Arcane Lord

Chapter 300

“So fast! Is it the 31st? It seems that even in another world, the attributes of my house are still terrifying.”

After whispering to himself, Andre rubbed his dry and swollen eyes, a trace of helplessness and self-deprecation appeared on his face.

In his previous life, he was very focused on doing things. He often devoted himself to something and would immediately forget the ebbing of time. He would not eat, drink, or sleep until he finished or It is the physical exhaustion and the fall, otherwise it will never stop.

Perhaps it is this characteristic that makes him have extremely terrifying memory and learning ability. Whether it is the books and materials he has read, he will firmly remember. After he grows up, he can still learn the names and learning The number and seat are reproduced in the brain, and they are particularly good at observation and analysis. With no difficulty, you can analyze the opponent’s personality from the movements and expressions. Basically, at most two of the ten people have a slight deviation.

I have to say that this is a very terrifying innate talent, enough to make Andre mix like a fish back in water in many cases, but it also increases the probability of being deceived by the illusion of the surface.

Fortunately, he always knows where his limits are. He never pretends to be particularly smart and experienced people, because these guys generally have several masks and acting skills in daily life. Comparable to the Oscar actor, he knows how to conceal his inner thoughts.

Borg, who was standing outside the door, obviously heard the sentence just now, and hurriedly explained with a wry smile: “Yes, today is the 31st. You have been inside for two full days. At night, and during this period of time, dripping has not entered, I am afraid that the body will be overwhelmed if we continue.”

Andre simply cleaned up the things on the table, and said to the “Magic Potion” incantation.

In an instant!

This large and heavy book folds in half with a bang. Both volume and thickness have been reduced by a generation, followed by another half-fold, another, another…

In the blink of an eye, it becomes the size of the palm of your hand. You are fascinated like a pocket diary. It is incredible to the extreme.

In fact, Andre also found out after repeated research that, for the convenience of carrying, this book actually has a zoom technique. As long as you read the last page of the incantion recorded with invisible ink, you can immediately enlarge it. Or zoom out.

Cautiously stuffed the shrunken book into his personal pocket, he opened the door directly, and said to Steward with a tired face: “Thank you for your concern. Please prepare hot water for me. Take a shower and eat. After the stuff, I will take the carriage to the parliament building to completely solve the mess. In addition… forget it, I will figure it out by myself!”

“Your Excellency, if you have any needs, please Be sure to tell me, don’t worry, I’m a hereditary steward and have served the Mali Ye Family for seven generations. There is absolutely no problem with loyalty or ability. I can definitely keep any secrets.” Borg bowed meticulously.

Obviously, he saw Andre’s hesitation, and at the same time, he also understood that this matter might be troublesome, but the responsibility of being a steward still took the initiative to stand up.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Andre took a deep breath, plucking up courage, and whispered the voice in the ears of old steward: “The medicine I am studying requires a woman about ten days before the coming month. The discharged eggs, if you have a way, help me get some soaked in salt water.”

“Wh…what!!” A terrified look appeared on Borg’s face instantly. Although he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked.

“You heard that right, that’s the thing. The magic potion I am developing needs it.” Andre rubbed his brows, his eyes showing helplessness.

As long as there is a substitute, he will not choose to ask others for help. According to the book, the egg represents life and is the heaviest part of the activation medicine. Each bottle needs one.

Borg lightly patted his forehead, and muttered to himself with a wry smile: “Oh my God…this is really an extremely difficult task. I have lived for so many years and have faced a brutal Pirates, despicable cunning nobles, liars full of lies, but none is more difficult than getting a woman’s eggs. Well, just treat it as a challenge. After all, I am also curious about this wonderful magic potion. “

“hahahaha! I guarantee that the effect of the medicine is beyond imagination, and I will definitely invite you to watch the effect after the development is successful.” After speaking, Andre patted old steward on the shoulder, and walked towards the bathroom with great energy. go with.

As the study of Arcane’s power becomes more and more in-depth, he increasingly feels that the ancient magical civilization is not inferior to Earth in the 21st century.

Of course, Earth may be more developed in the popularization of civilian technology, but the cutting-edge military force and technology are not inferior at all. On the contrary, it may be stronger.

The most powerful weapon of destructive power on Earth is hydrogen bomb. The most powerful weapon of destructive power of ancient magic civilization is Legendary magic. Some of them can even create magic black holes, summon meteorites hit the earth, and induce underground volcanoes. Eruptions, major earthquakes, blizzards, using negative energy to kill all the living creatures you come into contact with…

In short, the ancient magical civilization can do all the methods that Earth can’t even think of. It’s even better, even things like creating life are no exception.

Through in-depth understanding of magical energy, powerful wizards can give life and wisdom to anything such as stones, trees, steel, lava, and let them learn, think, and have their own unique personality like humans. With soul.

What a great achievement!

But it is a pity that with the last magical decline, countless research results have been lost, and the activating potion that Andre is currently studying is just one of them, that is, creating life.

Although the efficacy of the medicine can only last for half an hour at most, it is equal to half a foot into the realm of God called by Earth scientists. How can people not be excited, and how can they not excitement.

He feels like he is more and more like the scientists who fell into madness in the movie before the journey. Sometimes the brain often pops up a lot of weird ideas, I hope you don’t create Frankenstein and the like Lifeform is great…

After all, the magical world is so colorful and profound, making people unconsciously immersed in it and unable to extricate themselves, followed by slowly losing the judgment of good and evil, and then humanity Will gradually disappear and become a cold researcher who only knows to pursue results.

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