Arcane Lord

Chapter 130

“How is this possible! The strong muscles of Barbarian warriors contain very strong magic resistance. I remember a mage told me that he wanted to kill King Og It is necessary to use Arcane above Level 3. Could it be said that Your Master Andre already has Fifth Level for his mage level?!” Yarlin Knight couldn’t control his emotions at all, and shouted out loud.

It is enough to know that a fourteen-year-old official wizard is enough to shock people, and a fourteen-year-old Fifth Level wizard can be called a monster.

In the records of the Linton City Wizards Association for hundreds of years, although it is extremely rare to become a Level 1 mage at the age of fourteen, there are still one or two at the age of 14, but there is only one Fifth Level mage at the age of fourteen. Nothing, let alone Linton City, even if all the city-states of the entire Green Sea Alliance are gone through, it is also impossible to have a 14-year-old Fifth Level mage.

The wizards who master Level 3 Arcane are not Chinese cabbage. They are the most valued part of the rulers, because whether it is the “Fireball”, “Lightning”, or The “acceleration technique” that can greatly improve combat effectiveness can all improve the strength of the army, equivalent to the decisive factor that can reverse the situation in war.

Think about it, in the battle of the cold weapon age, dozens of shells suddenly roared in. What would happen if they detonated in the crowd?

Imagine again, when a group of heavily loaded Knights ran out of the speed of the light cavalry, how spectacular it was to disperse the enemy in the blink of an eye!

The most important thing is that he has become a Fifth Level mage at the age of fourteen, and his future achievements are at least a level ten or above arch mage, even if the duke meets him, he must first salute, and then Called master, there is no doubt that you will enjoy the highest level of courtesy in any city-state.

Just when Yarlin was unable to accept the reality, another relatively young Knight took two steps forward and lowered his voice to remind: “Sir, I had a magic lesson a few years ago. According to the magic level, the hellhound is an out-and-out Level 3 summon creature, which means that the mage that summon out of it must have mastered Level 3 Arcane. The green clouds we saw in the distance before should also be Level 3 3 Arcane-smelly cloud technique.”

“Do you mean that young Andre is really an out-and-out Fifth Level mage?!” Arlin inevitably appeared slightly Trembling.

The young Knight gently nodded: “I’m afraid it is. I also heard that President Boris of the Mage Association has a completely different attitude towards him from his members. In just a few days, the two I have had several private conversations.”

“Well, it seems that a great character will soon appear in Linton City.” After talking, Arlin touched the scum on his chin. , A bitter smile appeared on his face.

Although he is a Fifth Level fighter and Level 3 feudal Knight, his status in Linton City is not low. Not only has he obtained a large territory and industry, but he is also expensive as a Knight and has a separate The right to lead soldiers in battle, this is only three Knight Commanders and one Great Knight in the entire city. It can be described as the most beautiful, but it is not comparable to the Archmage.

Currently there are only three archmages above the tenth level in the city, including President Boris. One of them went out five years ago and has not returned, and another is hiding in the top level of the wizard tower of the association. Each of the puppet technology is not inferior to the Duke in terms of status, and the three can even force the Parliament to change policies and laws.

On the Olaer road, anyone with a strong power, as long as they are not a frenzied lunatic, will basically get a matching position, because the rulers fear their power and want to use power and wealth These people are included in the system and make them the beneficiaries of the system. In this way, when the system is challenged, these terrifying guys will come out and crush the troublemaker directly into the residue.

It is precisely because of this that the feudal system will remain in this world without collapsing several years ago, and the rate of increase in productivity is very slow.

The nobles, aloof and remote, are in charge of life and death. They don’t want any change at all. People in the bottom society are precarious and desperate for change, but they don’t have enough power, so a strange and weird one is formed. The ruling structure.

Seeing the face of his old friend showing the face of decline, Anthony couldn’t help but smiled and shook the support, lowered his voice and said, “Man, Oge’s head is now in my hand. Your Excellency Andre doesn’t want this honor, if…”

“Needless to say! I will give out 10,000 Gold Coin! With this honor, the City Hall will definitely give me a hereditary title.” Erlin offered a high price without even thinking about it.

He knew very well that despite the honorable status of the Chief Knight, it was not hereditary, and was far less useful than a real noble title, even just a small knight.

In fact, many feudal kingdoms on the continent are similar. Knight belongs to the bottom of the aristocratic class. Although it can be hereditary in theory, it must be guaranteed that one of the heirs can become Knight, otherwise the title and territory are possible. Confiscated, most Knights who had just climbed from the bottom had a lifelong wish to be promoted from Knight to knight, even at the expense of everything.

“No problem, come with me, Oge’s head is wrapped in lime, you can take it away now.” Anthony obviously knew his old friend’s concerns, and he nodded willingly agreed. Come down.

The other young Knights are also a bit eager to have a try. They seem to be quite interested in this head, but in the end they all glared back with the sharp eyes of Yarlin.

After a while, Anthony returned to the place with a square wooden box, and opened it without saying a word, revealing a slightly torn head.

“My God! How can King Og’s head be so badly damaged!” a young Knight yelled out of silence. He couldn’t believe that this powerful Barbarian warrior would die so miserably, that three big holes appeared on the well-protected head.

Yarlin knelt down and fiddled with iron gloves. He took a breath, and then explained with a wry smile: “This is the result of the magic missile. Only the real Fifth Level mage In order to shoot three at the same time. Old friend, I think we have to talk about it.”

“Hehe, it’s my honor. Come on, friend, let’s talk about the future together, After all, not who has the opportunity to meet a great character who is on the rise.” Anthony leaned slightly, with a smug smile on his face…

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