Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 263 What Guan Qiong is afraid of

If you ask the Gryffindor students which class they hate the most, most of the students will answer Professor Snape's Potions class, among which Harry and Ron's voices are definitely the loudest.

And this distaste reached its peak when Malfoy returned to class.

Because of his injury in the Protection of Fantastic Beasts class, Malfoy disappeared in front of Harry and others for a few days, which made it rare for them to have a clear vision, and hoped that this state would remain forever.

But obviously this is impossible. Malfoy returned to class with a bandage on his right arm, which made his movement very inconvenient, especially when brewing potions. Can't do it.

And Snape also maliciously asked Ron and Harry to help Malfoy handle the herbs, as if they were Malfoy's servants.

"He definitely did it on purpose." Ron gave Snape a hateful look and whispered in Harry's ear, helping Malfoy reluctantly chop the daisy into small pieces.

Harry nodded in deep approval, and helped Malfoy peel the shrunken figs.

At the same time, they also heard Seamus talking about some interesting news from the "Daily Prophet", about the fugitive Sirius Black.

He seems to have fled to the vicinity of Hogwarts school, and someone saw him.

Malfoy also heard these words, gave Harry a meaningful look, and said something unclear at the same time.

For example, "I will not stay in school obediently" "If it were me, I would catch him alone"

It sounded like they were urging Harry to leave school and go find Sirius Black, which made Harry very puzzled.

However, when Malfoy wanted to tell more news, Snape interrupted him, because something happened in another place.

Neville's shrinking potion had been brewed into a completely different color. It was supposed to be bright green, but now it turned orange, and Snape was going to try Neville's pet, a toad. The effect of potion brewed by Wei.

This attracted the attention of all the students in the classroom, including Guan Qiong who was sitting blankly at the side.

Guan Qiong's eyes were a little dull. Just after he completed the shrinking potion accurately, his eyes suddenly became confused. He didn't know what to do next, but he just listened to the complaints of Harry and Ron next to him, and looked at Her Min secretly figured out a way to help Neville and the others scramble to process herbs and brew potions.

After a long while, when Snape noticed the condition of Neville's potion and was about to test it with his toad, Guan Qiong's eyes became clear and energetic.

Is it the Forgetting Curse this time?

Guan Qiong scratched her head, a little helpless.

Obviously, he just encountered an attack, and the person who attacked him was him from the future.

During the beginning of the school period, this kind of attack accompanied by a mandatory time loop happened from time to time, sometimes it was the Puppet Curse, sometimes it was the Oblivion Curse, sometimes it was the Levitation Curse, and sometimes it was the Luminous Curse.

The fluorescent spell was projected directly into the eyes, and that time he almost fell down the stairs, but fortunately, he moved quickly and stopped immediately, and there was no problem.

And after encountering these attacks, he also had to use the time-turner to go back in time and attack his past self. Fortunately, apart from these attacks, nothing else happened.

And these attacks didn't have much impact on him, at most it was like wrestling on the ground, making him embarrassing in front of other people.

So Guan Qiong only thought of these as small episodes, but usually read more books about time.

At this time, the previous results had already come out. With Hermione's secret help, although the color of Neville's shrinking potion was wrong, the effect was normal, turning his toad into a tadpole.

The Gryffindor students all cheered, the Slytherin students looked annoyed, and so did Snape. He looked at the Gryffindor students indifferently, skipped Guan Qiong, and quickly made He Min.

"Five points from Gryffindor, I told you not to help him, Miss Granger." Snape snorted heavily, and then said emphatically.

"get out of class is over!"

The students rushed out of the classroom and walked towards the next lesson. Neville thanked Hermione gratefully, and Hermione waved her hand to indicate that it was nothing, and then walked to Guan Qiong's side.

Unknowingly, the two broke away from the crowd, walked to a remote corner, and took out the Time Converter.

Later, Harry and Ron, who were walking in front of the crowd, were surprised but not surprised to find that Guan Qiong and Hermione walked in front of them, and Hermione was still complaining to Guan Qiong next to them.

"It's strange that runes have no power. The wizarding world." Harry only heard part of the words, and Hermione didn't continue after seeing Harry and Ron, but turned to another topic.

"What's the next class?" Hermione rolled her eyes slightly, and just as she said the words, she remembered what the next class was.

"Oh, by the way, it's Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It's really good. I've been looking forward to this class. The last class was very interesting. We finally have a professor with real materials."

Next came their second Defense Against the Dark Arts class. In the first class, Professor Lupine taught them how to deal with Boggarts, which can be transformed into what people fear most. A very basic and common dark creature.

It was really a lively and interesting Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Unlike the previous two years, it was a practical class. Most of the students went up to face Vogt, faced their own terror, and used The spell 'funny funny' took care of it.

Among them, the thing that Ron is afraid of is the spider, and Hermione is alone. There is no doubt that Professor Snape appeared in front of Neville. He used the magic spell to change Snape's clothes into the appearance of his grandmother The fear was successfully dispelled.

As for Guan Qiong, there was nothing in front of him at first. The strange magic power circuit on Fuget’s body needs to be connected to the life circuit of people to detect what they are afraid of deep in their hearts. It is a bit similar to Legilimency .

But Guan Qiong's magical power is too strong, and his life circuit is also stronger than ordinary people, so that Fuget can't achieve the effect and becomes confused.

In the end, it was Guan Qiong who took the initiative to let go of the protection, and used his own magic power to connect Vogt and his own life circuit at the same time, which made it work.

After all, he also wanted to see what he was afraid of.

And the last one who appeared in front of him was actually Luna.

Moreover, the Luna transformed into by Vogt has her eyes tightly closed, she doesn't look like a normal crazy girl at all, but looks like a sleeping beauty.

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