Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 223: The cost of jujube juice

The production workshop of Kunyuan Juice Factory is full of strong red dates scent. The batch of red dates brought back by Zhou Kun began to flow into two different pipelines after being denuclearized.

On one side is the huge boiler room, where a lot of red dates are boiled into jujube juice, after which batches of Kunyuan jujube juice are filled from the assembly line.

On the other hand, a large number of red dates are transported to the drying workshop. The instant crispy dates that Kunyang Company has recently started to sell come from this workshop.

"This is our Kunyuan raw material workshop. As you can see, our Kunyuan red date juice and instant crispy dates use the same batch of raw materials. Although the cost of raw materials will increase, this is also our Kunyuan red date juice. The reason for the excellent taste is that we only use the best Qiang jujube as the raw material, and try to preserve the original taste of the jujube juice when making it."

A few outsiders followed Qian Lina. They all had a pack of red dates samples in their hands. After watching the Kunyang assembly line, Qian Lina led them into the conference room.

The people here are exactly the fish that Qian Lina said before, the two major milk companies in the city.

Some time ago, the launch of Kunyuan red date juice greatly stimulated the sales of fresh milk in this city. However, at the same time, the red date milk originally sold by the two dairy companies was in a mess. The sales of Tongcheng Milk Industry has been very stable. Coupled with the fact that it should be time for milk sales to increase after winter, the decline in red jujube milk sales quickly attracted the attention of the two companies.

When the person under his hand put a drink called Kunyuan Jujube Juice in front of the marketing manager of Shengxing, and kept saying that this drink caused the sales of their company's jujube milk to decline, Manager Cheng only felt that the other party was perfunctory. he.

Jujube juice boiled by industrial machines on the market often has a sour and bitter taste, so it is not delicious in taste. At the beginning, their company's jujube milk was only selected after many times of blending.

"Manager, this is the milk I brewed with this red date juice. You can try it."

"This is really milk made with jujube juice?" Why does the jujube milk produced by our own family have two different tastes? How can we make jujube milk so bad?

Although the marketing manager did not say the next half sentence, the reason for the decline in sales seems to be found. If the jujube juice drink and pure milk can make such a delicious drink, their company's jujube milk can be sold. Go there to be ghosts.

Jujube milk has always been in an awkward position. It is a pity that it is tasteless to give up. If you give up this jujube milk, it means that there is one less variety to seize the market, but the sales of jujube milk always fail to reach a qualified level. The profit is difficult to maintain.

So Manager Cheng of the marketing department reported the matter to the above: "The reason for the decline in the sales of jujube milk has been found. A beverage factory called Kunyuan Juice Factory in Tongcheng has launched a new jujube juice. There are many people on the market. Choosing to use this red date juice to brew milk, the taste is much better than the red date milk we produce?"

In fact, it’s a more euphemistic statement from Manager Cheng. The real situation is probably worse.

"So you mean, it's not because of the milk factory next door. We were defeated by a beverage factory?"

The company fell into silence, and the general manager suddenly said, "Did you bring the sample? Let me taste it. Jujube juice is basically water, so it should be mild when brewed directly in milk."

When Kunyuan red date juice is opened, even if it is room temperature red date juice with milk, without the blessing of temperature, the jujube fragrance is still overflowing in the meeting room.

After a while, the general manager in the silent meeting room spoke again: "Xiao Cheng, tell me, do we cut the production line of this red date milk directly, or go to talk to this company called Kun Yuan?"

"The problem now is that if we give up jujube milk, and the opposite company contacts the Kunyuan Juice Factory, with the taste of this jujube milk, it might squeeze the market for other milks."

Manager Cheng felt that the atmosphere in the office was a bit solemn again. In fact, the initiative was no longer in their hands.

"Oh-Xiao Cheng, please contact this factory, I hope we are one step ahead of the next door."

So the two milk companies in Tongcheng found Kun Yuan at the same time, and the previous scene happened.

After arriving in the back meeting room, Zhou Kun played his role as a background board competently. He watched Qian Lina demonstrating ppt on stage, but he was a little expectant. This time Qian Lina can grab from the pockets of these two companies. how much is it.

"The presentation on ppt is the sales volume of our Kunyuan Jujube Juice after its launch. It ranks among the best in the several stores currently on the shelves, and customers who purchase jujube juice and fresh milk account for about 70% of them..."

Regarding Qian Lina's ppt, Zhou Kun summarized a few key points: Our red date juice sales are very Our red date juice with milk is first-rate, you should pay for it.

In fact, Qian Lina is really good at grabbing money, just like she brought people to the production workshop just now and told the customer that Kun Yuan's red jujube juice uses the same materials as crisp dates, which is nothing wrong.

But Qian Lina did not tell the other party that the jujubes after boiling the jujube juice will not be discarded, but will be taken directly to the jujube mud workshop.

The purchases of major hotels waited in line outside the Kunyuan red jujube mud workshop, rushing to buy the remaining "jujube residue".

Before the meeting, he asked Qian Lina about the cost of a pack of Kunyuan jujube juice. Qian Lina didn't tell him the specific figures, only that the biggest cost was the packaging of the jujube juice.

Finally, at the cost of the raw materials, Qian Lina gave Zhou Kun a bright smile, letting him associate herself.

After that, you came to me and the contract was finally finalized an hour later.

Shengxing and Niushan Dairy Co., Ltd. jointly bought out Kunyuan’s red date concentrate. The two companies seem to be ready to export. After all, there are only these two local dairy companies in Copper City, but there are still many national companies. Milk giants, and Kun Yuan’s red date juice became their trump card. When neither company was sure to eat all of Kun Yuan’s date juice, they chose to join forces.

After the people from the two milk companies left, Zhou Kun said his question: "After doing this for a long time, you are going to sell them the red date juice concentrate? Is it not good for us to make red date juice?"

"This is just the beginning of the sales plan for red dates, but I will tell you in advance that if my plan is successful, Kunyuan red date juice will soon be taken off the shelves."

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