Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 284 Snape's Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson

The time came to the day before the Quidditch match, and the weather became more violent. The wind was howling, as if it was going to blow Hogwarts Castle up, and they slapped the walls of Hogwarts Castle, like soldiers who would never retreat, howling in battle.

The rain also became more intense, like a curtain between the sky and the earth, even in the daytime, I couldn't see things ten meters away, everything was rainy.

The protection of magical creatures class was also forced to be turned into an indoor theory class. Hagrid told the textbook about those weird and interesting magical creatures on the podium, and tried to simulate their gestures with his thick and thick fingers.

It's just obvious that the students couldn't understand the feeling Hagrid wanted to convey to them.

This made Hagrid a little frustrated.

The situation in other classes has not changed much, except that there are more lanterns and torches in the classroom. As for the herbal medicine class, because of the blessing of magic, the greenhouses are still strong, but it has become a unique place where you can experience the storm.

The transparent glass allowed them to experience the severity of the storm in person, but at the same time protected them from the impact of the storm. I have to say that this is a good experience.

Unfortunately, there is no herbal medicine class today, but a Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Guan Qiong and Hermione came to the classroom early through the Time Converter, while Harry and Ron arrived later, and they were also used to Guan Qiong and Hermione being in pairs and disappearing.

So when they came to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and saw Guan Qiong and Hermione who were walking behind them just now, but now they had arrived in the classroom, Harry and Ron were not surprised.

However, when they saw the person standing at the front of the classroom, their expressions became ugly.

It wasn't Lupine, their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but someone else, the last person they usually wanted to see.

Severus Snape.

And Snape saw them too.

"I don't think there's so much time for you to stand there. Find a place to sit down now, and we'll start class." Snape said in the cold tone familiar to Harry and Ron, with contempt in his eyes.

"This class is Defense Against the Dark Arts class, where is Professor Lupine?" Harry didn't sit down immediately, he asked bravely.

"Unfortunately, he has some health problems and is not feeling well, so he can't come to the class, so please ask me to help him." Snape said in a gloating tone.

Looking at his sarcasm, Harry suspected that he had poisoned Professor Lupin's potion before, which made his body go wrong.

Harry believed he could do such a thing.

"I don't think I need to say it a third time, find a place to sit down, otherwise, Gryffindor will deduct 20 points." Snape said indifferently.

Harry walked to his place, with Ron sitting next to him.

"Very well, then, let's start class now." Snape looked around the class and began to open the textbook in front of him.

He turned all the way to the last chapter of the textbook, and spoke with a weird and funny expression.

"Today, what we are going to learn is, werewolves."

"I'm sorry, Professor Snape, our progress should be in Hinkpunk, we just finished Grindylow in the last class, it's in Chapter 1 of this book"

Hermione raised her hand and said, but she was interrupted coldly by Snape before she could finish her sentence.

"Miss Granger, thank you very much for your reminder. It's a pity that I don't need to know this. I am the one taking this class now, and I think Professor Lupine's progress is really too slow."

He looked around at the students below, his tone was calm, but his eyes were as deep as a deep lake, which made people feel fear.

"As students of Hogwarts, you should learn something that is really useful, some knowledge that can be applied in real life, instead of learning to deal with those dark creatures that are so weak that you can press them to death with one finger that you will never encounter once in your life."

"Now, turn the book to page 394."

No one dared to disobey his intentions, and followed his wishes, turning to the last chapter of the book, which was the chapter on werewolves.

In all fairness, compared to the previous ordinary basic dark creatures, werewolves are indeed much more harmful.

Those dark creatures are rarely encountered even in the wild, and there is no need to panic when they encounter them. Generally speaking, the fluorescent spell and the flame spell can handle most situations.

After all, they are not powerful in themselves, but at certain moments, they seem a little weird.

But werewolves are different. They are wizards themselves. That is to say, they can hide in human society before they transform, and they are no different from other people. Their living habits and other aspects are almost the same as ordinary wizards.

And when the full moon comes, the curse in their bodies will break out uncontrollably, turning them into werewolves, and in the werewolf state, they are completely irrational and will attack any creature they see, whether it is a wizard or anything else.

Facing the werewolves transformed from acquaintances in daily life, many people were unable to deal with the situation immediately, and thus were infected with the werewolf curse and became a new werewolf.

And this curse, at present, there is no way to cure it.

In other words, maybe just a casual moment, a person's life trajectory will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Whether you were a three-good student in school, an excellent employee in the company, or a nobleman, a successful person, etc., as long as you are accidentally attacked by a werewolf, your life will change completely. From then on, there will only be one label left on you.


In the face of werewolves who are almost identical to ordinary people, such attacks are often sudden, unavoidable, and unable to be faced in time.

Therefore, learning how to identify those werewolves hidden in the crowd through details in daily life has become an important thing.

That's why the werewolf chapter is at the end, it's really important.

However, Snape obviously had other ideas.

He looked at the students below and began to ask his own questions.

"Can any of you tell me what conditions can be used to judge whether there are werewolves in the crowd?"

Hermione raised her hand. Even though the chapter on werewolves was not taught, she barely memorized the knowledge after flipping through the book just now.

But Snape just brushed it off, then smiled contemptuously.

"It seems that no one knows. I really don't know how Professor Lupine usually teaches you. He obviously has a lot of advantages in this regard."

"Okay, now listen to my lecture."

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