Arcane Lord

Chapter 144

As the only man in the house, and also the only person, Andre took out the handkerchief he carried with him, and helped the lady sitting opposite him gently wipe the tears on her face. And comforted: “Relax, Countess, the situation is not at its worst. Think about it, why the enemy has been using the power in the dark, instead of directly controlling the entire Linton City? Because their power is in the city. Nei is still very weak, at least not enough infiltration in the military, which gives us the opportunity to fight back.”

“Thank you! You are such a considerate gentleman. No wonder Chloe treats you. I’m so fascinated, if I’m ten years younger, I’ll consider having an intense passionate love.” Lady Anastasia wiped the tears from her face, teased in a half-cracking a joke tone.

“It is my honor to be favored by a beautiful lady like you.” Andre responded with a smile.

In fact, among the nobles, it’s normal to make jokes like innocence, and it is also a kind of affirmation and appreciation, not really any special thoughts. He has read many books and recorded how to face such a situation, so he handled it very appropriately.

After regaining her composure, Lady Anastasia took off her black lace gloves and sighed slightly: “Hey…according to what you just said, the people behind the scenes have already focused on the Ye Family clan in Mali. How can I protect Chloe and fight back?” Andre Shrugged explained: “It’s very simple, money and rights. I believe you should be very clear. In Duncheng, the glittering Gold Coin represents everything. As long as there is enough money, nobles can raise a large number of private armies and fleets, and seek higher social status and rights. Just imagine, if you have a city defense What will the four dukes do when there is a similar number of private troops? They will undoubtedly invite you into the city hall to publicly announce the birth of the five dukes of Linton.”

Although they came here The time of this coastal city is very short, but he has probably understood the political structure of the city. To put it bluntly, money comes first. The four dukes control the largest number of trade routes, so they have the ability to raise the most private armies. Other nobles are Scroll down according to strength.

As for the city defense army and the Knight regiment, they belong to the entire city, and no nobleman has the right to mobilize them. When they want to mobilize them on a large scale, they must be approved by the municipal council.

Of course, normally speaking, the position of the duke is not fixed. In the first hundred years or so, the position of the duke has been constantly changing. After long-term development and monopoly trade, Four families gradually controlled the city’s close to one third and even more resources. The political status gradually became more stable, and finally the current situation was formed.

To some extent, the political structure of Linton City is that the duke, other nobles, and merchants formed a stable triangle, with a large number of adventurers, wizards’ associations, and temple forces interspersed in the middle.

“Of course I know the important attribute of increasing the number of private troops, but with my current income, it is already very difficult for me to feed more than 100 guards, and I cannot support more.” Anasta Countess Xixia spread her hands helplessly.

In this dangerous world, both merchants and nobles will hire people as much as possible to protect their property and life. A slightly stronger ordinary person is very cheap, basically only two or three per day A Silver Coin or so, but those who really have a professional level will have to multiply the price several times.

Normally, the hire price for Level 1 fighters is six Silver Coins per day, equivalent to half a Gold Coin, and 15 Gold Coins a month! It takes about two hundred Gold Coins a year! One hundred people is more than 20,000 Gold Coins! This is not counting the costs of weapons, armor, food and accommodation. You must know that during the employment period, the employer must be responsible for the mercenaries’ food, clothing, housing and transportation!

What a terrifying number!

The so-called elites are all piled up with money. There is nothing wrong with this statement. Moreover, every time the professional level is raised, the employment price will double, and the price of the wizard consultant is even more outrageous. Even if you do nothing, you have to pay at least 50,000 Gold Coins every year.

If it weren’t for Linton’s well-developed ocean trade support, the nobles in the city would probably not be able to support that many private armies, and Lady Anastasia would be able to support more than one hundred guards. , Which also proves the strong financial resources of the Ye Family in Mali.

Looking at the faint sadness of the beautiful mature woman in front of him, Andre immediately understood that it was time to show his trump card.

He glanced around and confirmed that no one was eavesdropping. He leaned forward slightly, lowered his voice and said, “I have a way to make a lot of money. I don’t know if you are interested. “

“How old is it?” Countess Anastasia’s eyes flashed twice.

“It’s huge. As long as it is done properly, it will not be a problem to buy the entire Linton City.” As he said, Andre took a folded parchment from his pocket and shook it. “I know a method that can be used to extract salt from sea water. It does not require a lot of manpower or capital investment, but the effect is hundreds of times that of boiling salt. Think about it, this kind of business can How much profit does he make?”

According to the original plan, he planned to wait until he gained a certain amount of power to do it alone, but according to the current form, it seems that it is not enough.

If the form cannot be stabilized, the entire Linton City will fall in the hands of the enemy, so a partner must be found in advance, and the Mali Ye Family family who is in crisis is just a good choice. Coupled with the close relationship with Chloe, I believe the other party will keep the secret.

“The gods are on! I heard you right?!” Lady Anastasia’s breathing suddenly became rapid, a faint blush appeared on her face and neck, and her hands began to feel uncontrollable. trembling.

As a noble of the Green Sea Alliance, she knows too well how profitable the salt trade is, but there are too few salt lakes and rock mines in the south, and they are basically maintained by the powerful Great Family. Here, no one else can intervene. If the Ye Family of Mali masters the new salt-making technology, it will not take long for them to become the leading aristocrat in the alliance with hundreds of years of operation.

Andre laughed confidently and put the folded parchment on the table: “Of course I heard it right. The method I said is recorded on this paper, and it also comes with a piece of Salt is refined into refined salt without any impurities. I am a mage and don’t like to waste time on business, so I’m happy to find a partner, madam, now it’s your turn to bid.”

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