Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 261 Talking

Dumbledore's office is almost the same as when Guan Qiong came to the first grade. The portraits of the past principals still hang in the original position, and the characters inside are dozing off, as if they will never wake up.

Next to the office, Fox chirped. After being reborn, it ate the meat of the basilisk. Now it is much brighter than before, and its fiery red wings are like burning flames.

Dumbledore took out tea from the drawer next to him, took hot water from the fireplace next to him, made two cups of tea, and placed them in front of himself and Guan Qiong.

"It's really strange. I didn't expect that you would take the initiative to come to me on the first day of school. It seems that you have encountered a lot of trouble. After all, you are an independent child. At one time, I thought that the biggest help I could give you was what Do nothing, let you be free." Holding the teacup, Dumbledore blew on the floating tea leaves, and said with a smile.

"Yes, I encountered some unexpected situations." Guan Qiong took out the time converter from his pocket, put it on the table, and then told Dumbledore what happened.

These included two mandatory time loops and three controllable time loops initiated by him.

Similarly, he also told Dumbledore the contents of the books he read in the afternoon, but judging from Dumbledore's appearance, he should have read those books.

As an elder, he possesses wisdom unimaginable by ordinary people, which comes from his age and the books he read in his long life.

Wisdom cannot be obtained by mere imagination.

"Jeremy? I've read that book, and it does record some interesting things." Dumbledore picked up Guan Qiong's time converter, and looked at the powder inside with his blue eyes.

As always, Guan Qiong did not observe any traces of magic power on Dumbledore's body, but on his hand, the Time Converter began to emit a white light, and at the same time his palm began to change between youth and aging.

But in the end, his palm remained the same, and the Time-Turner was placed back on the table.

"This is indeed something worthy of attention, and I'm glad you thought of me first." Dumbledore said, his face was not serious, but there was no smile either.

"However, it's a pity that I can't help you in this matter." Dumbledore shook his head.

Guan Qiong froze, looking at Dumbledore with disbelief.

Is this problem so serious?

Is he still saved?

"But don't worry, the matter is not as serious as you think." Dumbledore's words pulled Guan Qiong back, and he frowned slightly, considering the words in his mouth.

"First of all, one thing for sure is that you will not be in Jeremy's situation, your situation is not the same."

Dumbledore waved his hand lightly, and suddenly a large mass of water appeared between him and Guan Qiong. The water flowed from left to right, like a river.

"Jeremy used the time-turner to obtain information from the future without a source, which exerted a driving force on his own time." Dumbledore pointed to the river in front of him.

In the river, a piece of tea leaves began to rotate, and the power of its own rotation began to form a tiny vortex around it.

"At the beginning, he could have stopped, but he obviously didn't notice it."

The tea leaves rotated faster and faster, correspondingly, the vortex also became bigger and bigger, and finally, the vortex sucked the surrounding river water into it, and turned itself into a colossus.

At this time, the tea leaves are no longer able to influence the vortex with their own power, it is no longer the tea that controls the vortex, but the vortex controls the tea leaves.

"After that, he completely fell into the time loop and became a slave of time."

"And you, it's a different situation."

Dumbledore waved his hand across the river in front of him, the huge eddy disappeared, but the leaf of tea remained.

No, it's not just the tea leaves. Guan Qiong stared at them and could see that the river water around the tea leaves had been faulted with the surrounding water, forming a new appearance.

It seemed to be a fish.

It's just that the fish's body is made up of river water, so it's very difficult to observe.

Then, under Dumbledore's control, the fish swung its tail and hit the river hard, and at the place where its tail hit the river, a vortex appeared.

At this time, Dumbledore picked up a piece of tea from the side and put it into the vortex. The tea was swirled by the vortex and turned involuntarily.

Guan Qiong knew that that tea leaf represented himself.

and the fish

"Is it a magical creature of time?" Guan Qiong shot a light spot and looked at Dumbledore.

"There is no evidence to prove the existence of time magical creatures, and it may be something else." Dumbledore did not come to a conclusion.

"However, what is certain is that you will not be in danger." Dumbledore pointed to the vortex in front of him, and Guan Qiong saw that due to the departure of the fish, the vortex became stronger and stronger without the addition of external forces. The smaller it is, the last it disappears.

And that piece of tea was able to continue drifting down the river.

This seems to mean that as long as this period of time is passed, what happened to Guan Qiong will disappear.

This seems like a good thing.

"Thank you for your answer." Guan Qiong relaxed and no longer worried.

"It's nothing. In addition, I need to remind you that the time for this vortex to stop may be very long, or it may be very short. In addition, the thing that caused the vortex may also come back. If you have something that attracts it things."

"So, in order to better solve this matter, maybe you need to inquire about the true origin of that thing."

"In this regard, I can't give you much help. The power of time is amazing. Sometimes, just a simple sentence can change the direction of the entire river of time. If I join your time stream On the contrary, it will make your situation more chaotic and bring you some unnecessary troubles." Dumbledore finished everything and took a sip of tea.

Guan Qiong thought of Jeremy's situation, and just a word from a friend saved Jeremy.

This is very strange and incomprehensible, but this is the particularity of time.

"I see, Professor Dumbledore." Guan Qiong nodded.

Now that it is clear that there is no danger to his life, he can rest assured and slowly search for the cause of all this.

Something like a magical creature of time would be of interest to anyone.

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