Arcane Lord

Chapter 280

Know that the wizards of Olaer Continent are not the powerless scientists on Earth. The higher the intelligence, the more terrifying the future development potential.

Many legendary masters who are famous in history have emerged when they were young. Just imagine how much risk it takes to take research results from them?

Maybe it will bring disaster to myself and my family!

Over time, several customary rules and unwritten rules have been formed. Unless the benefits are large enough to make people abandon everything, they will never be easily violated.

After all, the invention of new Arcane, potion formulas, and enchanting formulas is a good thing for all wizards. The arch wizards are also actively protecting and encouraging invention and creation. Most of the time, the hatred between the wizard and the wizard is not Not from jealousy, but from differences in rights and ideology.

For example, traditional wizards think that they should not be too involved in the war between ordinary persons, obediently and honestly staying at home and doing research is good, while new wizards think that they can completely replace the nobles in order to set off a magical civilization. For the great revival of China, neither of the two parties can convince anyone. In the end, only the oldest method, that is, violent means, will be used to decide the outcome.

Apart from this, the battles between the Eight Great Sect Departments of Magic are also quite frequent, especially those opposing schools, which have been disagreeable with each other for a long time, but fortunately, so far they are only verbal.

“It is a great honor to meet you, Andre master! My name is Evelyn, and I am mainly responsible for mass production of low-level magic potions. If I have time in the future, I welcome you to give some guidance.” The young female mage took two steps forward and said flatly.

Andre waved his hand modestly: “I dare not be a master, I just took out part of the research results of my tutor, and I will definitely check it out when I finish this time.”


Evelyn smiled with satisfaction and nodded: “Thank you very much, then I will look forward to your visit first.”

In the following time, Andre will be patient with you every time A mage knew each other, chatted casually, and it took a full half an hour to get rid of all the guys with green eyes.

Sitting on the chair, he rubbed the stiff facial muscles with a smile, and sighed softly, “I am terrifying with enthusiasm. I hope that there will be no similar situations in the future.”


Boris gave a contemptuous sneer, and explained in a very ironic tone: “Except for a small part of the entire Mage Association who is obsessed with research and experimentation, the rest They have long been obsessed with the struggle for rights and interests. Their enthusiasm is only because of your ability to show in pharmacy. Believe me, if you lose this, they will immediately throw you into the rubbish. Heap.”

“But if I can stay where I am, they will treat me as their closest friend, don’t they?” As Andre’s eyes suddenly became deep, his face was hanging The faintly discernable smile is a bit like despising the mages who put the cart before the horse, and a bit like laughing at himself.

“Hehe, it seems that you are very confident in pharmacy, then I will wait and see. But don’t forget the deal between us, if you don’t see the You should know how serious the consequences are.”

As an old man whose lifespan is about to come to an end, Boris’s desire to extend his lifespan surpasses everything, and even has some signs of losing his mind.

Andre believes that when the time comes, if you can’t come up with a solution, the seemingly friendly archmage in front of you will definitely dismantle himself, and then drag a large group of people to bury him, so without the The slightest hesitation promised: “Please rest assured, I am a person who keeps promises, you will definitely get what you desire most.”

“I hope so! Come with me, just that Teflin has been completed After training, I’ll take you to take a look, and by the way, I’m solving the trouble of Fire Element bloodline.”

After that, Boris filled up all the genius potions on the table and walked straight to the basement. Go, after a while, he took Andre and disappeared to the corner of the stairs, leaving only one big and one small two loli in the empty hall.

Passing through a dark and narrow staircase, President Boris whispered an ambiguous code word on the wall at the end. The granite wall immediately flashed a bright white light, which instantly became A wooden gate.

Undoubtedly, these are the magical secret doors that are often heard in the stories of bards. They are usually disguised as walls, mirrors, cabinets, bookshelves, windows, if you don’t know the correct incantion or It’s a mechanism, you can’t even find it, let alone open it.

Mages will keep their most precious things, perhaps a large amount of Gold Coin, or some expensive treasures, and hide them secretly to prevent thieves from patronizing.

However, public towers like Linton City actually have similar secret doors. It really made Andre startled and couldn’t think of anything hidden behind it.

Boris seemed to understand his thoughts at the moment, slightly smiled, and reminded him in a half-cracking a joke tone: “Remember, don’t be too surprised at what you see for a while, because you are about to watch What we have arrived is the true power of the Mage Association.”

After saying this, he gently opened the door, and an underground training ground with a huge area was immediately revealed.

Under the shining of the wall all around Level 2 Arcane-the “immortal flame”, more than forty fully armed fighters are undergoing combat training. Among them are males and females. There are also many varieties, from sturdy dwarves to clever dwarfs, to flexible halflings, elegant elves, almost everything, and the training object is actually a huge steel golem over four meters tall.

All the warriors present are mostly four people as a squad, and they cooperate with each other to deal with a solid golem shimmering with metallic luster, although the hardness of steel determines that they cannot really refine the golden magic made by these magics. What kind of damage did the puppet cause, but it can exercise attack and dodge very well. At a glance, ding ding dong dong is very lively.

Andre squinted his eyes and scanned the entire training ground, and soon he found more than forty fighters, each of whom had no less strength than the feudal Knight.

Those golems are even the most terrifying killing machines. They have no fear, no fear of death, or even the ability to think independently. They will only completely follow the commands they control, plus a The body made of pure steel, except for the spell and the Hercules holding a heavy and blunt weapon, others can leave a scar on the surface at best.

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