Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 259 River of Time

It is not clear whether Layton's words at that time were unintentional or he had noticed something, but what is certain is that his words allowed Jeremy to escape the fate of death, and the power of time temporarily let him go.

It's magical, it's incomprehensible, but it's real.

After that, Jeremy also found a new note in the cabinet of his desk, which stated the purchase location of the puppet.

Jeremy did not disobey the requirements of the future this time. He honestly followed the requirements of the future and completed everything, including the note. Although he knew that he would not follow the requirements above, he had to stay It lest itself appear as a corpse again.

After that, Jeremy also received notes from the future many times, listing various things on it, and he had to complete those things one by one according to the above requirements, even if it would affect him. normal life.

Even if there are some things, he doesn't want to do them, even completely contrary to his wishes.

After that, Jeremy also found that his life had been completely manipulated.

Those notes from the future became more and more frequent, from the previous week, to the next three days, to one day, and finally turned into half a day.

Moreover, the above content, from one or two things at the beginning, turned into a full page in the end, directly arranging his entire life carefully.

He became a puppet, a puppet who can only do things according to the future notes, and what is even more ironic is that those notes were written and given to himself by himself who used the time converter before.

Jeremy didn't know what went wrong. In the entire time loop, he was the cause, he was the process, and he was the result, but the whole thing didn't develop according to his ideas, but came from a more void place.

Just like the unidentified solutions he got before, the demands on these notes also came from nowhere, as if they appeared out of thin air.

But it was these requirements that completely controlled him and made him lose his own life. Everything was like a character in a novel, completely controlled by the pen outside.

Even this book, "A Life Enslaved by Time", appeared directly in his cabinet one day, and the request on the side note was for him to take this book and publish it.

In this way, Jeremy spent a long time in the arranged life, and in 1972, he committed suicide.

And beside his body, there was still a note, which was his own handwriting, which read:

"Drink the wine by the window."

The wine was prepared by Jeremy himself after the time shift, but what he didn't know was that the food he ate at noon that day would have a serious adverse reaction with that wine, eventually forming a highly toxic form.

In the end, he fell down after his last cycle, and time stopped flowing on him.

Afterwards, the Ministry of Magic put away the note, but it disappeared during the transportation process, and Jeremy also appeared behind the "Life Enslaved by Time" that was previously submitted to the publishing house. The plot of death is like an invisible book writing his story.

Guan Qiongxu narrowed his eyes, closed the "Life Enslaved by Time" in front of him, let out a long breath, and rubbed his temples.

The authenticity of this book will not be mentioned for now, but the stories in the book have some similarities with his current situation, that is, there is an uncontrolled time loop phenomenon.

And in those time loops, the cause is theirs, the process is theirs, and the result is also theirs, but the development of the whole thing is not under their control.

They are like puppets, performing meaningless things on the stage of the entire time loop.

And, to protect your own life

However, compared to Jeremy, Guan Qiong's current situation is better. At least, he doesn't have the kind of note that suddenly appeared next to him with a request written on it.

Guan Qiong's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of something.

Jeremy has used the time-turner many times to find solutions to things from his future self, and then pass that solution on to his past self.

This makes his life easier, and even the most difficult problems can be easily solved in front of him.

However, is there really no problem with this method similar to the stuck time bug?

Guan Qiong doesn't think so, especially for information that has no source, no matter how you think about it, it will cause bad consequences.

After all, whether it is magic or science, there are basic principles, and such things that happen out of nothing, no matter in which aspect, violate the basic theorem.

Guan Qiong thought about it, seeing that there was still some time, so she took out the third book from the book in front of her, opened it and read it, trying to find more information.

The title of the third book is "The Possibility of the Existence of Time Beings and Ecological Research", which is a purely speculative book from Harland Jacob, a French magizoologist.

He also got a time converter by chance, but he didn't use the time converter much, but made a guess based on it.

time creature.

Since time can be materialized and turned into powder in the time converter, is there a possibility that there is a kind of magical creature that we cannot see, living in time, but they have no form and need a special Only in this way can it be transformed into a material form.

And in the same way, the magizoologist also proposed the environment in which time beings live, which is the time we live in.

It's just that, unlike our perception of time, for time creatures, time should be a spacious river, in which it can go upstream or downstream, and can reach any time position.

This is Harland's understanding of time. In his view, time is an existence that exists anywhere in the world but is completely separated from the material world. It is difficult for wizards and humans to affect the river of time, let alone Say one of the time creatures too.

But in some special cases, the wizard will interact with the river of time and have some influence.

That's right, when using the Time-Turner.

In this theory, those wizards who have problems with the use of time converters are because they stayed in the river of time for too long and had too much influence, so they attracted time creatures and were influenced by time creatures, making their timelines disorder, resulting in problems.

Among them, Harland mentioned a certain situation of unconsciously falling into a time loop, which is that when a certain time creature passes through the time flow, the vortex generated by the body will inhale the wizard after using the time converter, causing the result of.

Guan Qiong's eyes flashed, thinking that this sounds reasonable.

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