Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 241 Time Converter

"There is no doubt that both of you are model students. There is no one who is more diligent and studious than you in the third grade. Similarly, I don't have to worry that you will use it in other places." McGonagall The professor adjusted his glasses.

"But I still want to remind you that time travel is a very dangerous thing. It can be said that there is nothing more dangerous than this. In order to restrict its use, the Ministry of Magic has enacted hundreds of laws, but I think those laws It's more of a usage guideline."

"If you really do any of the acts prohibited by the law, at least time will be confused, your consciousness will be shocked, your soul will fall into time chaos, and you will become a fool in the true sense, and at worst, I think You'll probably see your own dead body."

Professor McGonagall's tone has never been harsher than before. Even if she is in front of the student with the best academic performance in the third grade and the most reassuring student, she still has to make more instructions.

Because time is one of the most terrifying forces.

"I see, Professor McGonagall." Hermione nodded first, and so did Guan Qiong.

"Very well, I hope you are worthy. I have sent more than ten letters to the Ministry of Magic. I assure them on my own honor that you two are good boys. I am not worried about this. The only thing I hope is that , when you use it, be careful, and don't let go of any possible omissions." Professor McGonagall pushed the two time converters in front of him forward, motioning for the two to pick them up.

Hermione picked up the time shifter in front of her, and so did Guan Qiong.

When he touched the time-turner, a very strange feeling appeared in his heart, as if he was split into countless parts, but at the same time he was the only one existing here.

"Among them, the most important point, I hope you will remember." Professor McGonagall looked at the two of them.

"Be sure to fulfill the commitment to time."

Seeing that both of them took down her words, Professor McGonagall let out a long sigh of relief, then waved his hand, "Okay, let's go to the banquet, I think you are all hungry."

Guan Qiong and Hermione got up from their seats. Hermione had a happy expression on her face, while Guan Qiong looked at the time-turner in her hand with a strange expression.

On the side of the dial above, a line of text is engraved, as if to remind the person who uses it.

"What has been, will be again; what has been done, will be done again."

For some reason, Guan Qiong looked at the line of text and felt a strange feeling, as if something was peeping at him through the line of text.

"Hey, Joan, Hermione, you came out, what did Professor McGonagall say?" Outside the office, Harry asked Hermione and Guan Qiong.

However, both of them were reminded by Professor McGonagall before that they could not tell other students about the Time Converter, so they put the Time Converter in their pockets before they came out.

"Nothing, Professor McGonagall said something about the curriculum, she asked us to work hard this year." Hermione said vaguely.

"Well, that's really something only you can listen to." Harry didn't delve into it too much, after all, his academic performance was not too ideal.

A few people returned to the auditorium, and the inside had turned into a sea of ​​pointed black hats. The students were sitting on the edge of the long college dining table, and so were the freshmen. The sorting ceremony was over, and Professor Flitwick was leaving with the sorting hat and stools out of the auditorium.

"It seems we didn't catch up, well, it's a pity." Harry said helplessly, and walked towards the Gryffindor table, where Ron had reserved a place for them, just enough to sit down.

"It's okay, there is no one I know among the freshmen." Hermione said indifferently.

She still had some interest in last year's sorting ceremony because of Ginny and Luna, so it doesn't matter if she watches it or not this year.

Guan Qiong turned his head and looked around, as if seeing those new faces joining Gryffindor, but his brows were slightly frowned.

"What's the matter, Joan?" Hermione asked.

"It's nothing, just a strange feeling, I don't know why." Guan Qiong shook her head.

That feeling is very strange, as if there is something to be done, but I can't remember what it is, so my heart is empty.

At the same time, he didn't know if it was an illusion. He had a feeling of being spied on, but when he checked, he couldn't find the source.

At this time, Dumbledore stood up on the long table in front.

He hardly changed, as if time had stopped passing on him, the silver-white hair and beard did not look old, but gave him a reassuring wisdom.

He wears half-moon glasses, has a crooked nose, and has been broken at least twice, but compared to these, the most attractive thing is his blue eyes, which are like the sky and can contain everything.

He glanced at the gate of the auditorium with strange eyes, and then began to speak before the banquet.

"Welcome, welcome back to Hogwarts, and welcome the new little wizards, welcome to come." Dumbledore said in a loud voice, probably using some kind of magic.

"Before the banquet starts, I have a few things to explain to you first, so that you can fill your stomach with all the information and delicious food later, making it unforgettable."

Dumbledore cleared his throat, "First of all, our college has welcomed a few dementors from Azkaban, they are sent by the Ministry of Magic to perform official duties, you should already know, because Sirius Black This is a necessary arrangement."

"However, you can rest assured that they will not enter the school, and will only be stationed at every entrance of the school. Of course, when they are stationed, no one is allowed to leave the school without authorization, no matter what method is used."

"Dementors are not creatures with too much sense, and they can't understand excuses and begging for mercy, so I want to remind you, don't give them any chance to hurt you."

"Prefects and student union chairmen should also pay attention to this at all times to protect any student."

Percy puffed up his chest and looked around with a sly look, as if telling others with his eyes that he was the newly elected president of the student union.

"I hope you have taken this seriously." Dumbledore's expression was serious, giving off a sense of majesty.

"Okay, the next topic will be much more relaxed." Dumbledore continued, his expression changed from serious to relaxed and happy.

"First of all, welcome to our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Lupine."

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