Apocalypse Of All Races

Chapter 749 The fierceness of Chuanhuo! (want to subscribe)

Although it was just speculation, Su Yu still came to play seriously.

Whether it is speculation or true, this time I lost, maybe it is a good thing, before I reach the peak, before there is no decisive battle, losing a game is not necessarily a bad thing!

Today, everyone believes that they are invincible in every battle.

It may not be a good thing not to think about the strength of the strength, not to think about whether there are traps. At this point, now, there are no people who can fill in the gaps.

Although Su Yu is domineering and unambiguous, it doesn't mean that he can't even accept some reminders.

The emergence of Bai Zhan, until now, no one has given himself a hint, such as the King of Great Zhou, the case of Wan Tiansheng, and the case of Lan Tian.

Su Yu didn't know that they didn't expect it, but still felt that it didn't matter.

Anyway, Su Yu must be fine!

In fact, Su Yu really didn't think about this before.

The appearance of Qi Rong and Jiang Hai made Su Yu gradually understand the previous tides a little more.

The owner of the third generation has left a little behind for himself, let alone the most powerful ninth generation!


mountain of people.

At this moment, the crowd is still somewhat chaotic, and it has not reached the point where no one can mix in.

It will take time to perfect the defense system of the entire Human Mountain.

Su Yu turned into an iron-eating beast at will, and easily got to the third floor and entered the territory of the iron-eating clan.

Marquis Ju Zhu was arranging things, got a message from Su Yu, and quickly returned to the hall. Seeing Su Yu turned into an iron-eating beast again, he was a little speechless.

And Su Yu, looking at Ju Zhuhou, was silent for a while before saying: Ju Zhuhou, I have a question, Ninth Tidal, why don't you help Bai Zhan?


Marquis Juzhu was speechless, and after a long time he said: Jiyue died in battle, and Baizhan is only targeting the allies, how dare we help him!

Before that, why did you join the war in July?

Ju Zhuhou laughed: Bai Zhan is very strong, and the human race is very strong. At that time, all the old antiques in the human realm went to the lower realm to help. This is much stronger than the previous tides. It is also a rare time. The human race is united, and a large number of veterans join the lower realm... So, at that time, everyone felt that Bai Zhan had a hope of victory... In fact, at the last moment, if Bai Zhan was not calculated, there is indeed a hope of victory!

Ju Zhuhou laughed and said: It can only be said that the luck is not good, otherwise, the battle of Baizhan was not counted, but won. From the outsiders' point of view, the iron-eaters are a joke! They couldn't hug Baizhan's thigh.

Su Yu nodded slightly, and said again: From the perspective of a bystander, what do you think of Bai Zhan?

Ju Zhuhou wondered why Su Yu mentioned this again and again today.

After thinking for a while, he thought about it, and replied cautiously: The combat power is unparalleled, and the talent is superb! It's still kind and righteous...but it's only for the human race, not the alliance race.

Love and righteousness!

King Da Zhou also said several times that King Bai Zhan is a man of love and righteousness.

And a person with love and righteousness, after seeing Zhennanhou blew himself up for him, went out to find Yueluo, and didn't even mention going to Zhennanhou, your subordinate, but blew himself up for you!

Don't you care at all?

Su Yu was silent for a while, and suddenly said: Ju Zhuhou, do you think there is a master of rules among all races?


Ju Zhuhou was stunned for a moment: No! Where is the master of rules? If there was one, the human race would have been wiped out a long time ago...

Su Yu frowned slightly: Really not?

Probably not!

Ju Zhuhou shook his head and said: I don't think so, why did Emperor Yu have such an idea?

Su Yu tapped on the table lightly and didn't ask any more questions.

Now, he is still a little confused.

Why all battles are sure, and the ten thousand races can resist the chaotic race.

This is the first point.

Second, are all the people who died for the battles really dead?

A group of people made way for him, which was so touching.

But giving way... There is an advantage to giving way, Bai Zhan can be stronger, and the person who gives way... can change lanes!

Yes, change lanes!

Su Yu can make people change lanes, fight a hundred battles... is it possible?

Did he open the gate of heaven?

Open, he can actually make people change lanes!

To Yue Gang, Old Antique forced him to kill his Taoist partner. To Bai Zhan, he really took his heart and soul out. He even blew himself up to give way. The treatment of the two masters is very different between the third tidal wave and the ninth tidal wave!

Change the path... Rongdao...

Thoughts emerged one by one, and the next moment, the skeleton Qirong was released by Su Yu.

At this moment, Qi Rong is a little fuller, not as skinny as before, and now has a little more blood, but it is still ugly.

As soon as Qi Rong appeared, she immediately looked at Su Yu with some doubts.

Su Yu said in a deep voice: Princess Qi, I would like to ask you one thing, whether it is possible to switch between the true way...

Afraid that he was not clear about what he said, Su Yu said again: It is to cultivate other ways while cultivating the physical way, and then create a scene of breaking the way, breaking the way of the physical body, causing a sign of falling, can it be done?

Su Yu thought it was possible, but he hadn't tried it.

Qi Rong has studied this for many years and may have experience.

Qi Rong fell into deep thought, and said after a while: It should be possible, but the difficulty is not small. Since Renzhu Su has opened the gate of heaven, it should be possible to do it.

Is it okay to open the gate of heaven?

should be!

Qi Rong nodded: Since the gates of heaven are open, you can see the essence of the Dao clearly. In fact, it shouldn't be too difficult to do it. If you step on two roads and break one, it is also a kind of Dao break, and the Dao will collapse!

In the lower realm, it may be a bit difficult, but in the upper realm, if the way is broken, it will be like falling!

Su Yu's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at Ju Zhuhou suddenly: Those old antiques who died for hundreds of battles, did they die in the upper realm or the lower realm?

Is this important?

Ju Zhuhou was thinking in his heart, but he thought of Su Yu's words before, his eyes flickered slightly: One part is the upper realm, and the other part is in the lower realm. The communication between the upper realm and the lower realm has never been broken. It is possible to pass messages through the Ming clan!

Su Yu touched his chin, and finally said: Primeval giants, does Marquis Juzhu know what's going on?


Ju Zhuhou was surprised, how did he end up in the ancient giant clan.

He had a big head, and said: The ancient giants... are the ancient giants, one of the dominant races in the ancient times, what's wrong?

No, what I mean is, what is the relationship between this race and the human race before?

well enough!

Su Yu nodded: Then why the alliance clan is almost wiped out, the ancient giant clan was not involved, and the iron clan was not even targeted as much.

Ju Zhuhou heaved a sigh of relief and asked this.

He quickly said: The Iron Eaters are hard-core allies, and in the ninth tide, the ancient giants have besieged the human race! In that tide, they chose to be hostile to the human race...

Su Yu remembered!



On that day, the King of Great Zhou invited the ancient giant king to join the battle. The ancient giant king agreed and went. Afterwards, Su Yu also learned that the ancient giants and the Ninth Tidal had actually participated in the battle, but they were standing on the opposite side of the human race.

But this doesn't make sense!

Since they participated in the war, why are there descendants of Baizhan?

But the Great Zhou King knew about it, Su Yu thought for a while: Did Ju Zhuhou know about the fact that Bai Zhan has descendants in the ancient giant clan?

Then how can I know!

Ju Zhuhou smiled wryly and said: I didn't expect this at all. Bai Zhan, as I said, is friendly to the human race, and doesn't care much about the ten thousand race. This person is still very high-spirited and respects the blood of the human race... He will not marry outsiders! The ancient giants... do you think that the ancient giants are the royal blood of the human race?

He thought for a while and said, The Primordial Giant Clan should be the closest race to the Human Clan. Excluding the Primordial Giant Clan, it is the Giant Clan. There is an extra giant, which means it is bigger in size. In fact, it is almost the same structure as the Human Clan! This should be the lineage closest to the Human Clan in the Ten Thousand Realms. According to legend, the Primordial Giant Clan is actually the lineage of the Human Ancestors. Of course, it is just a legend.

The lineage of human ancestors?

Su Yu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly looked at Qi Rong. Qi Rong was a little surprised when she saw Su Yu, but she still explained: There is this legend. It is said that the human ancestor is related to the opening of the ancient era. The human ancestor is the overlord of the ancient era. And the ancient giant race is also the overlord race of the ancient era. Between the two, some people say that the human ancestor is actually the ancient giant emperor!

She explained: The ancient giants have no emperors in any era. Even in the ancient times, they have no emperors! In the ancient times, they have no emperors. They only have the ancient giant kings!

Su Yu frowned, yes.

The ancient giants have never been called emperors!

Qi Rong said again: It's just a legend. After all, the time of Renzu is a long time ago! The longest living in the myriad worlds should be Hongmeng! But Hongmeng is actually after the opening of the sky. At that time, even when he was alive, Renzu was still there. He was too weak. He was just a small person, so naturally he didn't know about Renzu.


This is the longest living, even the oldest existence in the world.

Unfortunately, he was too lazy to sleep all the time.

Even if he doesn't sleep, he may not know what happened in the early days of the ancient times.

Too weak to deserve to know.

Thoughts flickered one by one, the Ninth Tide, the giant race is actually hostile to the human race, but this hostile race also has the descendants of the King of Hundred Wars.

How did King Da Zhou know?

What King Da Zhou said was simple, and many people knew it, but among the people Su Yu knew, no one seemed to know it, including Ding Junhou.

The Great Zhou King?

Su Yu's eyes kept flickering, King Zhou, do you know something?

Is the extinction of the Chuanhuo lineage true or false?

In this world, how many people are worthy of my trust?

Who is using me?

And who am I... fighting for?

Countless thoughts flickered, there are no battle-hardened people in the upper realm, what about the lower realm?

The ancient giants...the mysterious race seems to be very powerful, but they are very low-key. Even in the upper world, the first thing people think of is that the iron eaters will help the human race, and then whether the life clan can be neutral, whether they will favor the human race, and finally, they will think about the ancient giant race.

The blood of the ancestors...

Su Yu's thoughts arose again one by one, Ren Zu, Emperor Wu said, Ren Zu opened up the way of the human body, and the giant body is indeed very strong.

After a hundred battles, he became a master of the physical body again!

At least for these 100,000 years, he is the one who has traveled the farthest in the flesh.

Giants... Human Ancestors... Hundred Battles... Flesh Dao...

Gradually, a line is connected in series!

These seem to be related!

And Ju Zhuhou couldn't help but said at this moment: It's just a legend, the ancient giants themselves have denied it, and the human race has not admitted it...

Su Yu said with a smile: Of course, how could he admit it! If Ren Zu is the ancestor of the ancient giant clan, then the other party is the descendant of Ren Zu. Isn't his status higher than Ren Zu? Strictly speaking, many strong men are inherited from Ren Zu, and the way of the flesh body was developed by Ren Zu. Ren Zu is more representative and more orthodox than Ren Huang. This cannot be recognized indiscriminately!

Ju Zhuhou shrugged, well, I don't quite understand your human race's thinking.

Su Yu smiled, and said, Ju Zhuhou, there are no outsiders here today, so why don't Princess Qi go in and have a rest?

Princess Qi was speechless, she called me out, asked me a few words, and asked me to go in again.

All right!

She nodded, knowing that Su Yu had something to say, and at this moment, she also had to digest some guesses just now.

Soon, Su Yu put away Princess Qi, looked at Juzhuhou, and said with a smile: Juzhuhou, it's just you and me now, you and Sanyue are of the same generation, so I won't ask Sanyue, to be honest... If I lose the battle next, will the Iron Eaters continue to follow me all the way to the dark?

Ju Zhuhou's heart moved slightly, he looked at Su Yu, his eyes flickered for a while, and he said after a while: What kind of meaning is the defeat that Emperor Yu said...?

He quickly said: If we are defeated for a while, our clan will not change our minds! But if Yuhuang dies in battle, or if there is no hope of winning again...The Iron Eaters must think about the future of the race!

Su Yu said with a smile: Sooner or later, things about the lower realm will spread. How will you choose?

Ju Zhuhou said in a deep voice: The lower realm is the lower realm, and the upper realm is the upper realm! The lower realm does not involve the upper realm. Although the upper realm and the lower realm are of the same race, it does not necessarily mean that they must be of the same will! Otherwise, there will be no half-emperors in the lower realm! Let me put it this way, for example, the Tiangu in the lower realm represents the immortal clan! However, the immortal clan in the upper realm, including Dao Tianzun and others, do not represent the Tiangu in the lower realm!

Strictly speaking... the lower realm is orthodox!

Ju Zhuhou said in a deep voice: You heard me right, the lower realm is orthodox! Our old fellows in the upper realm only came to the upper realm in order to leave a way out for the race! Therefore, at critical moments, we can let go! To put it simply... it is two-way investment!

He said in a deep voice: In the upper realm, I can stand on the side of the ten thousand races, and in the lower realm, I can stand on the side of the human race. This is the unspoken rule that everyone defaults to, one clan has two veins!

This is also the way to survive!

Su Yu smiled: That is to say, at the critical moment, can we give up June and the others in the lower realm?

Ju Zhuhou was silent for a while, then nodded: Yes! Everything...for race!

Su Yu sighed: Then if I'm still alive and have hope, you won't change your mind?


Ju Zhuhou said in a deep voice: Yuhuang is here, we have seen some hope...

Then what if you are asked to evacuate the Upper Realm with me?

Ju Zhuhou frowned.

Su Yu smiled and said: Then don't evacuate. What if I let you lie dormant on the spot and wait for my return?

Ju Zhuhou's heart was heavy: Return?


Ju Zhuhou was a little annoyed, Yuhuang, the situation is good now, not only forced out the Chaos Clan, but also let the Ten Thousand Clans cooperate with us to besiege the Chaos Clan together, it is booming! Why...why do you say that?

Anything is possible, isn't it?

Ju Zhuhou was extremely heavy, and nodded for a long time: As long as Emperor Yu is not dead, our clan will not change course! Even... a hundred battles!

Su Yu looked at him!

Ju Zhuhou said in a deep voice: Is there a problem with the defeat of Bai Zhan? Yuhuang asked about the ancient giants... Could it be related to this? Anyway, Bai Zhan is not the good leader of my clan! Maybe he is the good leader of the human race, but he is not the good leader of us foreign races!

Su Yu smiled and nodded: Okay, that's the end of the story! I won't say anything over there in March, and here...you should be careful! The iron eaters in the lower realm don't need you to worry about it. As long as you are fine in the upper realm, help me drive a nail!

After I leave, you will treat you as a member of the Ten Thousand Clans! No one should bother you, unless I find you again, otherwise...you will be the Iron-eating Clan in the Ten Thousand Clans Council!


Ju Zhuhou didn't know why Su Yu had such a sudden change. Before, Su Yu was full of confidence and wanted to do a big job, but at this moment, there was a sudden tendency to retreat to the lower realm. Why?

Seeing too many Tianzun, feel hopeless?

or how?

Yuhuang...you...your words, I will remember them!

Ju Zhuhou gasped a little, I... unless I wait for the news of Yuhuang's complete fall, I won't have any other ideas! Because I said that I killed the three gods and said that I was the one who suggested that Yuhuang let me see surprises and hope...I don't know about the others. Juzhu will support Yuhuang to the end!

Thank you!

Su Yu laughed, got up and said: Then I'll go first, and I won't notify the others. In the upper realm, I will contact you more.

In addition, notify March and Destiny, let them arrive near Chaos Mountain as soon as possible! Also, let March find a way to send messages to Chaos Mountain, call Bai Zhan to return, and talk about the alliance. It has been confirmed that the Chaos Clan exists. Don't pretend to be stupid, thinking that the Chaos Clan doesn't know! Bai Zhan is also a top power...just say that he can help Bai Zhan unblock!

Su Yu smiled and said: You let Sanyue spread the news, or find a way to let Yue Tianzun and the others spread the news, you can unblock it, even if you are fooling, you have to fool Bai Zhan, if you don't come... then forget it!

Let me unblock you, okay?

I'm going to unblock you, and you don't come... Then you really don't worry about yourself at all!

Send some more news, sweep the land of the source of Dao, and sweep up many strong human races, including Jiang Haihou and others!

Su Yu smiled and said: This is the last thing I ask you to do. Ju Zhuhou is a smart man, and I hope he can help me complete it smoothly!

rest assured!

At this moment, Ju Zhuhou had vaguely guessed something, nodded, and said solemnly: Soon, these things will be done! Bai Zhan will definitely receive the news, even if you expose something, as long as you don't contact you directly, Wanzu will not say anything when you find Bai Zhan back! Big deal, I'll let Sanyue go to Chaos Mountain to shout, more directly!

Thank you!

Yuhuang is welcome, it's a matter of duty!

As Ju Zhuhou said, Su Yu smiled, his figure dispersed, and disappeared in place.

Ju Zhuhou's face was serious, and when he left, he paced around for a while.

Defeated, disappeared, retreated...

Is it good or bad?

He doesn't know!

But he knows that Su Yu is not easy to provoke, and now, it seems that someone has provoked him, which may not be a good thing.


A low shout came out, and soon, April appeared.

Go, find March, tell March, let him come back immediately...

My father is still sweeping the upper world...

Let him let it go!

Ju Zhuhou said in a deep voice: I will give you a letter and hand it to March face to face, hurry up, I want to see March return immediately!


Seeing Ju Zhuhou's serious face in Siyue, he didn't dare to delay. When Ju Zhuhou finished writing the letter, he quickly broke through the air and flew towards Sanyue and the others.


Inner circle of Chaos Mountain.

Su Yu left this place, and after going to the Iron Eaters, he went to other places to make arrangements, leaving some escape routes, and then returned to the inner circle of Chaos Mountain.

This retreat may not necessarily go to Buried Soul Mountain.

Su Yu needs to prepare more.

And when Su Yu came back, as soon as he entered the hiding place, he heard a scream piercing the world.

Hundred battles!

I am March!

The Council of Ten Thousand Races, I would like to join hands with you to deal with the enemy together! Don't chase after Yue Luo again, be careful there are traps in the depths, and return quickly, the Council of Ten Thousand Races, is willing to lift the seal for you! In this matter, March is willing to guarantee the race!

Hundred battles, join forces, defeat the Chaos lineage, the human race and the ten thousand races, and then fight for the victory and defeat, and decide life and death!


One after another, the sound of roaring continued to spread, and the loud roar of shouting spread for thousands of miles, and the avenue was shaking.

Integrating the land of chaos, a roar of beasts sounded.

And the voice of March is still echoing.

Hundred battles! Don't go deep, there are traps!

To kill the enemy together is stronger than you alone!

If you want to take revenge, kill the Chaos lineage first!

The Chuanhuo lineage is willing to unblock you. I believe that this lineage will contribute. If people from the Chuanhuo lineage hear about it, they can contact us immediately!


The sound shook the world, and Su Yu heard ancient beasts roaring nearby.

In March, it seems to have gone deep into the Chaos Mountain.

Very courageous!

The power of the Great Dao oscillated and swept across, and the chaotic atmosphere of the entire Chaos Mountain was rushing towards that side, crowding out Sanyue!


in the cave.

Su Yu listened silently.

March is doing it!

Can Bai Zhan hear it?


Su Yu is sure that he can hear it, but if it reaches this point, Bai Zhan is unwilling to retreat, unwilling to show up... Maybe there is a real problem, maybe where is Yue Luo waiting to watch the show.

In the cave, other people also heard it, and they were all a little strange.

Marquis Ding took a deep breath and said, Join forces with the King of Hundred Wars? It's really... really a good idea, but can the Wanzu be unsealed?

Su Yu smiled and said: Why not? There is still hope. No matter how strong the prison king's way of sealing is, Wanzu is not bad. There are also strong people who are good at this way. I think there is still hope for Baizhan to be unblocked. Of course, he is afraid of being killed by Wanzu...

Su Yu said with a smile again: But Bai Zhan is so stupid, Wanzu probably doesn't bother to kill him!

Su Yu smiled mockingly: You can tell by the rumors from Wanzu that Baizhan is an idiot. If Baizhan is really willing to contribute to killing the Chaos Clan, Wanzu will probably help him unblock him!

Marquis Ding Jun laughed dryly, while Lan Tian laughed and said: Not necessarily, Bai Zhan may be worried about being tricked by the Wanzu, maybe he will continue to do his own way, so he won't care what they say!

Su Yu smiled and said: That's right, Bai Zhan is a brainless person, so he may not be able to think about this level! Maybe he thinks that Wanzu wants to kill him, but in this way, there may be something wrong with his brain... Such a guy can cultivate to this level... God has no eyes!

Su Yu shook his head, General Xue Lan and the others frowned slightly, Xue Lan still interjected: Master Su, although I have not experienced the era of hundreds of battles, but... the master does not need to belittle Bai Zhan all the time to elevate myself!

No matter what he says, he is also the leader of the human race, the strong man of the human race!

Su Yu laughed and said: Is there? He is stupid, can't he say it?

Su Yu smiled and said: He is stupid, it is recognized! If you don't believe me, just ask a strong man who has experienced his era...

Su Yu looked at Yunshuihou, and said with a smile: Yunshuihou has a gentle personality and speaks the most fairly. Yunshuihou, do you think Bai Zhan is stupid or not?

Marquis Yun Shui was a little embarrassed, and said after a long while: This Bai Zhan is a little impulsive and reckless, and other... I can't say anything.

Su Yu smiled: Did you hear that?

Su Yu looked at Ying Yinghou again, and said with a smile: Ying Ying, do you think Bai Zhan is stupid or not?

Shadow Hou's voice was hoarse: This... Your Majesty Yuhuang, we... don't want to say much, Bai Zhan is the master after all.

Su Yu nodded, smiled, and said again: That's right! Forget it! Everyone knows that he is stupid, General Xue Lan, I don't think we should waste any more time on him!

At this moment, those who argue for Bai Zhan are not necessarily bad people.

Xue Lan... do you know what it is?

If you don't argue for Bai Zhan, you may not be a bad person, maybe you really think so, maybe... it's intentional to make people feel that way!

Su Yu smiled, and quickly changed the subject: Okay, let's stop talking nonsense! King Daming, how is the forging going?

There were 18 people in the Upper Realm before!

Later, they returned in September, plus the four of Xue Lan, a total of 23 top powerhouses!

As for Xia Longwu and the others, they are still in the annals of civilization and have not come out, and Qirong Su Yu is not going to release them either.

There are 23 top powerhouses, 8 of them are at the level of Heavenly Kings, 9 of the second-class He Dao, 4 of the third-class He Dao, and Jiu Yue and Tian Mie are all in the fourth-class He Dao.

King Daming quickly said: The corpses of the two ancient beasts only forged 8 formation talismans. Before forging 8 pieces, there were only 16 formation talismans... 7 yuan less!

Su Yu smiled and said: It's okay, just kill the opponent! Kill 7, and you will naturally have 7 jade talismans! Lan Tian and I don't need it for the time being, five yuan is enough... Besides, the war really broke out, and it doesn't matter whether there are jade talismans! The big deal is that ancient beasts come to besiege, but the prison king's line is also besieged... don't be afraid!

King Daming laughed immediately and said, Since Emperor Yu thinks there is no problem, the forging is over now!

16 array symbols!

Soon, Su Yu assigned them one by one.

For those who were not assigned to the others, Su Yu opened Wenming Zhi, looked at Tianmie and the others, and said with a smile: You guys are not strong enough, so come in and hide first, so as not to be discovered. This time, we have to do something big!

Several people were reluctant, and Tianmie and Xinghong were among them.

Tian Mie was very upset at first, but when he saw Xinghong was there, he laughed straight away, and immediately felt better!

I'm too weak to be assigned, and you're not much better either!

In addition to Su Yu and Lan Tian, ​​there are five others who have not been assigned, namely Xinghong, Tianmie, Jiuyue, King Daqin, and King Daxia.

These two are mainly able to properly avoid the siege of ancient beasts.

The others, including Xue Lan, were all assigned, and Su Yu said solemnly: Everyone, let me repeat one more thing, orders are prohibited, no matter when I issue an order, even in battle, I must obey it!


The others responded one after another. Xue Lan and the others were still a little unaccustomed, but they still opened their mouths and said, Master Su issued an order, and we will naturally obey it.

Su Yu nodded: That would be the best!

Su Yu said calmly: I said a deadly battle, then a deadly battle! I said evacuate, then evacuate! I said self-destruction...then self-destruction! You can leave a sea of ​​​​will, and you don't have to self-destruction to die. If your body explodes, you still have a chance!

Su Yu said slowly: I hope everyone can listen to me, especially General Xue Lan!

Su Yu said solemnly: I have fought from the lower realm to the upper realm, and I have won every battle! I don't want to be defeated because of your disobedience! Defeat is often death!

Su Yu looked at the Great Zhou King again and said: In this battle, the first is to draw the enemy, the second is to kill, and the third is to make the ten thousand people feel that we have suffered heavy losses. Great Zhou King, at the critical moment, you explode some divine writings and forge the strong to fall...

King Da Zhou smiled and nodded: Don't worry, I will do it well!

Su Yu half-jokingly said: It's just a fake death, everyone, don't really die in battle!

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lan Tian again: All your avatars are summoned here, otherwise your avatars will disperse and your strength will be weakened!

Lan Tian said with resentment on his face: Then what to do if you die in battle, it's too dangerous to gather together.

Su Yu smiled and said: How come! You still don't trust me? Stop talking nonsense, have I ever lost? Hurry up, quickly summon the avatar, otherwise your main body will be killed, and the avatars in other places will also be exposed!

That's fine!

Lan Tian was helpless: Then the nails I buried will come out again. If I had known this, I would not have buried the nails!

The Great Zhou King also said: Why don't you forget it, and let Lan Tian leave some clones in the upper realm, and you can get some information.

Su Yu smiled and said: No! This battle is over, we can retreat to the second line! If the blue sky clones are not gathered together, I think his strength will decline a lot, which is inappropriate!

King Da Zhou hesitated to speak, but seeing Su Yu persisted, he didn't say anything more.

And Su Yu quickly assigned the task and said: There is a Tianzun here, who is very powerful! Fat Ball, I'll leave it to you, can you do it?

Fat Ball wagged its tail and said worriedly, Can I do it?


Su Yu laughed: You can! I believe in you, trample him to death with King Wen's boots!

Fat Ball was helpless: Alright then!

Su Yu laughed and said: Fat Ball will deal with that Heavenly King, and the remaining 6 Heavenly Kings, we 7 Heavenly Kings will deal with it, and we will win! We have a total of 9 second-class joints. Although there are many joints over there, it’s nothing. We still have many guards who can advance at any time! Don’t look at the opponent’s full 30 joints, but three or four second-class joints are dead, not as many as heavenly kings...

Su Yu laughed and said: We are going to fight fiercely this time! Let Tong Tianhou directly teleport us to their lair, and start killing them instantly. The first wave will clear up some Hedao realms. They will never think of killing them. We dare to teleport us directly to the lair!

Su Yu laughed loudly, a little arrogantly, a little proud: In this battle, if you fight with prestige, they will ask for help, and the gods will come to the depths of the fight, which is our success! Let the people know how strong this line is! Kill some people by the way, and you can redeem the giant axe!

Everyone looks at me and I look at you, and they all think it's okay.

Dangers are dangerous, but they can still be fought!

As long as the fat ball blocks Tianzun, Su Yu's side, regardless of the small number of people, has some advantages overall.

The weakest Jiuyue and Tianmie are also fourth-ranked.

The other party, maybe there are fifth-class princes, or even sixth-class princes, and the one who proves the Tao with the three-body method is the sixth-class prince!

The King of Great Zhou felt a little uneasy, and asked, Emperor Yu, is there really only one Celestial King? I'm not afraid that there will be more Celestial Kings, but I'm afraid that there will be one more Celestial Venerable, one Celestial Venerable, the weaker one will deal with two Celestial Kings, and the stronger one will be invincible to three or five Celestial Kings...

Su Yu smiled and said: Don't believe my Tianmen? My Tianmen is opened, unless the other party comes to a Tianzun in this short period of time, otherwise, it is impossible!

After finishing speaking, he said: Don't worry, Tianzun is not a Chinese cabbage, it is everywhere! If you are really in danger, I will take everyone to evacuate, no problem!

Tian Mie smiled and said: Of course we believe in Emperor Yu. This time, I must kill a few. If I don't kill people, how can I advance? When Emperor Yu arrives, he must release me as soon as possible...

of course!

Su Yu smiled and said, Sure, don't worry!

Others didn't say anything anymore.

Still full of confidence!

no problem!

And Su Yu stood up, smiling all over his face: Tongtian!

here I am!

Tong Tianhou walked out in a hurry, Su Yu said with a smile: Later, I will position you, you will teleport to me, and land at the fastest speed. I will help you suppress the space fluctuations. Be sure to locate the position and land on top of them!

no problem!

Tong Tianhou laughed and said: I am enlightened, and I can open the door anywhere. This upper realm, once I get familiar with it, it will be my territory. I can go wherever I want!

Hahaha, have ambition!

Su Yu praised and nodded, Everyone is ready, remember, follow my orders!

This is Su Yu repeating again.

He said many times that King Daqin and the others thought Su Yu was targeting the newcomers, and they didn't care.

Everyone is used to listening to Su Yu's words and acting. If Su Yu doesn't speak, everyone understands.

As for whether these people listen or not, it's up to him.

And King Da Zhou glanced at Su Yu, with a look of suspicion in the depths of his eyes.

What do you say so many times?

If you're really worried, just don't take these people there.

I took it with me, but I didn't worry about it. Isn't this making trouble for myself?

Really, some don't understand Su Yu's mind at the moment.

In King Zhou's view, this battle was a little hasty. It is impossible for the opponents to stay together all the time, and there will always be times when they will be scattered. At this moment, the difference in strength between the two sides is not big, and it may not be beneficial to fight hard.

Why bother!

The enemy is clear and we are dark. Now, everyone is hiding here, but in fact, they still have some advantages.

And Su Yu, don't care about these.

At this moment, he, sound transmission Lantian, Leave me a clone, and I will put it in the civilization record!

Lan Tian glanced at him and didn't say anything. Su Yu had his avatar here. Seeing him nodding, Su Yu didn't speak, and quietly threw the avatar on his wrist into Wenmingzhi.

Su Yu looked at the others again, and they should all obey orders, but Tian Mie, Su Yu thought for a while, and said directly: Tian Mie, don't make trouble for me, if I tell you to withdraw, you will withdraw. If you ruin my business because of you alone, then I will be rude to you! Not only you, but the entire guarding line will be ashamed of you!

On one page of Civilization Chronicle, Tian Mie’s head popped up, with some helplessness: “How unpopular am I? How could I? I was a soldier, a member of the Zhenling Army. Don’t you know that orders are forbidden? Emperor Yu, you seem to be looking down on me!”

Wronged Baba!

I am really obedient, why do you do this to me?

Su Yu smiled and said: Then pretend I didn't say, you are a soldier, just obey the military order!

of course!

Tian Mie was extremely depressed, and he didn't want to talk to Su Yu anymore. This kid, he forgot how good Master Mie was to you, and now he always questions me, feels uncomfortable, and wants to cry!

And Su Yu stopped talking about this.

He has done his best!

I have said many times, you have to obey orders, as long as you obey orders, there may not be any accidents this time, but if you don't obey orders, there will definitely be accidents if there is an extra Heavenly Venerable!

To have an accident or not to have an accident is everyone's own choice.


With a low shout, Su Yu entered a coordinate, Tong Tianhou instantly started the teleportation, and Su Yu took out the Xingyu seal, and directly began to suppress the fluctuations in the teleportation.


at the same time.

Yuehao and the others are in the mountains.

At this moment, everyone is gathering.

Yue Hao frowned for a long time, then suddenly said: Evacuate, this place has been exposed! It is no longer suitable for us to use as a frontier base, change to a big mountain!

Down below, the old woman frowned and said: Yuehao, we have just set up various large formations here, and evacuating now...wouldn't it be a waste? Even if we are discovered, so what?

The old woman is the second Heavenly Venerable powerhouse here.

Therefore, she always called Yue Hao by his first name!

The old woman didn't think there was anything to worry about, You said you were discovered by others, and you were from the fire line? Even if they knew we were here, would they dare to come? How strong are they? How many heavenly lords and quasi-kings are there?

The old woman laughed: They really dare to come, that's a good thing, they are about to die! This place is not far from the clan, even if the other party comes with two or three Heavenly Venerables, if time drags on, they will definitely die!

Yue Hao took a deep breath: Don't forget, there are Heavenly Venerables of all races outside...

Tianzun Tianzun, would he act without knowing the situation? Chaos Mountain is dangerous, and they will not come rashly...

The old woman felt that Yuehao was too careful!

A little tired, It's really not good, the ancestor came out of the mountain, everything can be swept away!

Yue Hao stared at her with fixed eyebrows, and said after a while: Yueqin, you can't say that. If you really want to fight to the end, the Wanzu is not powerless to resist. Besides, the longer the time drags on, the better it will be for us...

Yueqin is speechless, she is really... cowardly!

Do you dare to come from Chuanhuo?

You have to change places every now and then. This place has only been built, and it has cost a lot of money. Yuehao thinks that these resources don't cost money?

Is it possible to change the place once it is discovered in the future?


Seeing other people, Yue Hao also felt a little disapproving, and frowned slightly.

Indeed, he also felt that Chuanhuo didn't dare to come rashly.

It's just that it's better to be careful in everything.

After all, if he is discovered, it means that the enemy is in the dark and we are in the dark. The Chaos lineage is used to the enemy being in the dark, and he is still a little uncomfortable when he is suddenly exposed.

The other party snooped three times in a row, and the last time they came directly to sweep up. This is not a good thing.

However, this group of people in front of them is not easy to persuade.

He was lost in thought, must he insist on changing places?

Just as she was thinking, she suddenly frowned slightly, Yueqin, did you feel the spatial fluctuation?

The old woman was speechless, Yuehao, are you too tired?

She was a little annoyed, If there is any movement, you will feel unsafe...

As she was speaking, she was slightly taken aback.

It seems... There is really a little space fluctuation coming.

The heavenly kings didn't feel it, but Yuehao felt it immediately, and soon she felt it too.

The next moment, the two looked at each other.

Yuehao's heart was shocked!

No way!

Yueqin is also moved, how is it possible!

Enemy attack!

With a loud shout, the two shot out one after another, hitting the void!


At the same time, the sky split open, and a portal appeared, Su Yu shouted violently, and pointed it out!

Or cut it out with a knife!


With another yell, 23 strong men appeared at the same time and rushed out one after another!

The little white dog directly took out his boots, and stomped at Yuehao with one boot!


The sky collapsed, and the powerful aura instantly tore the entire giant mountain apart!

The war broke out in an instant!

It came so suddenly that Yue Hao and the others were stunned.

Killed like this?


this moment.

The entire Chaos Mountain trembled slightly.

In an instant, more than 60 auras of harmony erupted in the entire Chaos Mountain area, powerful and boundless!

The periphery of Chaos Mountain.

Several Celestial Venerables were all shocked in their hearts!

what's the situation?

Pass the fire?

Go crazy!

It didn't take long before the agreement was reached, so this line is so young?

Marquis Tianming made a quick judgment, and in the next moment, he inhaled: 3 Heavenly Venerates, 13 Quasi-Kings!

As soon as these words came out, people's hearts were shocked.

Everyone was taken aback, Huang Tianzun's expression changed drastically, So many? The fire line came out in full force? Or the chaotic lineage came out in full force?

Maybe none!

Everyone was shocked!

There are too many, all of a sudden, there are three great celestial beings, more than a dozen quasi-kings, and dozens of He Dao realms.

At this moment, everyone was shocked. This was just a small-scale conflict, at least they thought so before, but now...it seems not!

It stands to reason that the Chuanhuo lineage is not that strong.

Now that so many have popped up all at once, it has already shocked everyone, but is there so many strong people in the Chaos Clan in just one place?

They were talking just now, and they were still thinking about acting... A firework rose in the distance!


The first one joined the Tao and died!

Just got in touch!

Fight to the death!

Everyone looked at each other, this is a real battle to the death, so brutal!

In the Daoist battle, one of them died just after contact, what is this if it is not a battle to the death?

The Chuanhuo lineage actually hated the Chaos lineage so much, the speed and ruthlessness of the strikes, these Tianzun had never expected, they thought that it was just a surprise attack!


Fight to the death, clean up the traitors of the human race, inherit the fire of the human race, and die without regret!

A shrill and decisive roar resounded through the world!


A huge roar shook the entire world.

The next moment, Sanyue flew towards that side suddenly, Yue Tianzun and the others just wanted to say something, Sanyue roared: Take the opportunity to kill a few, do you have to wait?

A group of Heavenly Venerates frowned upon hearing the words, and then quickly flew over there!

Since Chuanhuo's lineage has already taken the initiative to start a war, then... Maybe it's best to take the opportunity to catch them all at once. This lineage is too young, and several Celestial Venerables have never expected such a large-scale war before!

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