This is still a historical legacy problem, not resolved, plus the rise of Heavenly Kingdom Lineage, will inevitably try to rebuild utopia.

and this process will inevitably be accompanied by the direction of movement of Governance Bureau.

Even the gaps today, the Governance Bureau central decision-making room is the highest sector in the substantive astronomical Society, and Impossible will then lose the leadership.

But the pot is so big, you want to eat, I still want to eat a big block, there are not enough two pieces, the other people are not less?

Yegor meaning is very clear: some of Governance Bureau decided to use this incident as a spearhead, difficult to Russell, and pressing the trend of Heavenly Kingdom Lineage.

“From my personal point of view, I don’t want to have contradictions in Astronomical Society when they are so critical.”

Yegor said straightforward: “Heavenly Kingdom Lineage can grow up, we naturally see it, and even unspeak some of the resources to supply your needs.

Today’s situation is difficult, and there is a bitterness of nature.

But others may not think so. “

The Secretary-General of this Governance Bureau, the essence of the central decision-making room, “I will help you, but you always have to explain the inside.”

“explain? How to explain?”

russell shakes: “When you call everyone to vote for a vote? Sorry, I have no habit of taking the competitors, let’s change the condition.”

Yegor wants to be the actual president of Astronomical Society, nor is it two days a day, and he has never hidden this.

As the leader of the reform, his Until Now’s claim is to reorganize the architecture inside the Astronomical Society, while streamlined the growing bloolest Governance Bureau …

I want to break the big knife and have a lot of changes, just in just a secretary-general position that is used to balance the internal sound.

The bid of the president of the air for many years is the best choice.

Since these years, he has always been committed to here.

This is not a wolf ambition, just as a politician’s goal and needs That’s all – Who dares to say that he never wants the Astronomical Society?

He as a leader of a faction, reason, and obligations to fight for this position.

“Russell, you should know this is the best choice.”

Yegor solemnly promises, “If I can become a president, at least in my term, Heavenly Kingdom Lineage reconstructs UTOPIA will not have any hinders.

I know that you are dissatisfied with Governance Bureau, but even if you go to the election, Impossible is successful, even if you have Book Of Destiny. “

Russell is silent.

just quietly drinking black tea.

for a long time, light sigh.

“Change Condition, Yegor.” Russell shook his head, “I didn’t have opinions on you, Governance Bureau’s merits and sacrifices are also obvious to all.

I am clear, even UTOPIA can rebuild, and may not be able to restore the grand occasion in the year in my year.

You are indeed the most suitable candidate.

but no. “

“If you can succeed, then your order will follow. If I fails, then I will wait for the next campaign.”

he said, “If it is not the president of Utopia, then I can’t recognize it,”

can accept reality, but it is absolutely not to give up the persistence of that position.

This is the last bit of bone that Utopia residues.

I am afraid of meaninglessness, but Russell cannot bow.

“Inheritance’s burden.”

Yegor sigh: “I can understand, but my promise is still valid, Russell, I look forward to the rebuilt of Heavenly Kingdom Lineage, and I look forward to UTOPIA’s resurrection. This never changed.”

“Reassure, will not let you do it.”

russell shook his head, suddenly asked: “Listening to people said that the Past Few Days decision office proposes to start the border defense front in advance?”


Yegor is silent for a moment, and the weird glanced at him, silent sigh.

Why can he learn about this confidential confidentiality, in the world of Governance Bureau, is known inside the Governance Bureau, but also specially ran to his face to show? Can you don’t so much?

The decision room in the Russell eyes is really a sieveful screen?

But since people have a great question, Yegor does not necessarily make hidden messages in this tomorrow.

“pressure is much larger than expected.” He said, “Although the eyes of bronze are also collecting more data, there should be no less than two Elements of Destruction participation behind the battle of this Time. – There are already many Ruler choosing to join hands, and it has been able to foresee the difficulties of the Time Bureau.

Otherwise, five often will not recall the pine mouth in the president. “

“It seems that things are really serious.”

russell nodded, nothing again.

Drink tea.

It’s like it’s nothing to find a topic, let Yegor’s look for a while: “I know that you want to take more proactive, try to get more benefits, but you don’t have to follow this Set? “

“Can you still do?” Russell laughed.

“The bladder is not good, you have to go to the toilet.” Yegor said, “Coffee has been drinking five or six cups, you must always tell me is right.”

“Ok, is right is about the border Defensive Array line.”

russell said straight and said: “I have a way to extend the range of Three Major Blockades.”

The action of Yegor.

The long silence, he looked up the Russell in front of the looked touth, silence.

“How? Incredient?” Russell asked.

“No, I just suspect that you are not me.” Yegor said straightforward: “You have this quasi, but I hope you don’t do CRACKING A Joke in this matter.”

Three Major Blockad is a significant meaning, even if the existence of the border Defensive Array line is also a City Wall, but Three Major Blockade is the foundation for protecting the homes.

If the strength of Three Major Blockad is proliferated, whether it is defense or counterattling, it is possible to occupy a strategic advantage.

Whether it is a physical rule brought by Zarathustra to suppress the chaotic phenomenon of hell, it is also a huge threat to Ruler’s real-time transmission of the RainBow Bridge.

This will bring a huge boost.

But the key is that there is not much to achieve this …

“UTOPIA Hell Post?” asked Yegor.

In the engineering of Utopia At The Peak Period, a huge post is built in the different depth of ABYSS. They are like signal base stations, and they are transferred to hell when the power is critical.

They have used important base and transit stations of hell pioneers, have played a huge role. With the crash of utopia, those postage are abandoned, destroyed, basically, have been used, become ruins.

has indeed been rebooting the plan, but because of the huge cost of consumption and the SUCCESS RATE is too low.

Yegor does not understand why Russell will take it as a chip.

“The post is not so easy to destroy, in addition to the branch node, a total of forty-six special posts, itself is building above hell, and hell is integrated with hell.

When it was built, it took into account the condition of force majeure, so all INHERITANCE YARD hidden technology was used.

You can need to evacuate your dimension, attributed to the virtual, and within more than 100 years, maximum guarantee. Even if you stand in front of them, you can’t see it … “

russell does not cover up: “All distribution maps and keys are intact, when the heavens are falling, I discove them back and save them now.

According to my survey, there are more than twenty-oriented stations that have a complete use of the main body. It only needs to be simple to start, it will function perfect …

that is, Yegor, I will give you more than 20 important strategic fulcrums. “

Yegor is dull.

faced a sudden news, it didn’t know that it should be a horror or grateful.

does not understand, Russell is doing this.

“Reassure, Yegor, this is not a transaction.”

Russell booth, smile: “When you do, how about a gift?

I don’t ask Governance Bureau’s reward and gratitude, and I don’t expect you to give you the power and praise. I just want you, let your decision room, the guys in the decision, Plot Against guys understand one thing. “

– Even Even Utopia Already Not in, you want to forget it, it is not so easy!

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