Arcane Lord

Chapter 1056: Strong Suicide, Intelligent Beast

In this world, sometimes there are many things that you won’t encounter if you don’t want to encounter them.

After a short sailing westward, the "Yuanyuan" approached the cliffs of the Channel Mountains emerging from the sea, but after arriving here, Captain Bill reported a not so good news——

Although the sea area near Strait Mountains does not seem to have shoal areas like normal land, most of it is considered deep sea.

But after all, this is also a mountain range, and there are still many mountains close to the sea, but not completely exposed to the sea. In other words -

There are reefs here.

Once it hits a rock, the result will be no better than being attacked by a sea monster.

Of course, the news was not too bad for Chateau. He directly sent a message to Captain Bill, telling him not to worry about running aground, as he would issue an alert in advance.

Instructing Niya to pay attention to the results of the sea beast fight, Sha Duo himself stood on the bow of the ship and used [Infrasound Detection] to let the invisible sound waves shine into the sea ahead at an oblique 45-degree downward direction.

Ignoring the feedback from the sea water itself, it’s the situation underwater.

When using [Stone Walking Technique] to detect infrasound underground, the limit range that this spell can detect has exceeded five hundred meters.

In thinner media such as air and water, the detection range is even wider.

The only disadvantage is that Chateau does not have the feedback characteristic data of infrasound detection in air and water, so he cannot distinguish the specific reflection target.

In other words, if two fish were placed in front of him, he could only determine that there were two weak reflection sources through infrasound detection, but could not determine their specific shape.

However, something as big as a reef does not require detailed analysis. As long as there is a strong reflection source, it is definitely correct to avoid it in advance.

As Captain Bill said, there are indeed many reefs below the sea surface, but most of them will not affect the normal navigation of the "Yuanyuan".

Only one or two that are closer to the sea need to be moved out of the way in advance.

Soon, the "Yuanfang" surpassed the shortest connection from the sea beast killing area to the Strait Mountains. From this moment on, every second that passed, the "Yuan Fang" would get further away from the sea beast killing area.

Until he finally left it behind.

By this time, Niya's mood became much brighter, "The big whale is still holding on! We don't have to abandon the ship!"

She knew very well that this ship cost Xia Duo more than 8,000 gold coins, which was not a small amount. You must know that in the past, the Savile Territory's annual net income, including the Tower of Time, was only about 100,000 gold coins.

Whenever possible, Niya would not give up the ship easily.

"Aren't you completely defeated yet?"

Xia Duo was also a little surprised by the tenacity of the big whale, but he didn't have any sympathy for the other person. Maybe he sympathized with the other person, but the other person regarded him as a snack!

It was really difficult for Shado to have any empathy with this species that was completely different from humans and had no special relationship with him.

At this moment, seeing that the fight between the two giant sea beasts was still going on, he was in a good mood. There were no dangers along the way, and it was considered a rare sea journey.

After sailing through the reef waters, there was no need for Xia Duo to continue to detect the underwater conditions, so he used the detection spell again to observe the fighting situation of the two sea beasts.

The scene was very tragic, and it may have reached the final stage.

Whether it was the water element summoned by the big whale or the fish-man controlled by the big octopus, they were completely missing at this moment, and may have been used up as cannon fodder.

As for the protagonist of the battle, the big whale, which was as long as two "Yuanyuan", was already covered with scars, and even its height above the water was getting lower and lower.

The big octopus, on the other hand, had almost no injuries. It almost wrapped its entire body around the big whale. The most significant result was probably the two tentacles inserted into the big whale's eyes.

By sensing the field, Sha Duo can not only see the battle scenes, but also hear the sounds of the battle. Of course, apart from the fierce sound of water, the only thing at the scene is the whine of the big whale.

The big octopus was like a silent predator. It was very patient. It hung on to the big whale and allowed it to toss and turn in the water, but it wouldn't let go.

Gradually, the struggle of the big whale became weaker and weaker, and Xia Duo seemed to see that an ocean overlord was about to end.

But the end of the Overlord will not be so peaceful after all. In the last stage of its life, the big whale used its last strength to swim towards the Channel Mountains with the big octopus.

"Damn it! Could this guy be-"

Xia Duo was shocked. Fortunately, things did not happen as he thought. The big whale did not move towards where the "Yuanyuan" was, but swam almost straight towards the Strait Mountains.

Xia Duo quickly controlled the perception field to track the figure of the big whale and moved quickly to the west. He wanted to see what the big whale wanted to do. Is there any way to escape the almost certain death?

It was already past noon at this moment, and the towering Channel Mountains cast a large shadow on the sea. This seemed to be the curtain prepared by the Channel Mountains for an ocean overlord that was about to end.

After a while, the big whale and the big octopus entered the shadows, but they still did not escape Xia Duo's monitoring.

In Xia Duo's perception, the speed of the big whale was getting faster and faster, and the big octopus on it seemed to be twisting uneasily.

As they got closer and closer to the cliffs of the Strait Mountains, but the speed of the big whale did not slow down at all, Xia Duo also had some vague guesses about the intentions of the big whale.

"Is there really such a strong creature? Or is this big whale already born with intelligence?"

Xia Duo was very shocked. At this moment, he suddenly had the urge to rush over and save the big whale, but his reason suppressed this urge.

He quietly watched the big whale getting closer and closer to the cliff of the Strait Mountains, until finally, he used his last strength, made a final leap, and smashed himself against the cliff.

Of course, only the head is broken.

But even so, this scene also shocked Xia Duo's heart, not only because of the tragedy on the screen, but also because of the big whale's "I can die, but you can't kill me" tenacity.

"Maybe this big whale really has wisdom!"

For a moment, Xia Duo felt very complicated, feeling sorry for the big whale, but the next moment, an accident occurred again——

The big octopus, which quickly recovered from the impact, used some of its tentacles to climb on the cliff, and used other tentacles to dance crazily toward the location of Sha Duo's detection spell perception field, and sent out bursts of spiritual messages containing warnings.

If Sha Duo's body was here, the [Pioneer Scepter] he carried might directly block these messy spiritual information, but the perception field itself existed to receive information.

Naturally, you can receive this information.

"Is this another intelligent creature?"

Xia Duo didn't expect that this big octopus also had some kind of psychic power, and could also detect his perception field. This was too sensitive!

He suddenly realized that perhaps he had discovered it when he first observed it, but it was just that the big octopus was busy hunting the big whale and did not show it.

"This is so smart!"

With such wisdom, isn’t it still an intelligent creature?

At this moment, Shado no longer had any doubts about the fact that the giant octopus and the giant whale were intelligent creatures.

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