Arcane Lord

Chapter 216

Glancing at the exhausted crowd, the leader Chris gently nodded: “Then rest on the spot, and we will continue to explore in fifteen minutes. In addition, these skeletons What’s going on? Could it be that someone broke in a long time ago?”

“If I read it right, these should be Barbarian bones, and it comes from the corrosion of weapons and armor Look, it’s almost the same time as the maze was built, maybe it was the corpse left by the war dead at that time.” Andre carefully examined the bones, armor, and weapons on the ground, explaining to everyone.

He was very interested in archaeology for a while before he crossed, so he consulted a lot of information. Just by the size of the skeleton, with no difficulty can tell that they are not ordinary person, as for rusty weapons. From the rust and the carvings above, it can be roughly judged that they are all antiquities thousands of years ago.

One thousand and five hundred years ago, this area was still the world of dwarves, and weapons and armors also had a strong dwarf style. Whether it was steel quality or forging craftsmanship, none of them could be comparable to humans. , Even if it is rusted, the hardness is much stronger than the standard equipment, as long as it is re-polished in the blacksmith’s shop, it can still be used, and it is much better than most of the weapons in Linton City.

“Wow! According to what you said, the dagger I picked up is an antique?” Chloe, who is very curious, holds a delicately carved dagger quite Asked excitedly.

“Of course! They are all carefully crafted by dwarf blacksmiths. Nowadays, humans have rarely seen such superb skills in the world. Take them with you if you like them, and wait for the blacksmiths to cut them off. Polished, you will be able to restore your original appearance immediately.” Andre smiled and replied.

“Dwarf antiquities? No wonder my mace failed to interrupt the rusty long sword.” Elbella whispered underestimated, and immediately began rummaging the ground for those relatively well-preserved weapons .

Perhaps the dwarf forging has aroused everyone’s interest, or it’s the antiquities that make everyone want to collect. The women who originally sat on the ground and rested got up and looked for their favorite among the bones. As for the weapon, the armor is so broken that even a complete one cannot be found.

Andre ignored the women’s sudden Taobao behavior, staring at the floor plan intently, browsing tightly frowns thinking about how to reach the center of the maze from another way.

After experiencing two big “surprises” in a row, he dared not take it lightly, especially for those ancient organs and traps, marking them one by one with a quill pen.

However, because the records are too crude, I only know that the red on the map represents magic traps and the blue represents physical organs. After so many years of baptism, there are those that are well preserved and those that have been completely scrapped. It’s totally unknown.

“How about, can you find a safe way to travel?” Kris came over with a short sword inlaid with emeralds and asked softly.

“Safe?” Andre shook the head with a sneer. “Don’t you notice it? This labyrinth is not only used to protect the seal, but also the tomb of the war dead. I’m sure that in the depths of the complicated passage, there is definitely a gathering place for the undead. “

Kriss face instantly changes sternly: “You mean…here is equivalent to a city of the dead?”

“Yes! Those skeleton warriors are just A small appetizer, the next thing we will face is likely to be ghouls, ghouls, ghosts, vampires, etc. Of course, if there is enough bad luck, we will also encounter a real undead caster, such as Say Lich. It’s not a simple matter to make a magic array that provides negative energy to undying creatures. It requires at least a mages of level ten or higher to complete it alone.

Now I want to ask you something. Are you ready to fight head-on with a hungry army of undead? If not, it is best to retreat first, because the current situation is much more dangerous than expected.”

Andre is not alarmist, but he does feel it. Dangerous, although it is not as good as the desperate struggle between Alone and the entire ship of pirates, it is not much easier.

Fortunately, there is no need to fight hard this time, at least he will not actively choose to fight hard. As for how the pastors and Paladin of the Morning Light Goddess Church judge it is their own business. Once they find that the situation is not good, Andre absolutely Will immediately take Chloe to escape.

As a senior clergyman, Kris is not a fool, so she can naturally hear the meaning of the words.

But she not at all make a fuss about nothing, instead she smiled bitterly and pointed to the huge stone ball down the slope: “It’s too late, our retreat is completely blocked unless we pass through the maze The center finds another way, otherwise it won’t be able to get out at all.”

Glanced at the blocked passage, Andre slightly sighed: “Hey…it seems that it can only be so. I hope the undying creatures will gather. The land must not be on our only way, otherwise…”

“Otherwise, we will only have a bloody road!” Carter Linna didn’t know when she appeared behind them. His eyes were as firm as ever, and there was no trace of fear on his face.

As a Paladin, even in the face of an invincible evil force, she will never back down a bit, she will only find ways to eliminate it, even at the cost of her own death.

Andre laughed, put the floor plan away, closed his mouth and said nothing. He knew very well how stubborn Paladin was, so he didn’t plan to argue with the other party. After all, it is good to have a cannon fodder in the team who is not afraid of death. It can be used as an abandoned child at critical moments to save other people’s lives.

Because of the different values, Andre has always believed that in a critical moment, it is far better to sacrifice a small number of people to fight for the chance of survival for others than to die collectively. Although it seems cold-blooded to use cold numbers to calculate the value of life, it is undeniable that only abandoning all feelings can make the right choice.

Life is precious and should not be wasted casually. If the person who needs to sacrifice is himself, then he will be happy to embrace death and fate.

As Carter Linna showed an extremely tough attitude, the atmosphere suddenly became dull. The three of them sat on the ground and rested silently, completely losing the interest in talking. Only Chloe was the whole team. Still looking excited, he squatted on the ground and raised upwards to pick, knock off the gems inlaid on certain weapons with the dagger he carried with him, and packed a small bag in just a few minutes.

She carried her dirty leather pocket and yelled happily: “Look, dear! We are rich! Twenty-three gems, all cut and polished.”


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