Arcane Lord

Chapter 330

Kyrgyz laughed wildly, sat down again, raised his chin slightly, and assumed a condescending posture, eyes full of provocative and contemptuous rays of light.


After coldly snorted, Old George returned to the seat, swept away the angry expression just now, and asked with a playful look: “I feel you obviously have just now hidden meaning, let’s talk about it, what is going on? Who is robbing Kyrgyzstan, maybe I can help a little bit.”

Andre mysteriously laughed, pointing to the front desk in the lobby with a black cloth Cage: “Do you remember the finale auction item?”

“Of course! Isn’t it just a young bear hound? I have even seen eggs that fight a dragon, only those rateless low-level nobles Only with the merchant will be interested in it.” With that, Old Joey glanced at the guys below who were not qualified to enter the private room on the second floor, full of disdain.

As the name suggests, the warrior is a carnivorous dinosaur cultivated through hybridization. It can carry powerful warriors or Knights on the battlefield. Even the sky overlord giant dragon must be very careful when seeing it. Otherwise, it is not strange to be bitten to death.

It has strong and powerful hind limbs, short and sharp front paws, strong and powerful jaws, and thick and tenacious teeth. The thick, scaly skin covers all the way from the back to there. The tail section with bone spurs is five and a half meters tall in adulthood, over ten meters in length (including the tail), and weighs more than 12 tons.

In order to enhance combat effectiveness, these terrifying predators will also be put on heavy half-length armor, rushing up to a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, and excellent endurance.

You must know that the weight of a light tank is only between 10 tons and 20 tons. It can easily grind ordinary vehicles into scrap iron when it dashes at full speed. If it is pressed by a person, this person will 100% skeleton doesn’t exist.

Just imagine, when a Tyrannosaurus rex with metal armor suddenly rushes into the battlefield, what kind of spectacular scene will it be?

It will definitely not be much worse than the tank rushing into the advanced army square, and it will jump, bite, and tear the enemy’s stomach with sharp front paws…

Yes, this is the war cavalry dragon, the ultimate cavalry of the entire Olaer continent. Only the two eastern kingdoms master the reproduction and domestication technology of this creature. Both sides aspire to be the only country with war cavalry dragons, so every other segment A fierce war will erupt in time. Many people take advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity to steal the dragon-riding egg and take it to other places for auction. It is said that the low price alone will cost more than 100,000 Gold Coins.

Andre has been fascinated by these strange things a long time ago. He has naturally heard of the name of the warrior dragon, and he also knows how big a sensation their eggs appear every time they appear in Auction House.

However, it is a pity that this kind of action does not mean that it will be rewarded, and it may also bring disaster.

First of all, hatching dragon egg is a huge problem. Due to technical confidentiality, 99% of the people do not know the incubation conditions. Some people choose to use fire to heat them, but they are cooked alive.

Secondly is the domestication method. After all, it is a huge monster comparable to Tyrannosaurus. The challenge level in the monster book is sixteen, and as a reptile, his intelligence is terribly low. , In many cases, relying solely on instinctive actions, you may swallow the owner with a mouthful of sudden madness.

In Andre’s view, terrifying carnivores like this full of uncertain dangers are far inferior to bear hounds.

Although the latter’s combat effectiveness is much lower, it is at least smart enough to understand relatively complex commands. Generally speaking, as long as you cultivate good feelings, there is absolutely no danger.

Thinking of this, he shook the head with a chuckle and said: “Sometimes, the power is not as strong as possible. First of all, you have to have the ability to control it. Forget it, it’s okay to tell you these estimates Use it, let’s get it right. Just when you were confronting Kyrgyzstan, the parents of the bear hound showed up, and I happened to give them some useful advice. Guess what, our blood marquis and his entourage , Can you withstand the sneak attack of two bear hounds in the dark?”

Hearing these words, Old George’s eyes began to shine in an instant, and he immediately laughed and clapped his hands: “hahahaha ! You are really bad, but I like it.”

“Bad? No, no, no, I prefer to call this a chivalrous righteousness. Think about it, if Kyrgyzstan spends it just for anger A large sum of money, but in the end was attacked by two bear hounds and lost all the goods they bought. What will happen?” Then Andre gently stroked the smoky quartz ring on his finger, two orange-yellow pupils Under the dim light, it kept flickering, exuding bursts of strange charm.

Old Joe seemed to feel a strange atmosphere, and he was subconsciously clever, and cautiously asked: “You…you plan to follow along during the bear hound sneak attack?”

Andre without the slightest hesitation’s nodded: “That’s right! To be precise, I will rush in and help a little bit as soon as the bear hound starts, and take away all the items by the way. Of course, I need your support , Otherwise I’m afraid I can’t take that many things out.”

As a careful-thinking mage, he will perform countless simulations in his brain before doing any actions to find those weak Link, and then think of ways to make up.

The most difficult part of this operation is how to take everything out of Auction House after the robbery is completed without disturbing anyone.

After all, the short-distance transmission of the ring has a fatal weakness, that is, it must be within the range of the eyes to complete the precise transmission, plus whether it is a gold Divine Idol or more than one meter There is no way to hide the long lava tree core, so a helper is needed to take care of it.

Old George apparently never participated in a similar action. He seemed a little nervous. He kept shaking his legs and licking his lips from time to time. Finally, he patted his thigh fiercely: ” Damn! It sounds really exciting! But as long as Kyrgyzstan suffers a big loss, I am willing to do anything!”

After hearing the affirmative reply from the other party, Andre smiled and stretched out his right hand: “Hehe, then you are welcome to join the group. I promise that one third will be yours when the things are in hand. Now continue to provoke the lovely Mr. Marquis, and try to get him some more blood, so that the expression on his face after an accident occurs It will be more exciting, isn’t it? In addition, don’t increase the price too high, otherwise we will be the one who accidentally buys it and we will suffer.”

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