Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 235: George made for you

Nass City is located in the southeast of Omu Continent. It is a small town on the border of the Besius Empire. It was originally a small nobleman like George. The place for military service was usually such a small town with no crisis. But who thought of neighboring The country suddenly found it difficult to find this worthless place, which caused George to fall into trouble.

Fortunately, although wars often occur in Aomu Continent, and there are many sacrifices of innocent people, a large number of massacres rarely occur. As long as the surrender is confirmed, the general process is to confirm whether there are nobles, and then send a notice to the empire. People carry gold coins to ransom people.

Therefore, Adolf started to raise money as soon as he knew that the city of Nass, where George was located, had fallen, but he was also afraid that his son would not be able to confirm his identity during the war and be missed. Still bought.

   But now my son must be saved!

On the back of the dragon, Adolf suddenly felt a little dazed. He had only been struggling to save George before. Now looking at the dozens of giant dragons around, Adolf suddenly felt a little emotional. The strength of the Great Magister Kuhn is really unpredictable by ordinary people. Yes, the son has such a powerful teacher, George's greatest wealth.

  The dragon was flying fast, and soon the iconic red building in Nas City had appeared in their sight.

   The soldiers who originally patrolled the walls of Nass watched dozens of small dots flying in the sky. His first reaction was the attack of the enemy vulture brigade.

   "The enemy attack, go and notify the city lord, the others prepare for battle"

   So Nas City, which had been temporarily trapped in tranquility, once again entered a state of nervous preparation.

   "How many people have the other party come, and how long will it take to arrive." When the city lord climbed up the city wall surrounded by the crowd, if Adolf were here, he would definitely recognize that this was his precious son George.

   After only two years of tempering, George has faded away from his green face, and his beard and beard all look rough.

"It's a giant dragon, dozens of giant dragons, City Lord, let's retreat as soon as possible." As the figure in the sky gets closer and closer, the guards finally see that these flying dragons are not vultures, but real dragons. , And there are so many dozens!

   "What? Is it a dragon?" George couldn't wait to run to the tower, watching the growing shadow of the dragon, George thought of every time his teacher appeared.

   "Notify the guards, everyone don't attack, my teacher is here."

   When George said these words, the fear of the people under his hand who thought it was the dragon made the young city master conjecture, after all, he had never heard of anyone who would worship the dragon as a teacher.

   "The dragon is here, run!"

The fear caused by the dragon caused the will of the soldiers on the wall to disintegrate. There are countless terrible legends about the dragon on the continent of Omu. The city of Nass is a small border town without guards and magic associations like the blue city. To guard against the dragon, these walls are just a fragile toy, not to mention so many dragons.

   "Listen, the lord of Nass City, I will give you a quarter of an hour to find out George Parado. I can guarantee that no one will be harmed by handing him over.

   When Zhou Kun's voice appeared above Nas City, George was overjoyed. It was really the teacher who came!

   "Teacher, here I am!"

  Although George had shouted the loudest voice as possible, it was still too slight for the fear and despair of the residents in the city. In Zhou Kun's view, their arrival had played a very effective role in intimidating.

   "Adolf, don't worry, it seems that the power of the dragon has played an effective role, and they should appear with George soon."

   "Teacher! I am here! George is here!"

   George’s shout was drowned in the crowd, surrounded by panicked people, but fortunately there were many loyal guards around George.

   "Go and comfort the people around, these dragons were brought to me by my teacher."

   This flustered drama should stop as long as George calms down his subordinates and contacts Zhou Kun.

   But Zhou Kun and Adolf who hovered in the air saw another group of people outside Nas City behind them.

"Adolf, do you think George has escaped from Nas City, and is in the group behind him?" Seeing that no one in Nas City has come to contact him, Zhou Kun doubted George’s clever head, he said Maybe he was not trapped in Nas City at all.

   If this is the case, then the group behind him is most likely to have George.

As a result, the enemy army who was lurking outside the city of Nath and preparing for a sneak attack, saw dozens of dragons hovering in the sky from a distance, and was very fortunate. It seems that Nath City will be destroyed by the dragon without doing it yourself. Under the dragon's breath.

Who would have thought that all of a sudden these giant dragons began to fly towards them, behind them was an endless wasteland, there was no place to hide, the only hope for them to survive at this time was to rush to the opposite city of Nas and announce their surrender , With the help of the strength of the city wall and the strength of both parties, to see if it can be delayed for a period of time and exchanged for a chance to breathe, maybe the dragon will leave after raging.

   So the enemy army hesitated for three seconds and began to choose to run towards Nas City.

   "We surrender! We choose to surrender! Let's go into the don't want to die under the dragon's breath."

  George stood on the city wall, feeling that he was indeed a teacher, and made the enemy's main force choose to surrender without any effort.

   But Zhou Kun on the back of the dragon was very puzzled, why the group behind him also ran into the city, so where is George?

   "Respected Grand Sorcerer Kuhn, can you let the dragon fly lower, the man standing on the wall of Nass is a bit like George."

   Adolf deserves to be George's father. Unlike Zhou Kun, a cheap master, even if his son turns from a young boy to a shaggy beard, Adolf still recognizes George at a glance.

   "You said that the bearded man on the wall is George?" By the way, this is the second time Zhou Kun has not recognized George.

   "Teacher, you are finally here, Shudders, go and tell everyone to manage the horses in the city and clear a clean area for the dragons."

   "Yes, Santo!"

   Looking at George and the group of horsemen behind him, Zhou Kun hasn't reacted yet. Didn't it mean George is in trouble? Why now suddenly turned around and became the lord of Nas City.

   "George, what the **** is going on?"

   "Teacher Kuhn, the students did not live up to the teacher's expectations and kept Nas City."

   George’s tone suddenly gave Zhou Kun a strange feeling. He was saying: Teacher Kuhn, this is what George made for you.

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