference room of Kunyuan Juice Factory, the three people in the conference room seemed to have been discussing for a long time.

"Zhou Kun, you are finally here, do you want to sell the fruit for the next season?"

"We can't always sell fresh fruits. How about selling red dates in the next batch?"

"I also know that every time I ask you to run a new fruit, it is a bit difficult for you, but you can't just get a red date to send me away."

"Chayan's red dates are for me." Zhou Kun felt that the Chayan card might make Qian Lina change her mind.

"What did you say?" Qian Lina was not very familiar with the milk tea drinks outside, but Xiao Cai screamed first.

"Boss! Our company really still supplies Chayan? When did it happen?"

"We have always provided tea products from the watermelon."

"Boss, can I skip the line? Or can I just skip the order?" Xiao Cai is a milk tea girl, and a cup of milk tea is standard.

"Xiao Cai, let's talk about the milk tea, cough, and red dates first. The red dates are of good quality?"

"Sister Na, it's more than good. This special red date drink is simply their signature, but it was soon removed from the shelves. Generally speaking, the red date drink is either too sweet or has the sourness of red dates, but this tea looks Our red date milk tea has a unique mellow fragrance."

"Actually, I have sold a batch of red dates before, and Aunt Zhou also bought a lot of them. You should have tasted them."

After Zhou Kun said this, Qian Lina suddenly thought that for a few days a month, her mother would bring her a bowl of red to black jujube soup, maybe it was made with Zhou Kun's red dates. Right?

"How many red dates are there? Our company has not contacted such dry goods before. Let's discuss how to sell them." Listening to Qian Lina's meaning, it seems that the red dates have passed.

"Red date purée is used more in traditional Chinese pastries. Our last batch of chestnut purée has been selling well. If the quality of red date purée can also pass the test, then the hotel will not have a big promotion problem."

Seven Wonders of the Other Shore

"Jujube milk must be available. There are already many beverage vendors on the market making jujube milk. It can be seen that this milk is still very marketable." Xiao Cai didn't know whether he was really proposing from the company's standpoint or for the sake of Satisfy her appetite, in short, she is obsessed with jujube milk.

"Dried instant crispy dates should also have a good market as a snack. Up to now, there are three possible development directions. It seems that the red dates should be able to be made. Zhou Kun, now it depends on how much you can get back. "

Zhou Kun originally saw a few women discussing the red dates with gusto, thinking that he would finally be able to salt the fish for a few more days, but did not expect Qian Lina to immediately want the red dates. It seems that he will be going again tonight.

"Then what is your psychological price?" Zhou Kun was planning to collect all the red dates in one go because of the out-of-stock situation again.

I saw Qian Lina stretch out a hand.

"Five tons? Too little. Last time I supplied the old ladies of Jinlan Mingju more than once."

When Zhou Kun saw Qian Lina's face unchanged, Xiao Cai and Zheng Mengru snickered there.

"That's 50 tons? This is a bit You have to give me a few more days."

"500 tons, less than this number, we are doing nothing." In fact, this number is only Qian Lina probing Zhou Kun. Judging from their current situation in Kunyang, 100 tons of red dates are enough to handle, and we still need it. Make a plan accordingly.

It's just that Qian Lina has never put pressure on Zhou Kun in terms of supply. He went out to find supply with a hammer and a stick, so Qian Lina wanted to see where Zhou Kun's limit was.

"500 tons? Then you have to prepare a payment of more than 20 million yuan. Where does our company get so much money?" Even if 500 tons of red dates are added with Pillux, it will take at least a whole night to carry them. Collecting red dates is a hassle. thing.

According to Zhou Kun's meaning, it's better to get a few dozen tons first.

"Twenty million? Xiao Cai, wait until the meeting is over and pay the 20 million payment to Boss Zhou." After that, Qian Lina and Zheng Mengru left the meeting room first, leaving Zhou Kun who was dumbfounded.

"Boss Zhou, just before you came, we were accounting for the last month's profit, which was almost 30 million yuan. Or call you all. Can you get me a coupon for Chayan?"

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