Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 311: Breaking the Curse

"Joan is different." Looking at the fire crow in Guan Qiong's hand, Ron's voice was much softer, and he just muttered.

In his heart, Guan Qiong cannot be used as an example, after all, Guan Qiong's talent is recognized by Dumbledore, and he will succeed Dumbledore in the future, or even surpass Dumbledore.

He is much better than the average person without studying.

thought Ron.

Of course, for Guan Qiong's talent and the ability he showed, Ron didn't have the slightest idea of ​​jealousy, because he could see Guan Qiong's dedication for it.

It can be said that even without that extreme talent, Guan Qiong is better than ordinary wizards just because of that hard work.

And unlike Hermione, Guan Qiong never showed these things and was very approachable, so compared to Hermione, Ron felt that Guan Qiong was much closer and was more willing to listen to his persuasion.

Of course, this is also because Guan Qiong never persuaded him. If he had been letting Harry Ron study hard like Hermione, Ron probably wouldn't feel close to him.

"It's nothing different." Hermione still wanted to say something, but the scheduled time had come, so she didn't say any more, and left the team with Guan Qiong, and came to a hidden corner.

For the behavior of the two of them, Harry and Ron are no strangers to it, they just think that they are casting clone magic so that other people can't see it, anyway, they will come out again after a while.

As the surrounding colors were stretched into long strips, Juli pulled Guan Qiong and Hermione off the ground, and then returned again. They also returned to a certain point in time before through the time converter.

They have two electives to take today, Arithmancy and Muggle Studies, and they are now preparing to take Arithmancy.

The professor of arithmetic and divination is Settima Victor. She is a very interesting person. Like the subject she teaches, Guan Qiong and Hermione have learned a lot of useful things.

For example, divide one thing into several parts and proceed separately, for example, infer the incomplete content through the logic of things before and after, and infer the development process of another event through the connection and commonality between similar things, for example.

The last point is what they learned last semester, and at the beginning of this semester, they will start to learn something different.

Examples include breaking and binding spells, and repairing and maintaining magic items.

Of course, the latter point is only a rough introduction, and the first two are the important content.

Professor Victor hasn't changed from when he saw her before. He wears glasses, and his brown hair is casually draped over his shoulders. He is not wearing wizard robes, but clothes in normal Muggle society, just a little retro, like Dressed by some palace ladies.

"Welcome everyone, I'm very happy. In the new semester, no one left my class. It seems that the content of my class is quite interesting." Professor Victor said in a soft and sandy voice, with a smile on his face.

Different from compulsory courses, elective courses can be given up halfway. You just need to choose another course next year. Anyway, you only need to complete the credits of two elective courses before you can graduate. As for when to complete it and which two courses it is, I don't get into it.

This also makes some people leave the class after taking the class for a period of time, or because they find that the content of the class is not to their liking, or it may simply be that this elective course is not suitable, and learning is more painful.

The departure of a small number of students will not have a great impact on the professors, but it will inevitably change their mood, and they will secretly wonder if there is something wrong with a certain step of the course.

In this regard, divination classes and protection of magical creatures classes are more prone to such problems.

Among them, the divination class was because the content was obscure and difficult to understand, and they could not understand what Professor Trelawney taught, and the protection of magical creatures class was because of Hagrid's lack of experience.

However, Professor Trelawney has learned how to use 'intimidation' to keep the students staying, and the salamander in Hagrid's class also made the students hopeful, and compared to the other four elective courses , it is easier to protect magical creatures, which makes Hagrid's first year's situation not too bad.

"This semester, we will study the advanced and applied content of arithmetic and divination, spell-breaking and spell-binding. Among them, proficiency in spell-breaking will allow you to apply for a job as a spell-breaker at Gringotts Wizarding Bank after graduation. If you bind the spell, you can become a powerful wizard."

"Of course, as an elective course, what I teach is only basic content, and it is impossible for you to complete it overnight. For the deeper content, you need to search for information by yourself, or find a teacher to learn."

Professor Victor spoke on the podium in front, and the students below became more attentive, listening to every word she said carefully.

The same is true for Guan Qiong.

"Undoing the curse, as the name suggests, is to open some dangerous magic seals or remove some magic curses through one's own understanding of magic and the study of arithmetic and divination theory."

Professor Victor waved his hand lightly, and in front of her, circles of light appeared one after another, and those circles of light interlocked to form something like an oriental "nine chains".

"The use of magic has its own unique laws, and the same is true for curses. The job of the curse breaker is to understand the laws, and use gentle means to break down a magic so that it does not have any effect."

With Professor Victor's fingers waving, the circles of light in front of her began to move in a complicated way, and then they were decomposed one after another, becoming independent existences one after another.

None of the students below saw the changes clearly, and none of the students remembered them.

Because it was too complicated and confusing, and there were many rotations and tumblings in it, making it impossible for people to distinguish the previous steps, and some people couldn't even understand the sequence of up and down.

"This is mostly used in excavating the remains of some ancient wizards, especially the pharaohs. In their pyramids, every door leading to the tomb has multiple curse circles on it."

"This is a dangerous job. Often, if one makes a mistake, he will be recruited, and then fall into the end of death, but at the same time, this is also a fascinating and well-paid job. An excellent spell-breaker, only a year It takes less than two months to work, and you can get paid by others for several years."

"Then if I work for one year at a time, I can retire directly."

One of the students below said loudly, and the others also showed excited expressions.

Professor Victor smiled and shook his head, "This idea is very good, but unfortunately, it is difficult to realize."

"Unraveling a curse is an extremely mentally consuming process. Generally speaking, if a curse or magic cannot be undone within two months, then it is almost impossible for the unraveler to untie it. If it continues, only Will enter the wrong train of thought, and accidents will happen.”

"And the probability of this happening is very high."

"Therefore, working for two months does not mean that you will be able to get paid. Some unlucky spellbreakers, even if they work for a year, in the end, they can only get the basic salary given by Gringotts Bank, and they are destitute. .”

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