Arcane Lord

Chapter 344

Like the story of the bard, if you want to do something amazing, or get rich overnight, then please explore those The relics discovered by people, perhaps the treasure skills in them give you power beyond ordinary people, and they can also give you endless wealth.

Andre saw through the man’s thoughts in front of him at a glance, and waved his hand with a chuckle: “Sorry, Mr. Ian Arnell, I’m afraid I won’t be able to share with you the right to spoils of war on this expedition . You know that it is an ancient mage tower whose value cannot be measured by money at all.”

“Can’t share spoils of war? Oh…damn! You are really a stingy who is good at plot against. Ghost!” Ian curl one’s lip, cursed by the gnashing teeth, immediately asked: “Then how much are you willing to pay? This action is very dangerous, and I also need a comatose son. Support.”

“I will pay a deposit of two thousand Gold Coins before departure. Regardless of the final success or failure, the money will go to you. Apart from this, if I successfully enter the Mage Tower, I will add a thousand Gold coins, after each successful exploration, add a thousand gold coins. In other words, the better your work is done, the higher the reward you will get, how about it, can you accept it?” Andre said calmly Out of their own conditions.

He is very aware of the danger and difficulty of exploring a mage tower, not much worse than the underground ruins that he entered some time ago, and even better in some respects, so he hired an experienced one The adventurer is a must.

According to records in some books, the mage tower is the ultimate test to test a mage’s magic skills. Its construction method dates back to the heaven-shaking, earth-shattering scene more than six hundred years ago. Completely lost in the God War.

It is a paradise for refuge in times of danger. It is a reliable refuge for mages to avoid powerful enemies or huge chaos. It is also a place for making magic items, researching new spells, and exploring endless space and the truth of the universe. The laboratory, in the end, is the treasury where property and treasure are stored.

It can be said that the Master Tower is a super magical creature that integrates residence, research Arcane, vault and many other functions. It draws magical energy from the surrounding environment all the time, even if it faces tens of thousands of people. The siege of the army can also deal with it calmly, even repelling or destroying the opponent.

As a mature-thinking traverser, Andre doesn’t want to put himself in danger due to lack of preparation. He must gather an experienced adventurous squad to deal with various emergencies Situation, and an excellent guide is the most important thing.

When I heard that two thousand Gold Coins could be reached before they set off, Ian immediately blew his whistle and laughed and sighed: “Wow! It’s really great generosity! It seems I didn’t refuse The reason. When do we leave? If you need other manpower, I can help introduce a few, and they are guaranteed to be the most elite adventurers in Linton.”

, Andre shook the head with a chuckle: “Don’t worry, I need at least two to three months to prepare. After all, exploring a mage tower is not an easy job, just the corresponding scrolls have to be prepared. Otherwise, you might not even be able to find the entrance.”

“Two or three months? Damn! What are you talking about now! It’s boring!” Ian curl one’s lip frustrated and stood up. Will leave.

Just as he just turned around, Andre tapped his finger on the table, made a bang, and then suggested that: “Why not, I will hire you as a guard for a period of time. Let’s start with the calculation based on 1,500 Gold Coins per month. In special circumstances, additional items will be added. What do you think?”

“1,500 Gold Coins per month? Hire me?” En’s surprised mouth couldn’t close together, and his eyes were as big as a light bulb.

Know that where there are people, there are classes. Even the professionals of Heaven’s Chosen Child are also divided into three or six or nine classes. The highest class is naturally the master with the power of terror, and the second is bestowed by the gods. The priest of the divine technique is once again the druid known as the son of nature, and the warlock is ranked fourth…

In short, those with the ability to cast spells are usually ranked first, and all melee professionals are In the back, there seems to be a huge gully, dividing all professionals into Two Great Factions.

Knight-errant may be an ultimate weapon when in the wild, especially as a scout. It can definitely complete many reconnaissance missions that are similar to impossible. If necessary, it can also be incarnation as a terrifying slayer, killing silently. Light a large group of enemies falling asleep.

But they have a fatal flaw, that is, once they leave the wilderness with complex terrain, their combat effectiveness will immediately drop by more than one level, especially in close combat, even fighters one or two levels lower than themselves. Can’t beat it, so few people are willing to hire him as a bodyguard at a high price.

Apart from this, the preference for long-range weapons is often criticized. After all, in the eyes of most upper-class people, they are weapons used by cowards and despicables, and are subject to material and craft restrictions, unless it is magic Crossbows, otherwise most bows and arrows have limited threat to professionals above Fifth Level, and it is difficult to cause real fatal wounds.

In this way, it is naturally difficult for the profession of knight-errant to gain too high a status in the city. Even if it is occasionally needed, it is temporarily hired, and is not willing to be kept like a soldier or Knight. Otherwise, as Ian Arnell’s Level 9 professional, he would have long become a retainer of a certain nobleman, and it would take him to struggle all day to make a living.

Andre is very satisfied with the expression on the other party’s face at the moment, smiling nodded: “Yes! I not only plan to hire you at the price of 1,500 Gold Coins per month, but also plan to hire you for a long time. I know if you are interested?”

As a person who likes to make detailed plans in advance, he knows that he is likely to often go to the wild to explore the ruins and collect the lost skills of ancient magical civilization. By the way, take a look at the humanities and scenery of this vast continent, so having a knight-errant following around will definitely avoid a lot of trouble, so I took the initiative to solicit.

Obviously, Ian was very excited about this proposal. The corners of his mouth have been twitching slightly. After one minute, he smiled bitterly and sighed and refused: “Thank you very much for your kindness, but please allow I apologize, I have a son who has fallen into a coma, so I can’t leave home for too long, let alone leave the city for a long time.”

“In a coma? Can the priest not cure him?” Andre There was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

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