Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 248: Native products

Originally, when he came to the ecological park, Shi Wenyu thought that there was really nothing interesting in this copper city, otherwise, why would Ma Chaofan bring him here.

There are only some basic entertainment items in this ecological park. It can even be said to be a little rudimentary, which is not proportional to the number of buses parked at the door. But when Ma Chaofan took him to the kiwi orchard, he looked at each of them holding straws. For tourists who squatted under the tree to eat kiwis, Shi Wenyu found it strange and unspeakable. He always felt that eating kiwis in this way was too earthy.

"Try it, this Kunyang kiwi fruit is really different from ordinary kiwi fruit." Ma Chaofan looked at Shi Wenyu with an embarrassed look, knowing that he couldn't let go of it.

So he took the lead in taking out a straw and began to **** the kiwi fruit from the tree. Shi Wenyu looked at the people around him with a familiar appearance, thinking that no one in Copper City knew him anyway, and finally he looked at the kiwi in his hand. Straw, hesitated and joined the kiwi-sucking team.

"How about? This kiwi is the characteristic of our copper city. At present, only Kunyang Ecological Park in the country can drink kiwi with a straw on the tree." Ma Chaofan and You Rongyan said, although there are exaggerated ingredients in it. Inside, but in other places, if the kiwi fruit is soft and ripe like this, it will often have an alcoholic smell, and it can't be really refreshing while still being sucked with a straw.

To be honest, Shi Wenyu never thought that this kiwi fruit could have such a taste. After a sip of a straw, the whole kiwi fruit turned into a shriveled state, still hanging on the branch like this.

The rich and fragrant kiwi juice in the mouth is sweet and sour, giving Shi Wenyu a whole new experience. It turns out that kiwi can be eaten like this.

After that, Shi Wenyu was completely let go. In the next hour, he ate seven or eight kiwis in a row, and then he stopped until his stomach was too strong.

"It's almost time. Let's go to the shopping area of ​​the Ecological Park."

It was the first time that Shi Wenyu saw someone take the initiative to go shopping in the shopping area, but with the previous example of kiwi, he felt that he should behave more naturally.

"There are five bags of chestnut mud, two boxes of Tongcheng No.1, and how many boxes of candy heart strawberries can be purchased by each person?" Seeing Ma Chaofan began to put various ingredients in the shopping cart, Shi Wenyu only felt that he was a little fussy before.

But when he checked out, he was still surprised by the consumption of Copper City.

"Hello, a total of three thousand four hundred and fifty yuan spent, how do you pay?"

"E letter."

When the checkout is over here, Ma Chaofan said to Shi Wenyu: "These are new specialties of our Copper City, they are all unique products of Kunyang, and they are not good things. You can't go back empty-handed when you come to me as a guest. ."

Shi Wenyu looked at Ma Chaofan's carefully selected items and found that all of their copper city specialties seemed to be related to fruits.

Finally, before Shi Wenyu left the copper city, Ma Chaofan thought that his old classmate seemed to like Xiangyan's meatballs, so he ordered two packages of semi-finished meatballs with Xiangyan in advance.

When Shi Wenyu's driver came to pick him up, he saw that his boss was carrying so many agricultural and sideline products, and he thought that Tongcheng was his hometown.

Ashamed to reject Ma Chaofan's enthusiasm, Shi Wenyu could only bring these specialties back to Jincheng.

"Grandpa, I'm back."

"Wen Yu, you came back from a business trip, this is you, Uncle Wei, come and say hello." Shi Jianguo was very happy to see his grandson back. His grandson is his favorite, most like him when he was young.

"Uncle Wei is good."

"Jianguo, your grandson is this old?"

"This is my second grandson, and my little grandson is already in college."

"Uncle Wei, just before I came back from a business trip in Copper City, my classmates gave me a lot of souvenirs. When you go back, take a copy with you. There is a meatball in it, which is very good.

"Routine? Suhang cuisine is popular in Tongcheng, is it meat gluten?"

"No, it's just ordinary meatballs. Uncle Wei will happen to be eating here, right? I'll let the kitchen make some for everyone to try."

"Wen Yu, you can't help being a bit tricky. You are afraid that you don't know the identity of your Uncle Wei. He has been a master chef of Huaiyang cuisine for decades. How could you be a meat ball in his eyes? "Wei Xingwei is a famous Huaiyang cuisine chef in Jincheng. Rouyuanzi is an indispensable dish in Huaiyang cuisine.

"What you say is all from the child's mind. Wen Yu, don't listen to your grandpa. I am not the only one who cooks Huaiyang dishes. Besides, I can taste the hometown dishes without me. What's not happy"

After a few words of kindness, Shi Wenyu left the living room, and asked the aunt at home to help tidy up the souvenirs she brought back this time.

When the family came to call him, a table of people had already been sitting at the table, just waiting for him to open the table.

"Sorry to deal with work matters before, I was late."

"It's okay, there are no outsiders today, Wen Yu just happened to be back, and our family will have a casual meal."

Soon the meatballs that Shi Wenyu brought back were brought to the According to his previous eating method, only adding a small amount of bean sprouts, the meatballs brought the smell of meat all over the house. .

"Chef Wei, come and try this master's craftsmanship?"

Originally, Wei Xingwei ignored Shi Jianguo's ridicule, but he still caught a meatball with chopsticks.

Copper City does not belong to Huaiyang cuisine, so he did not have much hope for this meatball. Who knew that after the meatball was imported, it had a crunchy taste. Wei Xingwei immediately recognized the inside. Water chestnuts. The meatballs have a smooth taste, tender and juicy, and they are really good.

"Wen Yu, did you buy this meat ball from Yonghuai Restaurant?" Wei Xingwei thought that this meat ball came from his old friend, and he wanted to feel that his old friend for many years actually had it on Huaiyang cuisine. Such a big improvement.

"No, I brought it back from a Hunan restaurant called Xiangyan."

"Hunan Restaurant?" Wei Xingwei did not expect that such delicious meatballs were made by a Hunan cuisine chef, so he took another bite of the meatballs on his chopsticks.

After careful taste this time, he found that there was a hint of fresh fragrance in the fresh scent of the meatballs, and ordinary horseshoes should not have such a refreshing taste.

He couldn't wait to scoop a spoonful of meatball soup. The savory taste of the broth and the fragrance of water chestnuts blended together. It seemed that the meatballs were really the same as he thought. The secret of the deliciousness lies in the water chestnuts.

The first thing Wei Xingwei did when he left the Shi family after dinner was to call his apprentice: "Guo Liang, you can run to Copper City, go to a restaurant called Xiangyan, and find a special kind of water chestnut."

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