Arcane Lord

Chapter 327

No one can refuse the temptation of salt. Merchants cannot, nor can nobles. Even the king will go crazy when he hears that there are natural salt lakes, and war may break out.

Senior George knows how much benefit the distribution of salt can bring to conservatives, so he touched his beard and turned around for a few times, and finally fiercely patted the table in the private room: “That’s OK. Yes! When I go back, I will contact other families to try to meet your needs as much as possible. Whether it’s ships, sailors, or various supplies, as long as you speak, we will definitely find a way to get them.”

In his opinion, as long as a stable supply of salt can be obtained, no matter how high the price is, it is worthwhile, especially in the inland towns north of Linton, which is severely salt-deficient, every 50 to 100 kilometers deep. The price of salt will be doubled, which is more than the money earned by robbery.

“This is all about the cooperation. The auction has already started, and I plan to buy some useful things.”

Seeing the two old men glowing green His eyes were getting more and more cramped, and Andre decisively ended the topic. He has seen too many people’s madness towards salt, and it seems that this is the same way when Countess Anastasia got the salt drying method.

“No problem! As I said before, all consumption today is counted on our account. You can choose what you like, even if you want to buy the bear hound cub Question!” Old George patted his chest and promised very proudly.

Be aware that he is a famous miser in Linton City. Fortunately, he is now in the private room on the second floor. Otherwise, he will be seen by other nobles, and he will be shocked speechless.

Just as the two of them were talking, some of the auction items have been sold one after another, but there is basically nothing worth paying attention to. Among them, the most sold price is a rare purple eyeball size. The pearl was bought by a mage for 25,000 Gold Coins, and it appeared to be used to make magic equipment.

After completing another jewellery transaction, the service staff quickly placed a piece of silk-wrapped thing on the front desk with ease.

Since I couldn’t see what was inside, the curiosity of everyone present was immediately hooked.

Seeing the suspicious eyes under the stage, Auctioneer Zoe Bracken slightly smiled, introduced with a seductive voice: “Everyone! This item to be auctioned next is very special. It is A rare tree that grows near the volcano on Belt Island in the south. When the lava erupts, this tree will absorb a large amount of Fire Element energy. When the energy accumulates to a certain level, its trunk will split and expose The dark red tree core inside.

I believe that many people know the magical properties of the lava tree core. It is not only the best material for making wands and wands, but also just cut a small piece and place it. On her body, even in the cold winter in the north, she can feel very warm.”

Speaking, she lifted a corner of the linen cloth to reveal a small dark red tree with the thickness of three fingers, as long as it was not blind You can see the flashing fire stars gathered around.

“The arcane is on! It is really the core of the lava tree!” A member of the Mage Association stood up abruptly, crying out in surprise with an incredible voice.

It’s not just him, all the wizards who come to participate in the auction stand up almost collectively, even Andre in the private room on the second floor is no exception. It is foreseeable that the next bidding will be very fierce.

Old George apparently discovered this, and he hurried over to ask: “This thing is important to you?”

Andre nodded without hesitation: “Yes! Very much.” Important! With the upper limit of 50,000 Gold Coin, help me get it! If it exceeds this amount, forget it.”

Although the core of the lava tree is one of the best materials for making Fireball wands, If it exceeds 50,000 Gold Coin, he would rather choose another alternative, anyway, the material of the wand itself only determines the maximum storage limit of Arcane.

In other words, if you use other magical plants, the Fireball wand you make may only store up to 30 rounds. If you use the core of the lava tree, you may be able to store up to fifty rounds. even more.

As for the formidable power of Fireball, it is determined by the caster’s level. The higher the mage level, the greater the stored Fireball formidable power.

“Okay! Don’t say fifty thousand Gold Coin! Even if it is one hundred thousand Gold Coin, I will help you get it!” Old George saw the importance of this sale and immediately made a guarantee .

As a great aristocrat with farsightedness, he knew very well that everything related to magic cannot be measured by money. Sometimes a little sacrifice can often be exchanged for unimaginable huge rewards.

“Do what you can, I’ll give you a small gift after it’s done.”

Andre also knows that he wants to take the tree of the lava tree among so many wizards. The heart is bound to bleed heavily, so he plans to make two pieces of magic equipment as compensation for the old man beside him.

Perhaps the performance of the mages made everyone think that this sale is very rare, or it is possible that the merchants and nobles here know the purpose of the core of the lava tree. In short, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly changed It got enthusiastic, and the original lukewarm auction finally entered the climax.

Undoubtedly, this is the usual method of auction. It uses one or two items of inestimable value to stir up the atmosphere, paving the way for the next expensive item or finale item.

I have been working for Auctioneer for so many years, and he is more than a hundred years old. Zoe Bracken knows this well, pauses for a few minutes to let the atmosphere fully brew, and then picks up the mallet. , Knocked hard on the table.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

“Quiet! Please be quiet! Now I announce that this is the base price of 10,000 yuan for a lava tree with a length of 1.5 meters and a diameter of 3 cm. Five thousand Gold Coins, each increase in price must not be less than five hundred, and the auction begins!”

As the last word falls, the hall instantly boils, and people who increase the price are endless.

“I give out seventeen thousand!”

“I give out nineteen thousand!”

“Twenty thousand!”

” Twenty thousand two!”


As countless people yelled, the price went up all the way, and in just a few minutes it passed the 30,000 mark, and it didn’t stop at all. The meaning of coming down is crazy and unbelievable.

In this situation, Andre couldn’t help being frowned, and he lowered his voice and complained, “Damn it! Don’t these guys know that this thing can only be used by the wizard to achieve its true value? They have nowhere to have more money. Flower, I still deliberately made trouble!”

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