Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 262: Fertilizer samples

Recently, everyone in Kunyang knows that Qian Lina is in a good mood, which can be seen from the fact that she bought another bag with a lock.

"Manager Qian, this month seems to be 23 million more laboratories." Liu Qingsheng's voice on the other end of the phone was a little nervous. After all, there was an additional 3 million in the account, wouldn't it be severance pay?

Since their laboratory was established, they have been studying the soil provided by the boss, but the experiment has been in the research stage. Judging from the current progress, they have already understood the characteristics of the soil. There is a special kind of soil in this soil. The active enzymes can activate the characteristics of plants.

However, the experiment has been stuck at this stage, and the funds have been burning during the period. If things go on like this, Liu Qingsheng has some doubts whether he can persist until the day when the experimental results come out. After all, the scale of Kunyang is there, and the industry was cut halfway. There are countless laboratories dropped, and Liu Qingsheng is worried that he will become one of them.

"I heard that the progress of the laboratory is very slow. I am a layman, but I probably know that many things are due to equipment. When the laboratory was established, I remembered that I cut off a spare device. This 3 million is for You add equipment and buy experimental medicines."

Qian Lina invested most of Kunyang's funds when establishing the laboratory, but there were still a lot of equipment that could not be fully purchased. Recently, Longan Qian just made a lot of money, and she has sufficient funds in Kunyang's account. Under the circumstances, Qian Lina finally did not forget the existence of the laboratory.

"Thank you, Manager Qian, we will go all out to produce results."

Liu Qingsheng didn't expect to receive additional funds even though his experiment hasn't made any progress. Is this a golden thigh?

"Teacher, did Golden Master's father pay me my living expenses?" Zhang Haoran stopped when he heard the three million yuan and started to stare at his teacher.

"The funder added three million yuan to buy us reagents and equipment!"

"3 million?" Their laboratory's monthly funding is around 2 million, so is it 1 million more?

"It is an additional 3 million, which is 5 million!"

"Oh my God! Five million, we can finally buy reagents without digging."

"Buy back the two-million-dollar equipment that you had previously fancyed!"

"Teacher, let's set off now, what should I do if the gold master repents at that time" Zhang Haoran's idea was recognized by a group of brothers.

So Liu Qingsheng led a few students to the experimental supply store. What they didn't know was that Zhang Haoran accidentally entered the wrong decimal point after the experimental data because of excitement.

When they came back, the reagents in the equipment lay quietly there.

"Haoran, why did the properties of the reagent change? Did you just enter the wrong data?"

Liu Qingsheng immediately noticed the difference in the samples. Zhang Haoran had always been responsible for the input data, so he found the source of the mistake in the first place.

"How could it be, I used to..." Zhang Haoran originally wanted to defend, but when he checked the data, he found that he had made a mistake.

"You only need to be responsible for copying the data in the next two weeks. You don't need to get started with the experiment."

"Teacher, no, I don't like copying data the most!"

"Is this something you don't like to do?" Liu Qingsheng was planning to continue teaching Zhang Haoran, but he suddenly noticed that the reagent in Zhang Haoran's hand was in a different state.

It can be said that this is a state they have never seen before, so Liu Qingsheng became curious and began to continue the experiment.

"It succeeded, it succeeded!" This accidentally prepared reagent actually succeeded.

The results of the comparison came out. The accidentally prepared reagents could mimic some of the characteristics of the active enzymes at the beginning, which produced obvious sample differences from the control group.

"Quickly, Haoran, what data did you just record? Hurry up and record it. We will do another experiment!"

Neither Qian Lina nor Zhou Kun expected Liu Qingsheng's laboratory to produce results so quickly.

"Boss, this reagent is a kind of medicine that we formulated based on the soil sample you brought back to regulate plant growth."

"How far can it be done?" Zhou Kun did not expect to use modern technology to crack the secret of the 2000 big elves so quickly.

But when Zhou Kun saw the control sample, he knew that Liu Qingsheng's experiment was still far away.

Judging from Liu Qingsheng's experimental control samples, this reagent can only speed up the growth of plants to a certain extent, which is far worse than the level of where 2000 urine flowers bloom.

Zhou Kun did not hold much hope for the results of the experiment at the beginning. Now this has exceeded his expectations. Now the most critical factor is whether this medicine can replace 2000 urine as a regulator to prevent the concentration difference between the two worlds. The adverse reactions to plants.

If this potion is really effective, then it is possible to grow exotic fruits here on a large scale, and you only need to hold this potion firmly in your and then sell the fruits individually. Miao can monopolize the global market.

Since Zhou Kun found bananas, he has always wanted to grow this special banana here, but once large-scale production, the origin and particularity of bananas are a problem that is difficult to explain.

Liu Qingsheng’s experimental results are very suitable for use as an auxiliary fertilizer. Without fertilizer, it means that bananas cannot be grown. Bananas and fertilizers come from Kunyang’s laboratory. Even if other companies want to grow bananas, they must give Kunyang. Yang pays money.

Liu Qingsheng looked at his boss blankly and didn't know what he was thinking. He was actually a little bit bottomless. After all, although the experiment was successful several times, it would take some time to mass-produce.

Qian Lina also discovered the value of this fertilizer. Of course, she still thought Zhou Kun was planning to develop a new fertilizer.

There are a few key questions that Zhou Kun wants to know: "What is the cost of this medicine? When will it enter commercial scale?"

"At present, the cost of one gram is more than two hundred." Not to mention commercialization, it should not be possible in a short time.

"From now on, you want money, money, and people. Anyway, get me out of this fertilizer as quickly as possible."

After walking out of the laboratory, Qian Lina and Zhou Kun looked at each other. Zhou Kun thought that Qian Lina would ask herself many questions, but she only said one sentence: "Zhou Kun, give this fertilizer a name, right?"

"Kunyang No. 1 fertilizer?" Even Zhou Kun himself felt so sloppy!

Unexpectedly, Qian Lina only replied one word: "Okay!"

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