Arcane Lord

Chapter 304

To give the simplest example, in the Early-Stage of the 20th century, whoever mastered the newspaper mastered public opinion, and then controlled the thoughts of most ordinary persons.

With the advancement of science and technology, in the 21st century, newspapers are no longer the only source of information. Television, movies, radio, and more and more media have joined the ranks of controlling public opinion. After the rise of the Internet, those who had been kept in the dark were surprised to find that the government had always deceived itself as an idiot for so many years.

This truth tells us that in the case of serious mismatch between education and information, deception is so easy, just as most residents of Linton City believe that this municipal building is democratic and free. The highest embodiment is the same.

Actually, they don’t even know that they are just the object squeezed by the upper-level rulers. Ninety-nine percent of the profits generated by the work of day after day go into the pockets of nobles and merchants. The laborers were paid just enough to make ends meet.

In this world where monopoly and privilege prevail, there is no so-called fair competition. The road from the lower to the upper is almost negligible. Although Andre is already a member of the privileged class, Up to now, I have not completely changed my mind, and I have always rejected some practices.

But as a smart man, he always hides these dissatisfaction in his heart and never shows it.

Because he understands a truth, there has never been an individual who betrayed a class in the world, and there has never been a class that betrayed a class. If he betrayed the class he is in now, he must suffer extremely terrifying consequences alone.

Olaer continent is a world where supernatural forces prevail. The bottom-up rebellion is absolutely impossible to succeed, so I have no choice but to look out of sight and out of mind.

“Everyone! Bacaro City is not the first time to provoke us, nor is it the first time to launch a trade war. But I want to remind that this time is different from any previous time. I delivered the battle book in an extremely arrogant tone! Now let the Supreme Clerk Ian Rackett read the content aloud. Please be sure to control your emotions and don’t interrupt before you finish reading.”

As a political veteran, Georgie Bridle is obviously very good at mobilizing the atmosphere. Just a few words have provoked a lot of people’s hatred and hatred of Bacaro City.

As the Duke of the powerful Ranked second of Linton City, Ian Rackett is also called the “cold man”, or a puppet without emotion.

It is said that he values ​​the rules very much. In the early years, he even personally executed his four-year-old biological daughter. The reason was that this naive little fellow violated the family ban and used the patriarch seal ring without authorization. A document was stamped, and this document brought tens of thousands of Gold Coin losses to the family.

Without any anger or hesitation, he just asked his retainers to read the content of the ban, and then ignoring his wife’s plea, he strangled the girl’s neck with silk alive, and then wept bitterly. He was buried in the family cemetery. From then on, no one dared to easily violate the rules he made.

All the nobles understand what this is all about. Ian Rackett had just become a duke and lacked prestige, so he used his young daughter to build his prestige. It was extremely inhumane, completely It’s a complete choppy.

Of course, the effect is indeed not good. If a person is so fierce as to kill his own flesh and blood, he will be in awe no matter what. Therefore, most nobles are very afraid of this lunatic and put second only to the speaker. The top clerk gave it to him.

This man in his fifties took care of silver’s short hair meticulously, walked to the center of the hall blankly, gave a salute to everyone, and then took out a manuscript , Said loudly:

“To the greedy vultures of Linton City…”

He just started his head, and the nobles who came to the meeting instantly exploded. They started to stand up and yell.

“Asshole! What do the bacaro chopsticks want to do? They dare to call us vultures!”

“Yes! This is a naked provocation! Give them some color! “

“War! We want war!”

“Sink their battleship! Grab their merchant ship! Let these a frog in well and see how the strongest navy in the South is What is it like!”

“Cut off the trade routes of Barcaro City! Let these idiots know the fate of angering us! The Barcaro City Council can learn what to do when the citizens riot due to lack of supplies. It’s called respect!”

For a while, most of the people present showed an angry look, and the noises were endless, even those who opposed to initiate trade The factions in the war couldn’t help but start clamoring, they wanted to show the other side a bit of color.

Looking at the chaotic scene in the hall, Andre eyes opened, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, revealing a sardonic smile, murmured and exclaimed: “Hehe, black can be said to be white, As expected, who has the big fist in this world, the reason lies on whose side.”

Since the last time he went back to the city to find the secret mastermind plan, he went to the library of the Mage Association to check the two cities. The whole and the end of the grievances between, the result is really not knowing, I was shocked at first glance.

In fact, the reason why the two sides hate each other is not because Baccaro City spied on the wealth of Linton City, as the official propaganda. Instead, it was the navy of Linton City more than 100 years ago. He ransacked the opponent’s gold ship first, forcibly occupied the small island with rich gold reserves, and completely mined it within twenty years.

As the saying goes, it’s like killing a parent, even more how they grabbed a small amount of money, but a whole gold mine, at least tens of millions Gold Coin.

Just ask who can endure this humiliation, so Bacaro City has repeatedly challenged the status of Linton City as the marine hegemon, with the purpose of avenging the revenge of the year.

But looking at the scene at this moment, Baccaro City just told the facts, and as a result, the nobles of Linton City are like cats with blown up hairs, baring fangs and brandishing claws want Run each other to death, as if they were the victims.

Such a strikingly similar scene reminds Andre of a certain superpower on Earth, who also provoked wars for self-interest, but puts on the appearance of maintaining world peace. When he was attacked with revenge, he immediately yelled a terrorist attack in his throat, and then launched crazy revenge.

Through the developed Internet, he has seen the bloody essence of the hypocritical surface of countless national leaders across the world, and sneered secretly for these people’s clown-like performances in front of the media.

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