Arcane Lord

Chapter 122

Anthony had long anticipated that ordinary soldiers were impossible to be the opponents of Barbarian fighters, so he took bodyguards to stop leaks, and saw where he couldn’t stand it. He immediately rushed to help. Fortunately for the castle and The city walls on both sides are not long, otherwise you will be exhausted just because you are tired.

As for Andre, the hellhound who came out of summon cautiously stared at the shifting beast in the distance, always beware of this vicious and cunning monster sneak attack. He knew very well that such magical creatures with supernatural powers could not be dealt with by ordinary soldiers. As the only mage, he had to find a way to get rid of it.

However, the teleporting ability has always been the most difficult of all spell-like abilities, even if a high-level mage comes, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort to win it.

As mentioned in the “Monster Illustrated Book” series, the teleportation ability of the shift beast is different from magic. They don’t need any incantion, casting action and preparation time, as long as there is a single thought in the mind, an instant It will be teleported to thousands of meters, or even tens of kilometers away, completely a model of come and go if you want.

To know that the wizards want to have a similar spell, at least Fifth Level Arcane, which is the one used by Andre to escape from the ground, normally requires a Level 9 wizard to barely master it. It requires complex gestures and long chanting. Generally, it can only be used for travel. It is used purely for courting death when fighting. This shows how difficult magical creatures with this ability are.

Since the transfer of the shift beast does not require preparation time, it is basically impossible to defeat it with magic, because it finds that the moment you cast Arcane, you will immediately escape the attack radius. When the spell fails, come back to the sneak attack, even if you learn to block the teleport ability, the spell will not be useful.

Fortunately, this shifting beast that occupies Barbarian’s body seems to be afraid of the Hellhound. After launching a sneak attack, he stood in the distance and looked at the castle, never launching a second attack. I don’t know if it’s waiting for a better opportunity or don’t want to meet force with force……

Although it seems harmless now, Andre doesn’t seem to wait any longer. After all, there is an old saying Well put it, only a thousand days can be a thief, how can a thousand days be a thief?

After all, a person’s ability to withstand stress is limited. It’s okay to have a high concentration of nerves for ten minutes to half an hour. Over time, you will inevitably feel tired. If the opponent chooses a sneak attack during this time period, then he must It will be unprepared, so it’s best to immediately lay a trap, and then deliberately reveal a weak spot to lure the shift beast to take the initiative to attack, even if it can’t be killed, it will be severely injured, otherwise the soldiers may not be able to stand it without Arcane’s help A round of attacks.

Without any hesitation, Andre yelled directly to the militiamen: “Go to the back, bring me some bags of flour, fast!”

“Flour?” More than forty or so Captain’s face was full of puzzles, and he didn’t understand what to do with flour on the battlefield, but his obedience to the noble lord had penetrated his bones, so in the end he was nodded: “Well, although I don’t quite understand the need for flour What do you do, but who made you the lord of this place? I’ll send a person like twenty bags.”

“Remember, after bringing in the flour, open the seal. Once you find that Only the monster reappears. Don’t just sprinkle flour around it. This matter is very important. You can’t make a mistake, understand?” Andre feared that the militia didn’t pay enough attention to it, and warned repeatedly with a serious face.

Captain felt the seriousness of the problem, and immediately patted his chest and promised loudly: “Understand, this matter is on my body. Isn’t it just spreading flour? We militiamen may not be good at war, but we work. A good hand.”

After saying that he immediately led forty people into the back of the castle, took out twenty bags of flour, opened the mouth of the bag, poured it in a wooden basin, and distributed it to the militia. In hand, after a while, more than two hundred peasants each had a tub of flour in their hands, and only waited for an order to throw it out.

Everything is ready, Andre immediately motioned to the people around him to push away, leaving a large open space, followed by pretending to close his eyes, and began to sing incantion. As for the hell dog, he was deliberately transferred to Go to the front to bite the Barbarian warrior.

On the surface, he is now in a state without any protection, especially those who know a little about the wizard know that when entering the state of concentration, these masters are powerful and supernatural. Power guys are actually the most vulnerable. Once attacked, they will cause a series of catastrophic consequences. Among them, the most terrifying is reverse devouring after the failure of the spell model construction. From spitting blood to the ground, when severe, it becomes broken with a bang. corpse.

Maybe the intelligence of the shift beast is not enough to understand, but those Barbarian Witch Doctors will definitely remind them that they often have friction with the army of Linton City, so they have fought against the wizards many times. , Know the weakness of this special profession.

In order to ensure that he can fool the opponent, Andre is really preparing magic, not pretending, but he chose the relatively simple Level 1 Arcane “Rainbow Jet”, so within a few seconds Everything was done, but I didn’t send it out, deliberately making my body look like magical energy surrounding me, as if I was preparing some incredible powerful Arcane.

I have to say that although “Rainbow Jet” is only trifling Level 1 Arcane, the light and shadow effect after the preparation is complete is very bluffing. The colorful brilliance flickers in the palm of the palm, and even many soldiers desperately feel that they are themselves The mages behind him were about to zoom in on their moves, and they all seemed to have taken stimulants, and their morale rose in a short time, pushing Barbarian back a dozen steps.

Barbarian has an attitude of fear and aversion to magic, and he doesn’t know much about spell. Therefore, in their opinion, the preparation time is so long and the spell light is so dazzling. It must be a powerful magic. , So a Witch Doctor hurriedly knelt on the ground and prayed to the Totem beasts of the tribe, passing on his and the others’ ideas.

Although the shifting beast is very cunning, it is far from being a smart creature. It is far behind the winter wolf. So after listening to the prayer of Witch Doctor, both eyes flashed. After a ray of light, it disappeared in place.

Next second!

It suddenly appeared less than a meter beside Andre, and baring fangs and brandishing claws pounced on it, trying to kill the person who threatened him most.

Andre, who has been waiting for a long time, opened his eyes fiercely, and a sneer crossed his handsome face: “Sorry! You are fooled! Savor the meal specially prepared for you! Sprinkle flour!”

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