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The crow is silent.

“It shouldn’t be like this, right?”

Huai Shi whispered softly: “I know that not everyone should like me. I may not be a group and not very popular, but sometimes some people’s behavior needs some punishment, but none of them should die. .

They are all living people. Like me, they should not die, just like those in the club should not die, even if they may be guilty, but they are innocent. “

“So, I don’t like what you say.”

Huai Shi looked at her eyes and emphasized word by word: “–I don’t like it very much very much.”

“…Aiya Aiya, why are you so fierce?”

The crow didn’t look too far, and sobbed sadly: “Big sister, I’m good for you too, and now the elder sister’s bird is yours, is it okay to try a little before starting cooperation?”

As she said, she blinked with tears, “Looking at the elder sister’s sincere face, will you give me a chance to make up for it? Plan A will not work, we still have Plan B.”

It’s a pity that a crow does not look cute in this way.

“…What plan B?”

“It’s simple.”

The crow gave him a last look, “If you don’t want to kill others…”

She said, “Then you can only kill you.”

At that moment, Huai Shi’s eyes were black.



Huai Shi had a long dream.

In the erratic, he seemed to have just finished work and was going home, while waiting for the subway, he seemed to despise a waste wood employee who was expelled by himself during the day. .

Too late to put away his phone, he heard a bitter voice behind him: “Go to death!”

The next moment, a pair of hands pushed on his back.

He fell, he flew up, he fell again, toward the railroad tracks. The lights on the front of the subway were getting brighter and closer, and then Huai Shi was crushed, all split up and in pieces, and finally heard the crisp sound of his skull breaking.

The pain of hard to describe came, he had no time to scream or even fear, and his consciousness quickly blurred.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to have become a commercial formidable person in the global economy. Now he has nowhere to go. He is trapped in a park and betrayed his assistant to send him an ultimatum to let him surrender.

Huai Shi coldly smiled, then raised a pistol at him.


A light sound came from a helicopter in the distance, and Huai Shi could no longer feel his body. At the last moment, he heard his assistant’s blank cry: “Don’t shoot, he didn’t…”


In the coma, Huai Shi hadn’t reacted yet, like a series of nightmares. He suddenly turned into a middle-aged uncomfortable uncle, wearing a strange power armor, carrying a gun, and rushed into the Louvre and a group Bizarre insect race creatures fought in one place, and then died quickly.

This time the last consciousness turned out to be: I want to read the file…

Reading files? What file to read? Read you Rem!

He started to laugh at himself, but immediately he couldn’t laugh, because he seemed to be hanging on the gate again, with nails on his hands, but he felt no pain, and the whole person fluttered suddenly. , As if drunk, smirked at the man with white hair in front of him.

But why is this guy staring at himself? Did you do something wrong?

Soon, Moonlight flashed and was beheaded.

this time 是断头。



就这样,一遍遍地去死,不同花样的死,poison to death ,淹死,绞死,烧死,被塞进绞肉机,被人送进急救室,被accidentally 推了一下,被各种各样的人和自己因为各种各样的事情杀死。


die, die, die, die die, die, die, die 。





最后的一瞬间,他仿佛回过了头,looked towards 了所有幻象的来处,终于窥见了那些死亡的本质。那些死亡好像变成了一张张飞舞的漆黑书页。无数舞动的black 重叠在一起,像是雪,它们汇聚成悲伤和绝望的海洋,勾勒出寂静的world 。

那或许才是Book Of Destiny 真正的摸样。

一个在孤独中死去的冰冷world 。



房间中重归寂静,只有Deceptive Split continuously 在Book Of Destiny 上书写的细碎声音。

虚幻地乌鸦静静地凝视着Huai Shi ,透过躯壳,仿佛窥见了他旺盛燃烧的Elementium 。


乌鸦看了一眼Book Of Destiny ,unable to bear 叹息:“果然,要是没有它在不断抽取Elementium 的话,你早在好几年前就已经觉醒了吧……”

直到自书中苏醒以来,她就一直在continuously 观察着Huai Shi 。

因此才能通过种种迹象断定:Huai Shi 恐怕早就一只脚跨入了Ascender 的门后了。否则,纯粹的常人,恐怕根本不会被Book Of Destiny 认定为持有者,她也不会如此轻易地下注。

如今,就在如今的扉页之上,Huai Shi 的姓名旁边,括号中的’Developing Stage ’那3 个字越发地厚重,似乎在积蓄着力量,试图变化。






generally speaking ,Developing Stage 乃是人的本性自White Silver Sea 中超脱而出,Elementium 独立,渐渐归还与意识之中的过程。

在这个过程之中,Ascender unique and unmatched 的灵魂将被铸就。

这一段时期通常十分短暂,区别于灵魂的构造,历史上最短的记录只用了5 分十2 秒,而长一点的时间也不过5 6 个月……就算是乌鸦也是第一次见到,竟然有6-7 years 之后还未能度过Developing Stage 的人。

就算这些年因为Book Of Destiny 的抽取而长期处于’Zero Mana ’状态,也未免有些太夸张了一点吧?

原本她还以为有了书中曾经那些死亡记录的冲击,只要几分钟,Huai Shi 就能够顺理成章地breakthrough 关口,可是却didn’t expect ,这个家伙明明已经站在大门口了,可蹭来蹭去就是不进去!




乌鸦unable to bear 眯起眼睛。



灵魂的存在,便是本性与意识的升华,其中所包藏的乃是人性的精粹。正因为每个人have nothing common with each other ,世上才会有that many 绝不相同的灵魂。


Huai Shi 自己。

可就算是她想要通过事相分枝检索Huai Shi 的记录,却只能读到Huai Shi 十岁时捡到Book Of Destiny 之后的内容。


可通过字里行间的描述,她明显地能够看出,Huai Shi 试图在隐瞒什么。但究竟是什么,她却看不出来。

Huai Shi 不开口说,这只能是一个永远的秘密。



“……竟然是moon-sign 么?”


灵魂的构造虽然尚未完成,可是attribute 已经浮现——在Book Of Destiny 的分类中,moon-sign 所对应的attribute 乃是人的Elementium ,也就是灵魂的本身。

moon-sign 分类之下的灵魂所具有的能力,大多都是同样针对灵魂的干涉,譬如Mind Control 、Consciousness Shaping 和Spirit Repair ,这一分支对于overwhelming majority Ascender 而言,都是诡异和神秘的象征。



靠着诡异和恐惧或许能够成就一时,偏暗一地,但in this world 真正舞台的中心,永远will not 留给只会隐藏在暗中的人。

不知道过了多久,Huai Shi 的呼吸粗重起来,眼皮眨动着,好像将从梦中苏醒。

她叹息了一声,Deceptive Split 缓缓抬起,在那Moon Wheel 圆心的部分轻轻一点。



“机会给你了,Huai Shi 。”她轻声呢喃,“究竟能不能架起桥梁,由虚入实,就看你自己的了。”




心腹兴奋地冲进了办公室,手里拿着一块移动硬盘:“Master ,从那个盒子被陈全那个bastard 抢走之后,一路上所有的监控录像都在这里了。”


被称为Master 的男人似乎已经很久没睡了,眼睛通红,lifts the head 来的时候,充盈着血丝的双眼就显得狰狞无比。

心腹subconsciously 地哆嗦了一下,挤出笑容:



Master 接过硬盘,not at all 再提什么,在办公室里来回徘徊着,许久,终于下定决心,跺了跺脚。

“你去通知那些old man 儿和old woman ,周末晚上做弥撒,让他们全部来,谁不来,以后就不要来了。”


“那就随便找个什么借口不行么!”Master 暴怒,瞪着他的脸:“难道借口都要我帮你想?天父过生日行不行?!”


心腹不敢再触霉头,covered head and sneaked away like a rat 。

寂静的办公室中,略显早衰的middle-aged man 沉默了许久,关上了门,徘徊了很久之后才插上硬盘,开始观看其中零碎的资料。

从仓库里那个人忽然拔枪杀人,夺走sacred relic ,然后在反击中受伤,爆炸,一路逃窜……最后钻进小巷子里。



“It’s you……”

Master 凑近了屏幕,猩红的眼睛死死地盯着画面中的少年。

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