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The snow is getting bigger and bigger.

Seems never ending.

Huai Shi finally knew where the water vapor evaporated from the terrible drought the other day.

But with this endless snowstorm, the temperature becomes colder and colder. In the end, the thin layer of fluff on Fu Yi’s body is no longer useful.

Under desperation, Huai Shi grabbed several silly roe deer, after peeling, after the roughest tanning using the earth method and his special good iron juice, Fu Yi quickly sewed himself with the power and spikes. A crooked leather jacket, put on the body…

It looks like a ball.

——Huai Shi did not dare to say this sentence.

The temperature is getting lower and lower, the snow is getting bigger and bigger, as if never ending, the eyes are pale.

They have been facing Blizzard and walked forward 2 days, tirelessly…

The main reason is that Huai Shi is tireless. Anyway, his teeth are so good that he can eat anything. Drinking water when you are thirsty and hunting when you are hungry.

The horrible body temperature completely resisted the severe cold of the outside world, and the motive power was not greatly affected.

In this way, they have been walking forward for 2 days.

When looking forwards and backwards, through densely packed snowflakes, what I see is still a vast snowfield.

Lonely is like being abandoned by the world.

After the day went dark, Huai Shi rammed the snake-pillar iron pile with his tail into the ground, and piled up some trees in the vicinity. After spitting sputum skillfully, the fire was burning vigorously. Up.

“Light heating equals fire, and fire plus song equals me. If I add you to the song, the temperature will increase even more…”

Ran chaos 7 8 Singing old songs badly, Huai Shi dug a deep hole without incident. After piled up snow, spitting boiled hot water began to rest after a tiring day.

Um, now my own body is so useful for foot bathing, just 2…

Fu Yi picked up the pieces of meat stored in his bound space with sharp spikes, and repeatedly roasted the frozen pieces of meat on the fire, unable to bear sigh: “Ah, it seems like drinking a bowl of hot soup…”

“Well, I want to sleep in a big soft bed.”

Huai Shi soaked his tail in the water, and stirred 2 times comfortably, letting out a breath: “I still want to play the game. After playing, Uncle Fang’s supper is also done… After eating the supper, I continue to play the game. …You can go to sleep after the game…”

Fu Yi sighed listlessly: “I want to fiercely eat a barbecue.”

“Then sleep quickly.”

Huai Shi shook his head: “I have everything in my dream… Or simply click the button for safe exit, your father and mother when the time comes, whatever you want will definitely satisfy you.”

“Just thinking of a way not to take me to play, right?”

Fu Yi rolled the eyes: “You really hate this person.”

Huai Shi didn’t speak, as if he had fallen asleep in hot water.

This guy is not afraid of catching a cold…

Is it really Huskies possessed?

No, according to the speculation of Fu Yi these days, it is not what animals will become what they become, but what they will become.

So… are you a hedgehog?

And Huai Shi, is it Husky?

In a way, it’s really appropriate.

Fu Yi sighed and turned back to tell him to be careful not to sleep again and wake up like he was yesterday and was frozen in the pit he dug.

But after looking back, he froze in place.

Behind her, not at all the hot pool, and not at all giant beast’s silhouette.

Huai Shi is gone.


She was stunned for a long time, and soon, she reacted, read her motivation, and radiated towards all around. Then, she looked down towards her map plug-in: “Huai Shi? Where have you been?”

No one responded.

“Huai Shi!”

She shouted and looked around all around, but when she turned around again, the fire behind her disappeared, as if she had never appeared.

In the silence, only the sky and snow fluttered.

But the violent wind seemed to gradually slow down, and with the countless snowflakes falling, the scene was finally revealed dozens of steps away.

A wood house suddenly appeared in front.

The soft rays of light emerged from the small wood house, and the fragrant cooking smoke slowly rose from the chimney.

The warm breath is close at hand.

Fu Yi was dumbfounded.

In the silence, with a squeaking noise, the door was slowly pushed open, and some elderly women in the apron looked soft and gentle, looking at Fu Yi outside the door.

She has a slightly fat body, a kind face, and 6 long whiskers falling from her mouth.

Like a chubby old cat.

“Is it a lost child again?” She smiled and beckoned to Fu Yi: “Come in and get warm, I just stewed the soup.”


Fu Yi was silent for a moment and shook his head. The ferret’s thought was suddenly shocked. He took her up into the sky and flew away into the distance.

Will people with sick brains go in this kind of place that knows ghosts?

But when she fell to the ground, exhausted, she turned around and saw a warm wood house that seemed not to have moved.

There is also an old lady who is standing quietly at the door waiting for the wind and snow.

“Come in, child.” She smiled: “I made hot soup.”

Fu Yi fled into the desert.

The warm rays of light chased behind her from start to finish, slowly approaching like a tarsal maggot.

Until the end, Fu Yi had no energy to escape.

Fall in the snow.

When I turned around, I saw the gentle smile of the old woman on the steps.

The cat chef suggested again: “Just now the stew is ready. If you don’t mind, how about eating together?”


In the long silence, Fu Yi closed his eyes and moved his consciousness away from the red’safe exit’ icon for the last time, eyes opened.

She said, “Okay.”



Huai Shi felt lost in the snowstorm.

Suddenly, the sky turned around and Fu Yi disappeared.

He was thrown into a deep pit, and it was difficult to jump out of the cliff of several hundred meters high.

When he turned around, he smelled the stenchy wind coming from the depths of the darkness.

Low footsteps sounded.

With the whisper of trembling in the throat of the beast.

Soon, two huge monsters came out of the crack. The Amber-colored vertical pupil looked at Huai Shi with a natural sternness, grinning, and dripping hot iron juice at the corners of his mouth.

Huai Shi froze in place for a long time.

I simply suspected that I was looking in the mirror.

Because the two giant beasts look exactly like him, there is no difference.


Huai Shi narrowed his eyes and looked at them, suddenly asked: “Then you will not say, from the body to the personality, everything is the same as me?”


Two giant beasts responded like mirror images, and their voices overlapped in one place. If you listen carefully, it is not like one or two voices, but more like dozens of voices overlapped together.

“That’s really good…”

Huai Shi grinned and moved, and asked in a low voice: “That means… do you know what I am thinking now?”

So, two wolf beasts showed a strange smile.

The snowstorm came suddenly.

Covered everything.



In the wood house, the flames in the fireplace were burning, and the stews hanging above the fire made a boiling sound. A burst of sweet meat rose, and as the spoon stirred, it spread towards all around. .

Fu Yi sat next to the cozy dining table, looking around all around.

Oil lamps, tables and chairs, tableware.

Everything seems to be created in accordance with her aesthetic and intentions. It makes people like it. Even if they know it is strange, they are not willing to blame and this cute dress.

Only a faint voice continued to sound, as if murmuring in a low voice.

The oil lamp said, “She is watching me… My arm is so itchy, can I scratch it?”

“Can’t move, you are an oil lamp!” The table reprimanded in a low voice: “Can’t you insist on it for a while, what if the 10000 is exposed?”

“Shut up!”

The tapestry interrupted their messy whisper: “She seems to hear us talking!”

“Yes, no talking!” The vase interjected, showing a sense of his presence.

The oil lamp is not angry: “Then what are you doing, fart!”

“Enough!” The cupboard jumped angrily. “Shut up, shut up, not allowed to speak…she looked over…”

The sound of whispers disappeared.

Soon, the steaming stew, the roasted and tender meat steak, and even the sweet and sour appetizers and heavy sauces were placed in front of Fu Yi along with a huge wooden plate.

“Please use it, child.”

The cat chef raised her fleshy claws and touched the ferret’s head: “You’re welcome, you must be hungry?”

“I’m hungry.”

Fu Yi looked at the situation of all around, and compared with the “Hell Accident Rescue Handbook” that father forced him to memorize when he was a child.

“But isn’t all this fake?”

She took the fork roughly, poked a piece of meat, lifted it, and started to tear it, and the piece of gravy dripping was dissipated like a bubble.

“Whether you invited me to dinner, or did I invite you to dinner?” Fu Yi looked at the kitchen lady coldly: “For me and my friends, I’m afraid it’s just food, right?”

The cat chef looked at her stunned for a long time, sighed helplessly, pulled the chair and sat across from her, filled herself with a bowl of stew, and looked up and asked her: “Do you mind if I eat while I talk?” ?”

“Do I have room to resist?” Fu Yi asked indifferently.

not at all The show one’s ferocious appearance rushed up in anticipation. The cat chef took a fork and tasted her stew. She was graceful and gentle.

“Relax, child, nobody here wants to eat you.”

Aunt Cat looked up at the nervous ferret: “Don’t you think we are the kind of barbaric creatures that will be used as food when they encounter living things?”

“Then why did you catch me here?”

“You broke in, didn’t you?”

The cat chef laughed helplessly: “And we, we just want to save you.”

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