Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 287 The Mystery of Mystical Creatures

Atom was very excited at this time.

After finishing the sharp-skinned pig, he embarked on a journey again, looking for those dangerous magical creatures.

Of course, if he encounters a vampire or a werewolf, he doesn't mind taking care of it.

Those dark creatures can often be exchanged for rewards in the surrounding towns.

But this time, things are a little different.

He found a prey like no other.

No, he didn't find it, but the prey found him.

When he stepped into this dense forest, Atom had a very special feeling, as if he was trapped in a vortex, or stepped into a swamp. There was a kind of gravity, which came from all around and pulled him.

And he also felt at the same time, a gaze that did not know where it came from, but it did exist.

That gaze is the prey watching him.

In other words, treat him as prey.

Atom caressed his fiercely beating heart. He had never felt this way before. It was like facing an ancient giant beast. The sense of oppression made him extremely excited.

Atom has a weak giant bloodline, which makes his body stronger than ordinary wizards, and many magics don't work on him.

Likewise, this makes him fiery and free from fearful thoughts.

Atom began to make arrangements, and he wanted to catch the magical creature with his own hands. He had a hunch that it would be the most successful hunt in his life, and he would be famous in the history of wizards because of it.

During this process, he began to lay out a large number of traps, and used all kinds of methods.

Even if he just got the time converter, he used it to go back in time through time to find traces of the prey.

It's just that the prey is more sensitive than imagined, as if it can detect the disturbance of time, even if he goes back to the past, he can't find it.

Even, a few times, he saw the traces left by the magical creature next to the traps he had prepared, and brushed past the traps he had set up, as if he was mocking him through this behavior.

In order to catch this magical creature, Atom used the power of the time converter more and more times, and he also felt that he was getting closer and closer to the magical creature.

In the most intense confrontation, at the same point in time, there were eight Atoms moving in various places, setting up traps that were almost equivalent to a net of heaven and earth, but they were all avoided by the magical creature.

He only saw traces, but he didn't even see the shadow of the other party.

It was like a ghost.

But Atom was not discouraged, his intuition gave him a feeling that he was getting closer and closer to that magical creature.

Every time the time converter is used, an extra atom at every time point is connected like nodes on the Internet.

And more and more Atoms appearing among each other, forming an impenetrable net.

And in the middle of that net is that weird magical creature.

Atom doesn't know what the other person is, but he can feel it.

It was getting closer, he was getting closer and closer to that magical creature.

Time-Turners began to be used in large numbers, and more and more Atoms appeared at the same time point. If someone looked towards this huge jungle from the sky, he would find it.

Inside lurks an army.

It was an army of one man.

And the premonition in Atom's heart became stronger and stronger, and he felt that he was getting closer and closer to that magical creature.

Finally, the final moment has come when all Atoms have their eyes set on one place.

Over there, something fell into the trap he set up.

With a bottle of potion in his hand, he ran over there excitedly.

It was a potion that could activate the giant's blood in his body. It could give him great strength, far surpassing him now, but at the same time, it would also make his mind blurred.

And if he didn't take the calming potion afterwards, he would die from the too powerful giant bloodline.

This was what he kept at the bottom of the box, and it was what he was going to use to deal with that magical creature.

But when he got there, he saw nothing.

There is only one trap that is stepped on, and as for the others, there is nothing.

Even the traces that would have been left on the side before have disappeared at this time, and there are no traces around.

Everything is like that magical creature mocking him, mocking the famous hunter in this world, he can't even see its tail, everything is in its palm.

Atom fell into a depression. For the first time, he doubted himself, doubted his past, doubted whether he was really as powerful as those people boasted, doubted his ability, doubted his intuition.

But he didn't admit defeat yet, he frantically took out the time-turner, and at the same time poured the bottle of potion that could make him mad.

He is going to the very beginning of everything, to have a look at the time of all causes.

He wants to go back to the day when he first came to this dense forest, lurking in the dark, to find that guy.

He is a hunter, he will not lose to his prey.

The light of the time-turner shone on Atom's face, and his figure disappeared, and the jungle fell into silence.

After a long time, another traveler passed by this place. In a cave, that traveler found a skeleton that was five times the size of a normal person. On the body of the skeleton, there was a diary that recorded what happened here.

Atom's deeds have also been spread around the world.

Some people say that the last thing Atom wants to capture is a time creature. The more he uses the time converter, the stronger the breath on his body becomes, and the closer the time creature gets to him, until finally, he catches it and kills it.

That is, the skeleton of the giant in the cave.

As for the diary, it was just a message deliberately left by Atom, and he wanted to let future generations know all about it.

Others said that the giant was Atom, and he was killed by the time creature. Even if he took the potion that stimulated the power, he was not the opponent of the time creature.

And the most bizarre thing is that some people say that Atom's prey is Atom.

He is controlled by time, and the prey he has always wanted to hunt is the powerful self who went back to the past and took the potion.

Atom didn't understand this at the beginning, so he left traces beside those traps, because he was always by the traps, waiting for the arrival of the time creature.

And after finally falling into the trap, he realized that he was the prey, and because of the principle that he could not meet himself due to the law of time, he escaped, avoided himself, and erased his traces with his superb skills.

It was so skillful that even he himself could not decipher it.

However, because of the medicine, he finally died in the cave.

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