Arcane Lord

Chapter 111

Lieutenant Wilson’s face was so gloomy that water dripped, and his eyes kept spinning. If it weren’t for the sharp knife on his neck, he would have I wanted to take advantage of Andre’s moment of distraction to get rid of the current situation of being restricted by others.

But it is a pity that Andre has already exercised his vicious vision and vigilance when he was a hunter, and there was no room for opponents to resist.

After cautiously disarming the enemy, he gently cut a layer of oily skin with a sharp blade, and asked playfully: “Say, who made you do this? And What other follow-up?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about! Let me go! Even if you have judicial immunity, you can’t be so arrogant!”

Here At that time, Wilson was still dead, and had no confession. As a high-ranking military officer, he didn’t believe anyone would dare to treat himself in the public.

“hmph! Still quibble! I ask you, why is there no military supplies on this list? Where are the spare weapons and armor?” Andre said, shaking the parchment in his hand.

The more he thinks about it now, the more he feels that the whole thing is full of conspiracy. It may be the revenge of the rape. First hide the military supplies in the castle, and then lure monsters or use money Buying mercenaries to launch an offensive, bloodbath the entire valley, when the time comes, as long as a fire is set, it is completely dead men tell no tales.

The nineteen-point intelligence made his brain’s logical thinking very clear, and he could guess the whole sequence of events with little effort. The cold light in his eyes made the surrounding air It became a little cold.

Seeing that the plan is still being dismantled, Wilson not only did not show a trace of panic, but impudent laughed: “hahahahahaha! I am indeed a genius mage! I was able to find the doubt with a list. And I decided to do it immediately. Yes, all of this is premeditated, but you never want to know who my master is!”

tone barely fell!

He suddenly hit his neck against the blade, and the sharp mithril machete with no difficulty cut the neck into two sections. The human head gu lu fell to the ground with a sound, and the blood from the incision flew instantly. It’s more than one meter tall, thanks to Andre’s quick response, otherwise it will definitely be sprayed all over.

Such a strange and bloody scene stunned everyone!

Elsa and Beverly, the mother and daughter immediately covered their faces and screamed together.


For them living in the city, it was the first time they saw beheading, and they were shocked.

Chloe’s performance is slightly better, but her face is a little pale. After all, she has seen more brutal killings on pirate ships, so she has considerable immunity.

As for the speechless ordinary soldiers who were shocked, they all heard their immediate superiors admit that they had moved their hands and feet during the handover, and they also mentioned a master. It was obvious that someone was in the whole thing. manipulate.

There is no doubt that this involves the rights or interests of the upper class. They don’t want to be involved in them, so they have not waited for Andre to speak, and they all threw down their weapons and raised their hands. Prove your innocence.

The guard leader of the Ye Family clan in Mali glanced at the headless corpse on the ground, and immediately took two steps forward, lowering his voice suggested: “Your Excellency, I think it’s best to enter the castle immediately and close the gate completely. , And then send another cavalry back to Linton City at the fastest speed to report. If nothing happens, there will be an enemy attack here tonight.”

“You also think the current situation Not so good?” Andre asked blankly.

The head of the guard sighed with a wry smile and replied: “This is a blatant matter. According to Linton City law, private possession of military supplies is a major crime, especially in such a large amount, enough for the lieutenant to hang ten times. He did it. The reason why he dared to do it was definitely that he was ready to kill people. And when this guy committed suicide, he didn’t hesitate at all. There is no doubt that he was a deceased person raised by a certain family or organization. The only thing that is not sure now The thing is, did the other party come at you, or at Chloe Young Lady.”

“Chloe? Don’t these people come at me? What does it have to do with her? “

In Andre’s view, the current situation is obviously the behavior of the traitor, and the purpose is simple, that is to retaliate for what he did yesterday. He didn’t understand at all, what a girl who was a little natural and idiot was worth inspiring.

“Perhaps this kind of thing shouldn’t come out of my mouth, but now the situation is urgent and I can’t take care of that many.”

Said the leader of the guard took a peek at Chloe, who comforted the mother and daughter, immediately explained in a low voice: “Mali Ye Family this generation patriarch, Earl Luke of Pali, has been diagnosed as unable to have any more children, which means that Chloe Yi is now the only direct heir. Anyone who can get her and give birth to her offspring can get huge rights and wealth after the Earl’s death. Many wild ambition families are secretly engaging in small actions, even Mali There are a lot of people from the Ye Family clan begin to stir.”

“You mean…It was not accidental that Chloe’s ship was attacked by pirates?” Andre frowned instantly. .

Originally, he thought the whole thing should be very simple, but listening to the leader of the guards said this, it suddenly became complicated, not only involving the internal problems of Linton City, but also being famous in the Green Sea Alliance The prominent Mali Ye Family is also involved, and even the purpose of rape has become confusing again.

It is impossible to determine whether this guy is to gain more rights and money, or specifically to kidnap Chloe and get the Great Influence of the Ye Family clan in Mali.

After all, fools can see now that this aristocratic girl doesn’t have much scheming at all, and she has no interest in power and intrigue. As long as she gets her hands, she will definitely be able to control this huge family in the future. Although the magpie’s dove occupying the nest did not happen many times in aristocratic circles, there were precedents.

The leader of the guard took a deep breath and clenched his fists hard: “Yes, it was simply not an accident, at least not in the eyes of Lady Anastasia. She has found some clues. , Is digging into the behind-the-scenes master. Please believe me, this matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface, so be sure to prepare, it may be difficult tonight.”

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