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Baba Yaga, BabaYaga.

Or call it Yaga mother-in-law.

If someone could endorse the term witch, it would be her. Since its birth, it is not known how many horror legends have been circulated among those Slavs in fear whispers.

The witch who lives in the chicken foot house, the cultivator of the black potion…every frozen wasteland and the everlasting Nightmare in the forest.

Kosche, Koshchey.

The undead, the wizard, the deformer… and even the evil spokesperson who is enough to be written in the source code of the Slavic mythology, also inherits divine blood, which has become famous hundreds of years ago, and can be said to be in the role of’Demon King’ Model. Until now, the Russian Federation still has a place called Kosche Kovo.

What is more terrifying than his notoriety is the strength of his Life Strength—

It is said that hiding his soul in a needle, hiding that needle in the duck egg, hiding the duck egg in the belly of the hare, etc., and finally sealing everything on an oak tree in the endless ocean …So that no one who can find his soul can really kill him.

Perhaps the rumors are exaggerated, you know, he became famous before 700 years!

700 years !

More than 20 generations of time, I don’t know how many dynasties have risen and fallen in the world.

Nowadays, countless people of the same period have already decayed, but he still lives well, even drinking oatmeal and taking a boat, and can go out and go when he is idle.

As for the Pharaoh and Sphinx, needless to say, if it is true, one is the True God descendant who inherits the noble blood, and the other is the fierce monster…

I just don’t know which pharaoh, who has been beaten to the title, and the power is still alive…and what generation of Sphinx is it?

But no matter how weak Pharaoh is, Huai Shi can’t provoke him.

What was originally thought to be a mud pond suddenly turned into a poison tan, even now there were 4 big crocodiles exploded, which suddenly made Huai Shi this cute and not knowing what to do. The others were completely shocked and stunned.

Only after the big brothers have left, all the talents are relaxed.

On a small boat, why did the big guys get together… Everyone suddenly felt the pressure.

Huai Shi is more stressed because he knows that there is a hidden BOSSParacelsus hiding Philosopher’s Stone on the ship, and he still has to find a way to kill him.

Mom, is this game really played by humans?

For good luck, Parasussell may not have Philosopher’s Stone on hand, but if he is not lucky… I am afraid that in his plan, everyone will become Philosopher’s Stone.

If you think about it with your heels, if you can make such a high level thing, the materials you need will be valuable. And Philosopher’s Stone itself is a miracle of human manifestation, what is more suitable than these Stigma composed of countless miracles?

“It seems that the order on board temporarily can be guaranteed.”

Lao Xiao wiped the sweat on his forehead, looked towards Lei Feizhou and Huai Shi: “It is imperative that we need to explore the entire ship first.”

Lei Feizhou asked, “What about Yin Yan?”

“Isn’t Yinyan already connected to Baba Yaga’s line? Just let him brush the favor…” Lao Xiao suggested: “If possible, try to go to Kosche and Pharaoh to see if you can find any clues. .”

forget it……

Huai Shi’s face was green.

Although the guy in Kosche looked silly in a wheelchair, whether it was Alzheimer’s or not 2 said, as for the one who holds a cat… it doesn’t look like it’s good to talk.

The kind of eyes that look like nothing, never put these people in the eye, risking and losing a conversation, and touching a gray nose, it’s okay, if he is annoyed to put a cat, who can stand it!

Whoever loves to go, he doesn’t go anyway!

I completely left the seemingly highest charm value and charm skills of the whole group behind, and today’s Huai Shi is also awesome…

Seeing that Huai Shi refused to charm or die, Lei Feizhou seemed coldly snorted, not very happy.

“But you can actually try to seduce that old woman.”

Ai Qing sincerely suggested: “I think it will definitely come!”

Forget it!

Huai Shi recalled the layers of meat folds on Baba Yaga’s face. Unable to bear shivered.

In the end, everyone can’t talk about it. I can only temporarily decide to explore separately, and then wait for dinner in the room of Lao Xiao, and then see what I can tell.

In the current chaos, there is really no place to start.

It was only when Huai Shi was walking in the corridor that he realized…the things that the crew left on the ground seemed to have been moved.

Except that the uniform remains in place, all the ashes have been disappeared.

Was taken away.

“Is this proof that Parasus Cele has acted?”

Huai Shi suddenly got a headache.


Although the artificial people need to consume a certain amount of Elementium during manufacturing, the material is actually completely recyclable, that is, after the stubble is dead, the ash is collected and poured into a petri dish, boiled, Take a dip, and soon a new crop will grow.

More convenient than leek.

What’s more, now that night is suddenly coming, covering the entire Sea Territory, when will it light up again? 2-that is, the life time of the artificial people has been greatly enhanced.

“Always feel the situation is not good.”

Huai Shi sighed and stepped in.

He smelled bloody.

Just in the direction of the bottom warehouse entrance.

Vampire is innately sensitive to the smell of blood, even better than the dog’s nose…especially this precious blood with a strange flavor.

Just below the stairs.

So, did the guy on Yue Jun violate the 3 bans on the ship last night? No, maybe all three are in violation.

“The three prohibitions are only for last night before 3 o’clock today, that is, the moment when the sun sets and the night comes back again.” Ai Qing said: “Now there should be no danger below, if you are not worried, I am big Can help you sneak.”

Standing in the shadows, Huai Shi instantly felt his body seemed to become transparent.

It seems to be Ghost again.

It seems that Ai Qing’s stealth judgment is working.

After rechecking the equipment again, he cautiously stepped into the darkness of the bottom compartment.

Unexpectedly, the following is not a hideous devil’s den.

Even the sound of water flow that is usually heard at the bottom of cruise ships is not there. In the silence, only the low roar from the machine room. Just at the entrance, Huai Shi also saw a few lines of dirty footprints. It seems that someone has already been in there, and there are still traces of it. Not at all I saw blood, and probably there were no missing parts.

Huai Shi felt relieved.

When passing through the engine room, furnace room and electric control room, Huai Shi was still not sure to look in for two glances, but it seemed that the disappearance of the crew not at all affected and hindered the operation of the cruise ship.

Everything is as usual.

It’s like being held by a pair of invisible palms.

Walking through it is like walking through countless invisible spirits, feeling cold.

Huai Shi is relaxed after closing the door, no matter what the principle is, this boat can move… He is naturally immune to this haunted house ghost phenomenon, he is joking, and he grew up in the Chalcedony Museum. I haven’t seen any battle. These, drizzle…

Soon after, he followed the bloody smell and found a body.

Or Yue Jun’s body.

There is nothing to hide or hide at all, just like lying on the ground at the end of the corridor like the sun on the beach, the dark blood flowed to the ground, and the stench was smelling.

It was obvious that he had been dead all night, as if he had been discarded for many days, and the rotten bones were about to be exposed.

Maggots are everywhere on the swollen corpse.

Needless to say, he was killed.

Headless Knight, who represents death, fell into death, and Knight without a head also lost his head when he died.

The headless corpse exposed its white bones in the stench, and vaguely could still be seen the traces that had been inspected. Huai Shi squeezed his nose together, squatted down, endured the nausea and dizziness from his heart, and looked at it carefully.

Then as it should be by rights

He is not a forensic doctor himself, nor has he learned any autopsy skills. Van Helsing is more impossible and understands the evidence of corpses. As soon as 10000 can be seen, Yue Jun is really dead.

It’s almost rotten.

“Can you see anything?” Huai Shi asked.

“Wait a moment, you look at the surroundings.” Ai Qing commanded, and then a faint sound of dice, the dark warehouse seemed to light up instantly, and all the scenes were vivid.

Including flying mosquitoes.

“He was killed.”

After thinking briefly, Ai Qing made a simple and clear judgment, and then added a sentence: “2 times killed by different people.”


“You look understood behind you.”

Ai Qing guided Huai Shi, looking towards the place where the blood stains in the center of the corridor had just appeared, extending all the way to the position of Yue Jun’s body today.

“Headless Knight’s Stigma is not to say that Ascender has no head, it’s just that after being reformed and revised, its own life system has been transformed in advance, and the function of thinking has been transferred to the soul and stored in the body shell. And the importance of the head has declined, and even if it is lost, it will not die.”

“That is to say, even if the head is dropped, it can survive for a long time, and it’s a big deal.” Ai Qing said: “When he walked to the center of the corridor, he was attacked and someone was hiding around the corner. Where he cut off his head, neatly… Then Yue Jun was scared and wanted to run forward, but he didn’t expect there was a person in front of him. This time he killed him completely and neatly.”

2 people, 2 times.

There is not even a trace of struggling.

Huai Shi felt some brain pain, but immediately, Ai Qing once again provided a worse conjecture: “Or, after he was attacked, he ran forward because there was a person he knew in front.”

Then, died in the hands of friendly forces.

Huai Shi held breath cold air.

——Within spirits, terminate the transaction!

At this moment, Huai Shi heard the sound of dice continuously ringing.

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