Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 215 The missing mural, the curse

"Lorenz Tribe, where are they now? Why did they disappear?" Aethas asked everyone's question.

Because, according to the content of the mural, nothing happened to the Lorenz tribe, and there were no traces left here, including the branches of the Seta tree, whether they were dead or alive. .

"Perhaps only the bottom can let us find the answer." Perry pointed to the road ahead, and the light spot of the fluorescent spell flew over, illuminating a passage leading to the bottom for them.

According to the records of the murals, in the cities of the Lorenz tribe, every cave is connected, maybe they can go all the way to the bottom altar to find information.

The group stopped staying and moved on.

With the departure of Perry and his party, the cave fell into silence again, just like the previous decades.

But today is destined to be a hot day, and about an hour later, another group of people rushed into the cave.

Hu Ge pulled down the rope tied to his body, his eyes scanned the surroundings like an eagle, and at the same time, he also felt the recovery of the magic power on his body, and he was no longer suppressed like the outside.

He immediately took out a cloth bag, chanted a spell, and released the contents.

It was a small green snake, about the size of a finger in thickness, and it was sticking out its tongue, constantly sniffing the breath in the air.

Afterwards, it excitedly roared forward, swam around, and was about to run forward, but was scooped up by Hu Ge.

While comforting the little snake in his hand, he cast a sinister look ahead, "I caught you, boys."

However, at this time, he did not act rashly, but looked at the mural on the wall next to him.

Although those murals are rough and simple, they clearly record the affairs of the Lorenz tribe.

"Ha, it's finally something rewarding." Hu Ge became excited and ordered the wizards around him.

"You guys, go and rub the things on the murals here. This is a great harvest. We have confirmed the existence of the Lorenz tribe and the Twin Hearts. They are no longer legends, but real history that has existed. .”

"As long as I take these things out, half of my mission will be completed." Hu Ge held the little snake in his hand and walked back and forth excitedly, looking at the murals on the wall.

Why had he been a barkeeper in Avelyn for so long? Isn't it just to be able to prove the existence of the legend, so as to add a touch to his resume in the Ministry of Magic. As a member of the Department of Mysteries, what is more capable than proving that a legend actually exists.

Of course, there must be better things behind, after all, this is the first cave, but he is not in a hurry now, because he has already bit their tails, and the things behind will be his sooner or later .

"Hmph, little ones, come on and run a little further. I want to see where you can go." Hu Ge said grimly. In his hand, the little green snake was facing The darkness ahead opened its scarlet snake mouth and let out a deep hiss.

At this time, a subordinate who was going to print the mural suddenly ran in front of him.

"Captain Bennett, we found some other things. I don't know if we need to get them down." After speaking, he walked to the first mural, a little further ahead, with a puzzled Hugo.

"Captain, please take a look." The man used his magic wand to shine light on the wall. Hu Ge looked carefully, only to find that there were also carving marks there, but it was very shallow and out of shape. The result of natural weathering of the walls.

Those traces are all vertical upwards, closely arranged, like chopsticks standing up one by one, other than that, there is no other content to be seen.

Hu Ge frowned, unable to understand. At this time, a person from behind also ran to Hu Ge and reported to him that the situation had also been discovered in front of him.

Hu Ge followed and found that behind the sixth mural, there were similar traces as before, except that these carvings were more like twisting vines, wrapping something in the middle.

The same thing is that the traces of these carvings are very shallow, the same as what they just saw. If they hadn't prepared to do it, they would not have found these mural-like things.

"Captain Bennett?" asked the person next to him.

Hu Ge pondered for a while, then nodded, "Let's take it down together."

Although he doesn't know the content of these things, it's not something he should consider. The subsequent research and investigation should be left to the researchers of the Ministry of Magic.

What he has to do is to take these things out in full.

The wizards moved quickly, and the use of magic saved them a lot of effort. After a while, all the contents on the mural were recorded by them.

"Go, keep going." Hu Ge said loudly, leading a group of people towards the front, and the snake in his hand continued to guide him the way.

Ahead, Perry and his party stopped suddenly.

They have already walked through seven or eight caves. It is conservatively estimated that they have descended four to five hundred meters, and there is no interesting information in those caves, and they are more like places for living.

But just as they were about to move on to the next cave, something suddenly happened to Vereesa, Aethas, and Nevin.

Their bodies began to heat up rapidly, and at the same time their eyeballs began to tremble, their breathing became rapid, and their heartbeats were extremely fast, and their thunderous heartbeats could be heard outside.

Among them, Yi Newen's heartbeat was the loudest, and his condition was the worst, with the most painful expression on his face.

"What's going on? Did the curse strike early!" Perry asked in disbelief, supporting Aethas and Nevin.

"What's going on here? What curse?!" On the other side, Elton supported Vereesa and questioned.

From his magical perspective, the life circuit of the second heart in several people's bodies was no longer stable at this time, but began to twist, constantly hitting their own life circuit, causing pain.

Elton didn't understand why this happened at all. He didn't notice any abnormal fluctuations in magic power, and there were no traces of other life circuits. They were just walking normally without any stimulation.

"It's a curse," Perry explained, rummaging in his pockets for something that might come in handy.

"The curse of the Hawkins family. After Mr. Butcher brought back the Barbasa, this happened in the Hawkins manor. All the people who lived in that manor could not live to be forty in the end. After dissecting their bodies, it was found that on their right side, a small piece of muscle had mutated and became like a heart."

"So you came to Evelyn City, looking for people with two hearts, not only because you want to take risks, but also because you want to save them."

"Yes, but now is not the time to say these things. Logically speaking, the time for the curse to strike should not be now." Perry said anxiously.

Ayrton looked at the three people in pain and nodded, "Indeed, now is not the time to talk about this."

But he didn't have any good solutions. He could make the three of them faint without pain, but if they didn't solve the problems in their bodies, all these efforts would be useless.

The uncoordinated life circuits in their bodies have to be resolved.

Ayrton was thinking, and suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

"Road to Seta!" Ayrton said.

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