Arcane Lord

Chapter 235

There is no doubt that this guy has an extremely serious mental illness, he does not know how to use his own advantages at all, and his way of thinking is too naive. It is absolutely impossible that a formal mage should have which performed.

“Shut up! I don’t need mercy! I don’t have any mentor! Look at this great shadow power! Who is worthy to be my mentor!” The black robed man manipulates the shadow energy to create layers The waves, all the places that are not irradiated by the sun, boil quickly like boiling water, and countless shadow creatures are faintly discernible inside, which is a scene of demons dancing.

Andre raised his uninjured right hand, raised his index finger and shook it gently: “No, you don’t understand at all. As a mage, wisdom is far more important than strength. Sora is powerful. It’s a very sad thing that I don’t have the power to match it, but I can kill you at any time with no difficulty if I want to. Now I will give you one last chance, tell! Tell! Me! secret mastermind Who is it!”

When he said the last few words, he suddenly increased his tone, and a large number of Fire Element suddenly gathered around his body. The hood on his head instantly spontaneously ignited, and his head was fiery-red and gorgeous. The hair stood up and flew in the wind, looking beautiful and terrifying.

Obviously, this is a sign of the complete boiling of Fire Element bloodline. The pain caused by the fracture of his left arm makes Andre’s temper a bit irritable, and irritability is just the nature of Fire Element. When the two resonate, There will be a shocking scene before me.

The black robed man didn’t know how dangerous Andre was in this situation. He only felt that he was threatened and despised, so he roared and swooped in and took the lead in attacking.

He used his body to set off a huge wave composed entirely of shadow creatures and negative energy, trying to swallow his opponent, then squeezed, shredded, and swallowed, so that the target was completely wiped out from the body to the soul .

It’s a pity that he overlooked the most important point, that is, the ring made of the Shift Beast’s soul gem can be teleported within a short distance…

The moment the wave fell, Andre’s mouth was slightly upturned, and a shuddering sneer was passed across, and he immediately disappeared without a trace.

The next second…

He appeared behind the black robed man with a swish, holding a dark red long sword with a glamorous luster, and lowered his voice and said: “Although you are just a pawn used by others, a sad clown, you succeeded in angering me. Give you one second to pray before you die, and then say goodbye to this World!”

A second blink of an eye passed, the black robed man just had time to turn his head, and instantly saw the long sword coming towards him and piercing his eye sockets. With the short-term pain, he completely lost consciousness and fear It’s stored in the other eye forever like a photo.

“Hit the key!”

“Launch a fatal blow!”

“Cause twenty points of damage to the Shadow Mage!”

“The target brain is destroyed! Death!”

“Get 2,500 EXP points!”

“The special ability of the sword of king blood is activated!”

“You are taking the life force and vitality of the target!”

“Warning! The target within the body has unknown energy! Will it be absorbed?”

“Attention! Once absorbed, it will Leading to unknown changes!”

Looking at the series of messages that popped up in the retina, Andre immediately understood that this unknown energy must be shadow energy. Although this thing is really good, but considering that it is likely to suffer once absorbed After being wanted on the entire Olaer continent, he still reluctantly chose no.

“You refused to absorb unknown energy! Do you choose to transform it into physique?”

Can it be transformed into physique? Andre startled, I quickly chose yes.

Too low physique and power’s attributes have always been his heart disease. The former represents a person’s strength and muscle strength. If they are too low, it means that they cannot carry too many items during long-distance travel. Especially when the spoils of war can’t be taken away, the feeling is absolutely painful.

As for the latter, it represents a person’s health, such as immunity, visceral tolerance, recovery speed after injury, etc. People with too low physique are facing certain death spells At times, they tend to be very weak.

“You have chosen to convert unknown energy into physique!”

“In the process of transformation!”

“Congratulations! You have got two physique points! Currently The physique attribute is ten!”

As the last line of information flashed out, Andre suddenly found that the rays of light of long sword suddenly brightened up a lot, followed by an indescribable pleasure continuously. Passed over, the skin, muscles, blood, internal organs, skeleton, and even every cell were singing happily, and the transformation of the body was completed in just a few seconds.

When he let go of his hand, he was shocked to find that his originally thin body had become stronger, and he seemed to be a little taller, the most obvious of which were the shoulders and chest muscles, which seemed to have A bit of a man’s appearance.

“It’s an incredible change… and the broken bone in my left arm is also connected…”

Just in Andre muttered to himself, sighing “The King of Blood When the powerful power of the sword of the sword, Kris suddenly appeared behind him, lowered his voice and explained, “The formidable power of this sword is indeed very terrifying. If it falls into the hands of a warrior with a powerful martial skill, he can Become a meat grinder on the battlefield. I believe you have just felt the thrill of taking the lives and vitality of others. Remember, don’t be addicted to it. I don’t want to become an enemy with you one day.”

“Hehe, please don’t worry about this. This temptation is nothing compared to my pursuit of knowledge and Arcane.” As Andre pulled out the long sword from the corpse and inserted it back into the sheath, squatted down and began to examine the other party The portable item.

After the death of the black clothed man, his body was completely restored to a human form. Apart from a lot of scars and a strange skin color, his body was basically the same as a normal person.

After a simple search, Andre found a spell book, a notebook, a pure black magic cloak, a few gems storing shadow substances, and a self-protection. Dagger, a wand made of human spine.

Although there are not many things, it is enough to provide some clues, especially the notebook, which not only records the arrangement of some magic arrays and the use of shadow energy, but also contains a lot of complaints and curses. As for the object, it was obviously the planner hidden behind the scenes.

The notebook is very thick, with hundreds of pages, plus the scribbled handwriting, you will never finish it for a while.

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