
After He Lingtian flew to the ground, gnashing teeth said.

“What are you doing to eat, you can make him escape!”

He Lingtian roared angrily, and the guard behind him did not dare to say anything.

“Immediately search the whole city and give me door-to-door searches. No matter who it is, as long as you dare to resist, you will execute without any mercy, you must find Yan Qing for me!”


Many guards ran out immediately.

“He Junwang, what the hell is going on?”

Man’s face is also quite ugly. He only knows that Yan Qing is being held in the County Palace. He doesn’t know that Xia Xuan has already I took Yan Qing and looked at the great array under County Palace.

“There is no time to explain, let’s go to Heqing Sir, where is Heqing Sir now?”

He Lingtian hurriedly said, only Heqing can activate the great array, if If conditions permit, He Lingtian can’t wait to launch the great array now, and must not give the other party a chance to destroy the great array.

In a courtyard in Purple Demon City, the silhouettes of Yan Qing and Liu Ying suddenly appeared, and Xia Jun hurried out.

“Young Master!”

When Yan Qing saw Xia Jun, he was very excited.

“Master Yan, I trust you have been well since we last met.”

Xia Jun said with a smile, and then brought Yan Qing to the room with Liu Ying Inside.

Yan Qing’s injury is not particularly serious. After Tang Lei gave Yan Qing the medicine pill, the sealed Martial Soul within the body of Yan Qing is gradually unblocking, and his body trauma is also fast. heal.

“Yan Qing killed 50,000 soldiers of the Great Xia Empire, please Young Master forgive me!”

Before Tang Lei stabilized Yan Qing’s wound, Yan Qing immediately knelt down Up.

“Say these words later!”

Xia Jun quickly helped Yan Qing up.

“Master Yan, what’s the situation with County Palace? Have you found any important information?”

“There is a very huge Array underground in the County Palace, The energy in the Array is terrifying. Heqing is in the County Palace, and the Sixth Imperial Prince Xia Xuan has betrayed and is now in the County Palace!” Yan Qing said in a low voice.

“What, Xia Xuan?”

Xia Jun was surprised. Although he had guessed that there would be traitors in the Great Xia Imperial Family, he did not expect Xia Xuan to betray. Although Xia Jun and Xia Xuan usually have no intersection, but Xia Xuan is the prince, why did he collude with Heqing?

“Array is underground in the County Palace? This is troublesome, we want to destroy Array, I am afraid it will be even harder!”

Tang Lei doesn’t care who betrayed in the Great Xia Imperial Family He only cares about how to destroy Array. Since Array is underground in the County Palace, it must be protected by the breakthrough County Palace. It is bound to fight Heqing, Man, and He Lingtian head-on.

They are now short of manpower, and there is almost no chance of winning in a head-to-head match, let alone destroying the great array.

“And Array is about to start soon, Xia Xuan is ready to leave!”

Yan Qing said again.

Although I know the location of the great array hub this time, the difficulties faced are also unimaginable.

Outside, the entire Purple Demon City was in chaos. A large number of soldiers searched house-to-house. Regardless of the actual situation, they just broke in and started searching.

County Palace was also disturbed. Who would have thought that Yan Qing could restore Martial Soul, and in the end he really rushed out of County Palace.

“Xia Xuan, you brought Yan Qing to the center of the great array without my consent. Do you really think that because of your identity as the prince, I dare not do anything to you? “

Heqing was originally preparing for Array. After hearing the news that Yan Qing had escaped, he was also quite angry. Knowing that Xia Xuan had taken Yan Qing into the ground, He Qing was furious.

“Blam me? You have sealed Yan Qing’s Martial Soul, why is Yan Qing still able to fight? Obviously you are at a disadvantage!”

Xia Xuan did not give in either.

“Can the two of you stop for a while, now is not the time to shirk responsibility, we have to start the great array immediately, as long as the great array is started, what about Yan Qing even if he escapes?”

He Lingtian can’t stand these two people anymore. He just wants to go to the heavens on the cloud and enjoy it. As long as the great array can be started smoothly, there will be nothing for him.

“The blood imprint has not been completely engraved yet, and there are still five blood imprints to be completed.”

Heqing said with a black face.

“The most important thing now is to strengthen the defense. Yan Qing was rescued by someone. The guy Xia Jun didn’t give up. They must be hiding in County City now, and they want to destroy the great. The center of the array!”

Xia Xuan said with gnashing teeth.

“Yan Qing and Xia Jun must be killed this time, my identity cannot be exposed, otherwise how will I stand in the Imperial Family?”

Yan Qing already knows With Xia Xuan’s identity, if Xia Xuan wants to stay in the Great Xia Empire, he must kill Yan Qing.

“I need to keep an eye on the situation of the great array, and I can’t chase it personally. Man, you are responsible for the guard of the City Lord Mansion. You can search the entire County City. You must check Yan Qing and Xia Jun. Their entire group will find out!”

At the critical moment, Heqing is still in charge.

But Xia Xuan is not ready to stay in this place anymore. The great array will be opened soon, and Xia Xuan will leave as soon as possible.

Heqing doesn’t want to stay for this reason. Xia Xuan, a guy who has not succeeded enough, should leave early.

The blood imprint will soon be able to engrave all, as long as the blood imprint is all engraved, Heqing can open the great array, when the time comes, no one can stop it.

On the other side, Tang Lei and Xia Jun are still discussing how to destroy the great array. With Heqing, it is difficult for them to reach the center of the Array, and such a terrifying great array, if you want to destroy it, Not with no difficulty.

Tang Lei asked Jin Chi if he could do anything about it. Jin Chi said that unless a large amount of Primal Chaos crystal stone or a large amount of Soul Crystal Stone is obtained for it, perhaps it can release powerful enough energy. Destroy the entire great array.

There is no difference between Jin Chi’s remarks or not. Where can Tang Lei get him Primal Chaos spar?

Xia Jun has some space ring in it, but it’s not enough.

There is no good way to discuss it. The situation is urgent and they are understaffed. The great array center is in the underground of the County Palace. It can be said that the right time and place are as good as they are.

But in spite of this, they have to take a chance, they have already reached this step, and there is no turning back.

Outsmart can’t do it, then it can only be forced!

Tang Lei first stabilized Yan Qing’s injury and helped Yan Qing completely unlock the Martial Soul seal within the body, and then handed them a Grade 5 violent pill to three of them.

Before Tang Lei had the material of the violent pill, plus the materials in Xia Jun’s space ring, it was more than enough to refine four violent pill.

“Liuying, if we can’t succeed at this time, you fight for your life and you have to take Young Master Tang away!”

Before the action, Xia Jun gave Liuying a final order An order.

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