Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 248 The Difference Between Divination

In all fairness, compared to Professor Trelawney's divination class, Professor Victor's arithmetic and divination class is undoubtedly much more interesting.

This can be seen from Hermione's shining eyes and constantly raised hands. Her state at this time is completely different from the divination class just now, and it can be said that she has devoted herself to it.

This is mainly due to the difference in the content of the two courses.

The divination learned in the divination class is like ancient witchcraft, all relying on subjective speculation without any logic. The content seen in tea divination is just like what Guan Qiong said before. All can be included, and the final interpretation is completely under the control of the fortune-teller.

As for the arithmetic and divination class, Guan Qiong prefers to call it the arithmetic deduction class. Although it is also a kind of prediction of the future, it is not as baseless as witchcraft, but like the weather forecast in human society. The connection between things, so as to get the correct inference.

Just like Professor Victor's previous question, what will become of a mass of fire and a mass of water.

And everyone knows that they will turn into hot water or steam. This is just an arithmetic divination. Before the flames and water are in contact, the students already know their future.

This inference is not based on imagination, but is inferred through the connection between things and various information.

Compared with Professor Trelawney's divination class, arithmetic divination is obviously more logical, and it can be applied to all aspects of life.

For example, when a certain magic is not working properly and some magic props cannot be used, it is possible to use the method of arithmetic divination to figure out which part has the problem and get a solution.

This can also be applied to other aspects, such as cracking a certain kind of magic or curse. In fact, if you want to work as a curse breaker, you need to get good grades in arithmetic and divination and get an O.W.L. certificate .

This is a really practical course.

"Okay, students, come here, let's first explain the basic theory of the arithmetic and divination class." After the guidance just now, Professor Victor began to formally explain the content of the arithmetic and divination class, which is "Number Divination" and Graphics" knowledge of the first few pages.

Aside from those basic introductions, the first few pages only explained one knowledge point.

"Things develop".

"Students, please look here." Professor Victor lightly tapped the wand in his hand, and a series of blue sparks began to appear at the top of her wand, like fireworks.

"This world is changing all the time, and the changes of all things follow the sequence of three points, namely, cause-process-result."

"Just like this string of sparks, it appeared from the top of the wand, then sputtered into the air, and then disappeared, which just represented the three changing processes of things." Professor Victor flicked the wand lightly to make the sparks disappear.

"This is also the basis of our arithmetic and divination class. Knowing the cause and process of things, we can infer its end, and knowing the end and beginning of things, we can infer its process."

"This is arithmetic divination."

"It is worth noting that in the process of the development of any thing, we must be familiar with the two elements of the thing before we can infer the remaining key point. Knowing only one element cannot infer the whole picture of the thing, and the element The more comprehensive the information we know, the clearer and more correct the conclusions we infer."

"Okay, then, let's use the three elements of 'thing development' to try arithmetic divination." Professor Victor clapped his hands lightly, and then pointed a Slytherin student forward.

The student had the arrogance of an aristocrat, and when he stepped forward, he still kept his head up, which made him almost trip over and fall to the ground.

"Very good, you stand here, no, you don't need to introduce your name, I can't remember other people's names." Professor Victor pointed to her side and said, that person had no choice but to close his mouth about to introduce himself, obediently stand aside.

"Okay, now there is a cause of the matter, right here, this is a cause." Professor Victor twirled his index finger, pointing at the position where the Slytherin student was standing, as if drawing a circle.

"So, now we need to give him a story, who will tell me a story."

Hermione raised her hand again, and thankfully, this time she was hit.

"Walk, let him walk." Hermione stood up and said.

"Very good, this is a good proposal, you are from Gryffindor, um, five points from Gryffindor, please sit down first." Professor Victor said, and at the same time the Slytherin student Get ready to walk.

"Oh, no, no need, you just stand here and don't move." Professor Victor stopped his behavior.

"Okay, now that we have the cause and process, who will tell me the result of his arithmetic divination."

The students looked at the direction where the man was standing, and some people raised their hands one after another. Professor Victor asked one of them to stand up and answer.

"He'll go out the door."

"Yes, that's right, five points for Hufflepuff." Professor Victor nodded appreciatively.

"Then, now you can act. Just go to the door. Don't accidentally walk out. It's not time for get out of class."

The student walked to the door and stood up.

"Very good. Now, we have a result. He is standing at the door. Please think about it. Besides the cause and process just now, can you deduce several causes and processes now?" Professor Victor proposed the following one question.

The students below began to think. This time, no one raised their hands.

After a while, Professor Victor said: "Many, right, there are almost infinite possibilities, he can come in from the outside, he can walk through the classroom, or he can go there directly through Apparatus , or it could have fallen from the sky.”

"In the case of a single element, the other two elements have infinite possibilities."

"So, what about knowing the two elements?"

Professor Victor asked a question, but she didn't ask the students to answer this question, but waved her hand to let the student return to her place.

"I will leave this question for you to think about after class. In addition, Slytherin House will give you ten points. Thank you for your cooperation."

"This is the end of today's lesson. For homework, I hope you can read the tenth and eleventh pages of "Number Divination and Graphics". Thinking about the development of things can be summarized as 1—2—3 , so what are the positions of 0 and 4?"

"Thank you for coming, goodbye."

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